Community > Posts By > VonSchulten

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:57 PM
I, of course, as usual exuse my misspellings.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:57 PM

See, in my belief, God doesn't need to accept anyone.
God doesn't require anyone to accept it.
Its not about acceptance, its about existence.
My God exists, I exist, that's enough.

When I die, "I'm" not going anywhere. "I" will be dead, there will be no "me" to do, think or be anything. "I" won't have any senses because those died when the body that has them died.

There are energies that exist in "me".
Energy can't be destroyed but it can change.
The energy that drives the "me" will dissipate into the energy of the Universe.
The energy that is in the atoms that is "me" will take longer but that too will dissipate into the Universe.
But, that energy will not be "me".
It will be energy.
Part of that will be a star, part will be a rock, a puff of gas in a giant interstellar cloud, part will be in every aspect of the Universe including the atoms that make up life.
But it won't be "me", "I'll" be dead.

Interesting thought.
As "you" will NOT be "You," but your "me" will always be your "me" you will always exist in some form, right...That's not a question as it is self explanatory.
Ergo, you will, in some form or life, energy, electric impulse, always exixt.
Thus you will always exist by the judgment of what you said and thought yourself out to be or become after death.....

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:36 PM

What three important things should men have, before he
persues a romantic relationship?

Not just referring to Material. Wealth.

That very much depends on where people are from.
I, for one, are very self Ironic, which in 99 % of other countries are concidered as having a low selfesteem... Which actually is the exact opposite.
Only dudes with low selfesteem puts themselves on a pedestal.
Won't see the fault in themselves in front of their partner, and will NEVER admit being wrong.
(No matter how many times you tell others that you're intelligent.... If not, you never will be.)

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:21 PM

Y'know what really gets me thinking.
As much as I detest the concept of religion I wonder if my unique belief might someday come back around to it?
I don't think its likely right now but who knows how my mind will unfold?
I think if I did, it would be very important to me and cause my faith to be that much stronger.
To find religion after having it, changing away from it then returning to it on my own would be significant to me.
I just can't see how that might happen knowing what I know now.

I believe... I have faith. But only in my own God.
I never read the bible, but still I believe.
In a way I'll say that my faith is not tainted....
I LIKE that.
It makes my God pure.

My God accepts EVERYBODY!
I know that sounds crazy, but God did not make me his policeman or FBI Agent.
Only my God can judge..... Not me.
Everybody is welcome in the heaven that I hope for.

It's simply not for me to judge.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:12 PM

People believe “what” they believe based on life experiences. Their perception is altered by many different factors including geography., parents upbringing, parents lack of upbringing etc etc!!! Depending what a person experiences in there life gives them “facts “ to make a decision or belief

This. Really ANY belief, whether framed in the box of religion or not, will be affected by and solidified by these many different factors. I feel belief is only the counter to the natural instinct to wanting to know. For anything there is that we are curious about, we are hardwired, so to speak, to be prepared for BELIEF in what we find or what we are taught or experience or any combination of those things.

I would like to address both posts.

Yes, people as such, DO believe what they are taught in life.
I still think and believe.... aaaand are a living proof of a being that goes against the norm than what I was taught.
Always have and always will... As long as it makes sense.
An old Chinese saying says: Only Dead Fish flows with the current.
I learned that very early, the saying that is, and therefore I may be an exception.
I love that saying and I believe it says it all.
I hate mass phychosises.... Which I find way to many of these days.
One blog... One Tweet... One Post on Face and the world goes bananas.
Small egoes expanding their dismal minds netwide with racial hatred for NO reason, and soforth.
I wish for the day that we all can get along as we are all originally taught to do...smile2

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 07:03 AM
Edited by VonSchulten on Tue 07/31/18 07:04 AM

Woah...I feel tention in the air.
I could be wrong though...:smile:

I'd love it if I could spell... hahaha.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 03:37 PM

What's not to get?
When you do the matching game you don't get to see someone's profile, you see their photo then you have to choose either "yes" or "no".
So no matter what you write in your profile won't matter when people use that match-gadget.

Be grateful you get matches :)
And let's all be grateful there isn't a "EEEWWW!!" button in the gadget. Now you're moaning about getting interest, what if it'd be 50 "EEEWWW!"s a day?
Be happy.
Whether they're for real or not, at least they clicked 'yes'.

To be honest, I wouldn't care if I got a lot of "Eewwws"...biggrin

Then why get ratty about the likes?
One brilliant piece of advice from a dating coach: be happy with the ones who are interested even when you aren't. It IS interest and if you can feel gratitude for interest you can also receive the interest from the ones you do like.
To do with getting on the right vibration, Law of Attraction. When you're in resistance you are not on the vibration of love, meaning you cannot receive it either.

Are you getting the point at all?
I'm talking about girls at 20 something years old, with their **** out,
hitting on a man that is 54... Am I to believe that as being genuine?
If I wanted to see **** I'd go on a porn site.
I'm not getting ratty as such, I'm just saying that it's kind of ridiculous when they look like models.
I can afford a whore, if you get my drift, but I do see your point....smile2 waving

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 03:20 PM

What's not to get?
When you do the matching game you don't get to see someone's profile, you see their photo then you have to choose either "yes" or "no".
So no matter what you write in your profile won't matter when people use that match-gadget.

Be grateful you get matches :)
And let's all be grateful there isn't a "EEEWWW!!" button in the gadget. Now you're moaning about getting interest, what if it'd be 50 "EEEWWW!"s a day?
Be happy.
Whether they're for real or not, at least they clicked 'yes'.

To be honest, I wouldn't care if I got a lot of "Eewwws"...biggrin

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:40 PM

Any stories that happened to you about ghosts?
nothing..... As far as I'm concerned, it's all bs about ghosts...

If God is with you, don't worry about anything.
I don't worry much, no reason to...god can do whatever it feels like, means very little to me...

I care little too. and I think that a God would care as little as we do...Lol.
Who really gives a **** about dead people???

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:31 PM

Any stories that happened to you about ghosts?

I did hear noises in my kitchen in the middle of the night a few years ago. Cabinet opening, fridge door closing, chair being pulled out. My dog cowered in the corner

I built up the courage to slowly walk to the kitchen and as I looked in.. clear as day was a ghost sitting at my table eating a bowl of my Lucky Charms cereal.

I flipped out!!!, a box of Lucky Charms cost almost $5.00!!!!. I screamed at the apparition and threw a lamp at it. It jumped back.. gave me what looked to be the finger.. and then disappeared thru a wall

It never happened again.


VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:29 PM

I think modified humans and or animals will present a big problem in the future...there is talk now of modified soldiers already, stronger, faster, smarter for different war efforts...all it would really take is money for any nation or ultra rich person to hire a few bioengineering geniuses...I know they can " custom order" babies before birth now, to give it whatever hair color, eye color and resistance to different genes flaws...if they are telling us this, then others are 20 years ahead of that, since everything starts at the governments and trickles down...

Yes, that's yet another treath to us all.

At a point the normal man will be, to the 1%, obsolete.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:24 PM

I mean, everything is being changed around.
Old agreements.
The Eastern world getting more power and money.
How do you see the Occidental world develop from this point onwards?
Are the Occidental world at it's end?
I mean... Every civilization is bound to end at some point as history is a certain of. But how and when? If at all.

I see the age of technology as a basic elitist age. The more common of us will successfully be endoctrinated into less human contact and self effort and more reliance on technology and 'artificial intelligence'. I believe the less common and less wealthy will be pushed further down the totem pole of power and the upper echelons further up. We will begin to turn priorities around to value money over people and safety over freedom. The wealthier rungs will get the education and healthcare and reproductive rights, and freedoms we all pretty much assume we should have now and the 'logic' behind the savings on money and the idea of 'merit' will convince most to adopt and agree.

I am hoping we will be able to avoid these things and find common 'middle ground' that values these things simultaneously and more equally, but its not looking good from where I perceive it.

Woaw... That's not a very optimistic view.... But you know what?

I actually agree with you.
It'll be grim, with only the so called "Elite" surviving, and their "stupid" children the only ones to be able getting an education.
Which we all already know are bought and payed for.... In other words, it's not the brightest of minds that will rule as the pool of people will get smaller and smaller that are able to take a degree..

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:15 PM
Had plenty of episodes in a house I used to live in.
Problem is that I get pissed off instead of being scared... I chase out weird **** going on in my house.
They don't chase me out... I Effing bought the house, so piss off, seriously...:wink:

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:11 PM

nuclear war is the likely cause of the end of the world.

One last Holy war will end this present Earth.
In the end God and His children will win.

There will be a New Heaven,
a New Earth,
and a New Jerusalem.

I agree on that one if it ever will happen.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 02:05 PM

nuclear war is the likely cause of the end of the world.

I'm not that sure of that to be honest.
I think that everybody, no matter who, will never go there.
Maybe I'm just being an optimist.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 01:54 PM
I mean, everything is being changed around.
Old agreements.
The Eastern world getting more power and money.
How do you see the Occidental world develop from this point onwards?
Are the Occidental world at it's end?
I mean... Every civilization is bound to end at some point as history is a certain of. But how and when? If at all.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 12:53 PM


Doesn't that head banging hurt...Lol.?

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 12:51 PM
Woman telling me I'm not a darling...Lol.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 12:43 PM

oh, 'that one' ... I thought from the description to 'stop' doing it ,

it was an ongoing and normal trend or something ...

That was one example, there are more but the point is its happening because leftists hates Trump.

How many Right wingers violently protested Obama when he was in office?

by the way there have been a record number of protests particularly against Trump that individual states has enacted anti protest legislation and the ACLU is calling unconstitutional

see ACLU statement

Nice spin I might add.

You leftist hate Trump so bad that its making Trump Derangement Syndrome an actual medical condition

Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “**** Obama!” and “****** president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.

SPIN is trying to point towards one party or the other, when its AMERICANS across the board who engage in poor and violent behaviors in the name of politics

and I do not have HATE for anyone.


VonSchulten's photo
Sat 07/21/18 12:27 PM

Things must really be rough that when you go on to a dating site all these predators are there and it almost makes experience not palatable

Ooh, the