Community > Posts By > blearyboy

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Sat 10/02/10 02:04 PM
i used to be okay at written stuff and then i was introduced to the computer and the spellchecker and shortly after the mobile phone and texting... it all went downhill after that :(

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Sat 10/02/10 02:00 PM
mkay sry :)

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Sat 10/02/10 01:58 PM
age of a whut? idk.... game i played before this online thingy was tomb raider and gran turismo... Oo

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Sat 10/02/10 01:54 PM
ehh? you mean me? is my grammar bad?

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Sat 10/02/10 01:46 PM
i am hoping to meet someone here who will judge me on who i am on the inside... if that is the only way i am judged that it will all be good!

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Sat 10/02/10 01:43 PM
i was scared by a wild boar outside of this little casa in the moutains in southern spain in the dead of night. i locked all doors sat in a corner with a big stick until morning wuh huh huh! fear is a *****... no advice or psycho babble by me to over come fear i am a scardy cat... just wait for the morning and it will all be good!

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Sat 10/02/10 01:39 PM
meh, i would say YES to your question. trust is the basis for all relationships imho

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Sat 10/02/10 01:36 PM
he he he fail save xbox thats funny! i dun play xbox but play online fps called tremulous which requires no saving just killing of the hordes of newbs / noobs that play... you should install it on your lappy and come play a proper game :p (this is my 2nd post here so i am feeling brave and silly so no offense intended.... ello Oo

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Sat 10/02/10 01:32 PM
Edited by blearyboy on Sat 10/02/10 01:49 PM
i will go by the name of blearyboy while i am here. i am at home on this saturday night after finsihing work and am having a beer watching tv after a long walk by the canal and thought mmm online dating... ok. so here i am. i havent put a photo up yet as i am new to this and a little suspicious if the truth be told. i hope i dont make any mistakes in the ettiqutte of this type of thing so feel free to advise me if anyone would like to. so thats me blearyboy the newb... hello to you all :)

*edit i have replied to a few posts on the forum... juz becuase i didnt realise there was so much here... wooo! silliness might ensure so be gentle with me!