Nude at home
Looking for a girl friend to come hang out and watch movies with me from my area. Your neighbors complain a lot.. don't they |
It does exist in many people's minds, and in writings, and art, but outside of those places there is no proof of actual existence in the real world. Bottom line it comes down to faith, but there is ample evidence of the existence of God. If there is ample evidence for the existence of God then why doesn't everyone believe in God.If as you say the bottom line is that it comes down to faith then there isn't ample evidence.There may be circumstantial evidence which when coupled with faith will satisfy certain people.Even if one accepts that there is a God then whose version of God and what that God possibly requires of us does one accept.I notice that you are involved in several discussions with other believers and there seems to be more dissention than agreement about many things.One would think that after thousands of years of analysis that there would be more consensus among believers regarding the nuts and bolts and how the whole project fits together.It seems to me that many of your statements are very dogmatic and you provide very little evidence to support those statements.Whilst I accept that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,lack of a better explanation is not evidence of the existence of God. Just because there is ample evidence of the existence of God does not mean that everyone will believe. Some people just don't want to believe for various reasons. To exercise or place faith in God does not take away from His existence, in fact it magnifies His existence that much more. God is not plural , for there is only one God. He expects and requires the same from everyone according to His Word . The basics in my opinion should be common sense regarding His commands and testament. It wouldn't be wise to formulate an opinion about God or believers regarding a dating web site where people disagree about certain subjects regarding God and His Word. From my experience in life in general many Christians are predominantly on the same page regarding God and His Word, from creation to the crucifixion of Christ and more importantly the resurrection of Christ and life eternal. As far as you saying that I am dogmatic and provide little evidence for the existence of God shows you know very little about me because I have provided much evidence of the existence of God outside of plain common sense. You must not have seen those posts. However it is not my job to prove to you or anyone concerning the existence of God. You will either believe or disbelieve, however one day all will believe and acknowledge God and will confess with the mouth The Lord Jesus Christ. You are correct in asserting that not everyone will believe based on evidence.We only have to look at the deniers of the holocaust to confirm that but as you say some people don't want to believe.However the vast majority accept the reality of the holocaust based on reasonable evidence.One wonders why the vast majority are not swayed by reasonable evidence regarding the existence of God. "God is not plural for there is only one God" another dogmatic statement which denigrates the many believers in God who do not accept your God. I agree the basics should be the same but in reality they are not.Christians and Muslims acknowledge the God of Abraham but are not on the same page about the crucifixion and resurrection or life eternal.As for the commandments supposedly written in stone,Christians can't even agree on those. I also agree that it would be wise to form an opinion on God based on what I have read here.However my opinion is based on sixty years of experience and is not even remotely influenced by anything I have read here.I am puzzled by your statement regarding provision of evidence outside of plain common sense.You may well have provided evidence for the existence of God in posts I have not read but I don't recall any posts that even attempted to provide such evidence but as I stated absence of evidence is not evidence of absence so those posts may exist. I accept that it is not your job to prove to me regarding the existence of God but I assume that as part of the great commission,part of it would entail proving that your God exists in the first place.I don't accept that believing or disbelieving are the only options,there are many people who declare that there is not enough evidence for them to be confident about their choice. Sir thank you for your response. As I have stated before, common sense declares the existence of God. God Himself has put His existence in your heart. We are created in His likeness. |
Interracial Dating
There is only one race, human.
Those who scream racism in my experience are usually the actual racists. I personally don't have time nor the desire for that childish, ignorant behavior. Seriously. Shouldn't even be a topic. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Eve was created out of a rib from Adam according to the Bible. Gynaecology teaches us that every embryo is a woman the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. After 6 weeks the sex can change or not, but the first six weeks in the womb everyone is a woman. So science / gynaecology teaches us that women precede men, while the Bible claims that men precede women. Isn’t that a contradiction? Genuinely curious how you declare this. To answer your question the answer is no there is not a contradiction . Why? Because the sex of the baby doesn't develop until after six weeks. This includes females. Therefore it would be improper to state that females precede males because the baby isn't at the sexual development stage until after six weeks. As far as Adam and the rib , God is in the "miracle " realm so He can make a female from a human male rib. He is omnipotent after all. Therefore no contradiction. Us finite creatures must always keep in mind that we have a infinite creator God who's handiwork is involved in all of creation. |
I wonder if she prays ...
Thats easy actually. Along with the job title/position will come the description of required clearance. Whatever job clearance is required in THEIR position to do THEIR job should be provided. Except that they no longer have those jobs. then I don't personally see why they need the clearance or ANY other person not in a clearance job needs clearance. Same here. When the job is gone, the security clearance should be gone, too, regardless of who the person is. Exactly. I'm some what bewildered that they can maintain it after their tenure. |
It should have been revoked the moment that Trump said " so help me God" and the Chief justice said "thank you Mister President" Exactly. |
Bottom line there is only one you.
Would you (as in anyone) hide from yourself? Besides "you" (and them) will always come out eventually, so just (always) be yourself. That's when you truly know if someone digs you. Just straight up being yourself in all facets. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
For example you use the word "attack" .
A lot of people do and they often do out of context. Jesus did not attack the merchants. That would be taking Scripture out of context. Perhaps "smite" would be a 'better' word. An expression of anger and intolerance towards the actions of the merchants in the temple. Eviction from the temple, scolding of their practices, however you want to word it, He lost His temper with them. When I was a kid, my friends and I would go to church by ourselves. One Sunday, we arrived early and got bored. My friend had some dice in his pocket from playing Yahtzee earlier so we were throwing the dice and playing a game to pass time till Sunday School started. The preacher saw us and kicked us all out of the church and told never to come back. Yet the church sponsored Bingo in the basement on Thursday nights? A contradiction. Many times , we think of anger as a selfish , destructive emotion that we should eradicate from our lives altogether. That being said , the fact that Jesus did sometimes become angry indicates that anger itself , as an emotion , is amoral. Without contradiction within Scripture, but rather harmony with this topic Ephesians 4:26 instructs us " in your anger do not sin" and not let the sun go down on your anger. The command is not to "avoid anger" (or suppress it or ignore it) but to deal with it properly, in a timely manner. Great lesson for all of us to be learned here. Once again no contradiction whatsoever. Regarding the money changers at the Temple , Jesus had every right to be angry. 1. His anger had the proper motivation. 2.His anger had the proper focus. 3. His anger had the proper supplement. 4. His anger had the proper control. 5. His anger had the proper duration. 6. His anger had the proper result. 7. And no one was smitten. As a father this is awesome teaching that can be applied to our children (when they are young and when they grow older). Jesus didn't "lose" His temper. He was in control. The money changers were in the wrong and needed to be corrected. Okay, but did Jesus take them quietly to the side and explain to them how they were in error? Who determines what 'proper' anger is and how it is 'properly' expressed? Did he show love for his fellow man? Understanding? Patience? Or...Did he roust them from their perch and kick them out of the temple for desecration? And...On the topic of Jesus, While he was being hated and smitten in the streets dragging his cross to his death was he happy and filled with love or was he sad? In the desert when Satan offered Jesus the temptations how did Satan know which temptations to offer? Did he just pick random things or were they things that Jesus longed for in his heart? How did Satan know what Jesus needed that might tempt him and why didn't God just provide Jesus with what he needed so no temptation would be there in the first place? Why is it said that God feeds the animals but will not feed people in need and they are animals? Don't kill but sacrifice a lamb to me. Don't kill but kill my son so you don't have to sacrifice anymore lambs. Contradictions, contradictions, contradictions... No contradictions whatsoever. No matter how one would want them there , they simply are not. And the "examples" that you provide are faaaaarrrrr from any form of contradictions. You are definitely missing the scope of the Scriptures. Why not ask , can God make a rock so heavy even He cannot lift it??? Seriously |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Faith has no requirements.
LOL, where did you get that idea? Faith has nothing but requirements. Definitely not a "LOL" moment. Faith doesn't have the ability to require. Faith is faith . No requirements. You as in anyone exercise faith (action). You place faith into something or someone (God). People require faith. Faith requires nothing. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Edited by
Mon 07/23/18 04:32 PM
every insider knows the story of Job. Now: 1) Any of us can anytime be an experiment rat for suffering as a result of a pesky bet between god and devil. 2) What kind of an omnipotent god is this that he falls into trap of devil immediately and at once agrees to a bet based on suffering of Job - a totally innocent sinless man. Devil can cheat him immediately with 1-2 sentences. 3) god claims that life is very valuable, but is not ashamed to take lives of Job's 10 children and don't remember around 1500 animals just for a pesky bet. Those 10 children are gone, they are not brought back, i.e. irreversible process. 4) Giving suffering to someone - let alone it to an innocent man like Job - is not an exam, test or lesson, it is just a sadistic torture. From an exam I understand that totally with our free will and liberty of decision we are occasionally offered two choices (good and bad), and choose one way and thus show him our deeds and honesty. 5) god claims of the day of judgement when everybody will be judged. Then why are you so restless to test the honesty of Job in this world, as long as Job would anyway be judged on the day of judgement? what's the point and logic? 6) If god was omnipotent and omniscient, he should have known whether Job was believing with deep honesty and wouldn't ever need his pesky bet with the devil. He should have also known the tolerance threshold of Job for all the suffering and after which point Job would start coming to borders of blasphemy. 7) What was then the reason of this bet? To prove what to whom? Did he at the end tell devil "Didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you? I won, you lost!". 10 innocent children are gone as an instrument of that bet. 8) god is continuously restless about the question mark whether he is loved by every creature. You can't force anybody to love you (which has no association with being a good or bad person). Wait for the day of judgement (whose timing you decide anyway), then judge all of us and punish the ones who were not loving you sincerely, if this is a sin, but otherwise leave us in peace! And moreover god claims to exist on his own without the need for any other existence in this universe, but yet can't stay alone, needs his toys, i.e. us, probably for some bets when he gets bored. 9) All what god can give as answer to Job is nothing else than his famous megalomania and exaggerated praising: "Where were you, when I created the universe?". Who cares whether you create millions of universes or not, as long as you are not ashamed to give tears to the faces of innocent sufferers? 10) Instead of engaging yourself in pesky bets, be a real god and do your responsibility and protect the needy and oppressed ones and people in great difficulty! that's just one example. From wherever you hold the bible, it gets sticky in your hands. Nice example! I think what BlakeIAM is trying to relate is that when specific words in the scriptures are grouped together they have meaning in and of themselves. The fact that they appear in the Bible and are separated by 'books' and 'numbers' makes them significant in themselves. Read as a lone quote they have few contradictions or none according to his view. But people have reasonable intelligence. Faith requires that you ignore the reasonable contradictions and take each passage as a separate meaning. Faith requires that each passage teaches a separate lesson. Reasonable intelligence causes one to look at the collection as a whole. When that is done, contradictions arise that challenge the validity of the entire collection. Couple that with contradictions of doctrine to actions and even more validity is lost. Things stop making sense. Faith requires that you ignore that fact and believe without question that all scripture is valid. Faith is a action. Faith has no requirements. Therefore "faith" does not require you to ignore anything muchless facts (what facts anyway?). Who believes without question? Remember? Study ... When you or anyone studies a topic , you question. It isn't a matter of my view regarding "contradictions", they simply are not within the Scriptures. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
For example you use the word "attack" .
A lot of people do and they often do out of context. Jesus did not attack the merchants. That would be taking Scripture out of context. Perhaps "smite" would be a 'better' word. An expression of anger and intolerance towards the actions of the merchants in the temple. Eviction from the temple, scolding of their practices, however you want to word it, He lost His temper with them. When I was a kid, my friends and I would go to church by ourselves. One Sunday, we arrived early and got bored. My friend had some dice in his pocket from playing Yahtzee earlier so we were throwing the dice and playing a game to pass time till Sunday School started. The preacher saw us and kicked us all out of the church and told never to come back. Yet the church sponsored Bingo in the basement on Thursday nights? A contradiction. Many times , we think of anger as a selfish , destructive emotion that we should eradicate from our lives altogether. That being said , the fact that Jesus did sometimes become angry indicates that anger itself , as an emotion , is amoral. Without contradiction within Scripture, but rather harmony with this topic Ephesians 4:26 instructs us " in your anger do not sin" and not let the sun go down on your anger. The command is not to "avoid anger" (or suppress it or ignore it) but to deal with it properly, in a timely manner. Great lesson for all of us to be learned here. Once again no contradiction whatsoever. Regarding the money changers at the Temple , Jesus had every right to be angry. 1. His anger had the proper motivation. 2.His anger had the proper focus. 3. His anger had the proper supplement. 4. His anger had the proper control. 5. His anger had the proper duration. 6. His anger had the proper result. 7. And no one was smitten. As a father this is awesome teaching that can be applied to our children (when they are young and when they grow older). Jesus didn't "lose" His temper. He was in control. The money changers were in the wrong and needed to be corrected. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
For example you use the word "attack" .
A lot of people do and they often do out of context. Jesus did not attack the merchants. That would be taking Scripture out of context. Perhaps "smite" would be a 'better' word. An expression of anger and intolerance towards the actions of the merchants in the temple. Eviction from the temple, scolding of their practices, however you want to word it, He lost His temper with them. When I was a kid, my friends and I would go to church by ourselves. One Sunday, we arrived early and got bored. My friend had some dice in his pocket from playing Yahtzee earlier so we were throwing the dice and playing a game to pass time till Sunday School started. The preacher saw us and kicked us all out of the church and told never to come back. Yet the church sponsored Bingo in the basement on Thursday nights? A contradiction. Not a contradiction regarding Scripture. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
every insider knows the story of Job. Now: 1) Any of us can anytime be an experiment rat for suffering as a result of a pesky bet between god and devil. 2) What kind of an omnipotent god is this that he falls into trap of devil immediately and at once agrees to a bet based on suffering of Job - a totally innocent sinless man. Devil can cheat him immediately with 1-2 sentences. 3) god claims that life is very valuable, but is not ashamed to take lives of Job's 10 children and don't remember around 1500 animals just for a pesky bet. Those 10 children are gone, they are not brought back, i.e. irreversible process. 4) Giving suffering to someone - let alone it to an innocent man like Job - is not an exam, test or lesson, it is just a sadistic torture. From an exam I understand that totally with our free will and liberty of decision we are occasionally offered two choices (good and bad), and choose one way and thus show him our deeds and honesty. 5) god claims of the day of judgement when everybody will be judged. Then why are you so restless to test the honesty of Job in this world, as long as Job would anyway be judged on the day of judgement? what's the point and logic? 6) If god was omnipotent and omniscient, he should have known whether Job was believing with deep honesty and wouldn't ever need his pesky bet with the devil. He should have also known the tolerance threshold of Job for all the suffering and after which point Job would start coming to borders of blasphemy. 7) What was then the reason of this bet? To prove what to whom? Did he at the end tell devil "Didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you? I won, you lost!". 10 innocent children are gone as an instrument of that bet. 8) god is continuously restless about the question mark whether he is loved by every creature. You can't force anybody to love you (which has no association with being a good or bad person). Wait for the day of judgement (whose timing you decide anyway), then judge all of us and punish the ones who were not loving you sincerely, if this is a sin, but otherwise leave us in peace! And moreover god claims to exist on his own without the need for any other existence in this universe, but yet can't stay alone, needs his toys, i.e. us, probably for some bets when he gets bored. 9) All what god can give as answer to Job is nothing else than his famous megalomania and exaggerated praising: "Where were you, when I created the universe?". Who cares whether you create millions of universes or not, as long as you are not ashamed to give tears to the faces of innocent sufferers? 10) Instead of engaging yourself in pesky bets, be a real god and do your responsibility and protect the needy and oppressed ones and people in great difficulty! that's just one example. From wherever you hold the bible, it gets sticky in your hands. Actually that isn't one example of a contradiction whatsoever. That is an example of someone who apparently didn't understand the story of Job . |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Hey Blake, how about the real contradictions I posted? You said there aren't any, and I posted 2, with 100's more... Melchi (Luke 3:24) and Matthan (Matt. 1:15) were married at different times to the same woman. This would make Heli (Luke 3:23) and Jacob (Matt. 1:15) half-brothers. Heli then died without a son , and so his (half-) brother Jacob married Heli's widow , who gave birth to Joseph. This would make Joseph the "son of Heli" legally and the" son of Jacob" biologically. Thus , Matthew and Luke are both recording the same genealogy (Joseph's) , but Luke follows the legal lineage while Matthew follows the biological. Well, that makes sense but is what you wrote actual scripture or how multiple scriptures are implied. Would anyone encountering this be able to read those scriptures and understand what they imply? Could this be seen as a contradiction by someone less versed in the Bible? If the Bible is meant to be the foundation of a religion sanctioned by God, you would think it would be evident in all interpretations. Then there is the whole coveting his half-brother's wife. Why didn't he find himself a virgin? I'm sure Jacob didn't just look at Heli's wife one day and say hey lets make a kid cause your husband is dead. Plus Joseph being Heli's son legally but Jacob's son biologically makes Joseph the bastard son of Jacob and Heli's wife. My point is, unless you are a biblical scholar that studies biblical history the Bible can be seen as contradictory to itself. You may know more of the story but a lot of people don't. I understand what you are saying. That is why there are Pastors, teachers, elders, deacons, ect... to help aid and teach the Scriptures. The Scriptures need to be studied earnestly and with the proper humble heart and mindset. That being said , one can read the Scriptures and get some milk, but if you want to get the meat you have to study earnestly . It is a lifetime endeavor. Tom I think you are a very intelligent man with a great mind. We can discuss anything regardless if one of us disagrees and still like and have respect towards one another. This is my attitude towards all my fellow man. You are a studious individual. There are things on a scientific level that I may not understand whereas you do and can explain so I and others can understand through your studies and likewise with me and the Scriptures. Do you know everything about science? Absolutely not. Do I know everything about the Scriptures? Absolutely not. Here is a nugget of Scripture that I love. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God , a workman that needeth not to be ashamed , rightly dividing the word of truth. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
This isn't the case. Ones application regarding Scripture has nothing to do with Scripture itself in a contradictory manner.
It isn't a matter of " do what I say , not as I do"..., that has no bearing on Scripture being contradictory. That is a matter of hypocrisy not contradictory. You are trying to use an example I gave as a foundation for my intent. I don't study words. Most people don't study the words they see they look at the intent of the sentences those words imply. Its the same with scripture, law, even love letters. The contradiction may or may not be in the specific wordfs but in the intent of the sentence. I'm not attacking anything or anyone but it seems that you are mind-set to defend, no matter what? This is common in all religion forum discussions. Someone offers up a consideration and it is seen as an attack needing defended. The only time an religious discussion doesn't result in an argument is when someone fully agrees with you? Why is that? There are examples of Do as I say, Not as I do in the Bible. NO, I'm not going to quote them out for you but I know they exist because I have read them. An eye for an eye, thou shall not kill, the sacrafice of a lamb and so on, just to get you started. Contradictions of intent. Didn't Jesus preach love for your fellow man then attack the merchants in the temple? Do as I say, not as I do. Contradictions invalidate for people not blinded by faith. Tom I am just trying to clarify what you are trying to convey , that is all . It is my duty to defend the Scriptures. If the Scriptures are attacked I most certainly will defend them. For example you use the word "attack" . A lot of people do and they often do out of context. Jesus did not attack the merchants. That would be taking Scripture out of context. I will explain why within the hour. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Hey Blake, how about the real contradictions I posted? You said there aren't any, and I posted 2, with 100's more... Melchi (Luke 3:24) and Matthan (Matt. 1:15) were married at different times to the same woman. This would make Heli (Luke 3:23) and Jacob (Matt. 1:15) half-brothers. Heli then died without a son , and so his (half-) brother Jacob married Heli's widow , who gave birth to Joseph. This would make Joseph the "son of Heli" legally and the" son of Jacob" biologically. Thus , Matthew and Luke are both recording the same genealogy (Joseph's) , but Luke follows the legal lineage while Matthew follows the biological. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Ones behaviour recorded in Scripture isn't a contradiction within Scripture.
Sure it is. Your statement is a contradiction. Words are used to construct sentences to convey meaning or content. Often the words written do not convey the same meaning for everyone that reads the sentence. Commonality in reasonable understanding provides validity. How does ones recorded behaviour in Scripture contradict Scripture? How? Okay, first let me state that I am not trying to offend, just offering my view. Scripture, in how I understand it, is the passages appearing in the Bible. Ones behaviour recorded in Scripture makes that behavior scripture because it is used to reinforce or focus on an intent of the scripture. An example is being provided. within Scripture implies that such an example is part of the scripture. If the example shown, contradicts the intent of the scripture the scripture is contradictory. This is why I wrote that your statement was contradiction. Because what is written in scripture is scripture and if it contradicts that scripture is contradictory. Now look at the quote and see if you know what I mean? Ones behaviour, recorded in Scripture isn't a contradiction within Scripture.
I don't have any examples of this to relate to you because I am not interested in reading to find them. I'm sure many others can quote contradictory scripture if they have the imperative, I don't. Where I see the contradiction is the religious mindset verses practical application in reality. The religious mindset is often established thru scripture and sermon. The problem a lot of people have with religion is the tendancy to adopt the "Do what I say, not as I do" code of conduct. This is a contradiction in the practical application of religion. This isn't the case. Ones application regarding Scripture has nothing to do with Scripture itself in a contradictory manner. It isn't a matter of " do what I say , not as I do"..., that has no bearing on Scripture being contradictory. That is a matter of hypocrisy not contradictory. |
Contradictions In The Bible.
Ones behaviour recorded in Scripture isn't a contradiction within Scripture.
Sure it is. Your statement is a contradiction. Words are used to construct sentences to convey meaning or content. Often the words written do not convey the same meaning for everyone that reads the sentence. Commonality in reasonable understanding provides validity. How does ones recorded behaviour in Scripture contradict Scripture? How? |