Community > Posts By > musiclover871

musiclover871's photo
Wed 06/06/18 09:21 PM
I hate to tell you, but you're wrong on this....there is never any moment, that two people are more intimate, more emotionally vulnerable and connected, then during love making...whether people want to admit it or not, that connection is there even during so called "casual sex"....and when it's between two people who love each can be pure magic

musiclover871's photo
Wed 06/06/18 09:08 PM
You know what's truly scary? How many of you that replied to this man totally missed the mark on your response... This scenario, is PRECISELY why people, long before they think of stepping into the bedroom together, should openly talk about what they like and don't like, are and aren't willing to try, and anything that is out of the question... The more open you are about it, the more trust you will have between each other, and the more comfortable you will be together. For the woman these are even more important than they are for the man. I tell any woman I'm with that I will not ask them to do anything they're not comfortable with or don't want to do, and I tell them my boundaries as well. To reiterate from another post I placed on this forum, the things I've just discussed, and people understanding that all aspects of a true relationship needs to be you being all about your partner and your partner being all about you...that is especially important in the and intimacy is never about your personal experience, it's about rocking your partner's world, and if you're doing your job, they should be doing thiers...if that's not happening, then you have serious problems.

musiclover871's photo
Fri 06/01/18 01:13 PM
Edited by musiclover871 on Fri 06/01/18 01:17 PM
You are absolutely, 100% right! A real relationship is all about the other person, that whole"me, me, me" attitude Is the problem.... I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but everybody want to do a million things in their life, but unfortunately that's NOT reality, find someone with similar interests and be happy being with them and doing whatever you can with them, and be happy with that and stop trying to reach ridiculous goals.....the only "goal" that's supposed to be in a relationship....IS THE RELATIONSHIP....this isn't rocket science people....
This was in response to tom4uhere on page 2 lol

musiclover871's photo
Tue 05/29/18 12:37 AM
The real problem isn't age or even situation... keep in mind this is only my take, (and I welcome comments) but I've done some hard thinking on this the last few years...the real reason so many people have such trouble with either, having, getting, or maintaining a real true relationship, is because everything we know about them is wrong and backwards. What I mean is, most people don't prioritize them correctly, or they look for people for the wrong reasons... First, we meet someone we connect with, then the first mistake we make, is trying to fit the other person into our life... I believe you should fit your life into the person...the real true sacrifice in a relationship is not the things we compromise on or the things we think we have to give up, that's all bull....the true sacrifice is to commit, to put the other person ahead of ourselves. Your first priority should always be your partner, and you should be there's, that's how you get to be the 80 year old couple in the park that still hold hands and smooch. There can never be a her and I or a him and I there has to be only a WE, or an US. It has to always be a life, in relationship, and especially in bed. And friends and family, even though they were their first, have to respect the new dynamic and the boundaries. You NEVER side against your partner, even if they're wrong....and in the bedroom, you should never be thinking about what you're getting...your job is rocking your partner's world! Their job, is to rock yours and if you're both taking care of your end, it will be incredible...but like I said, it starts with getting out of the "ME" mentality...and that's the real commitment. If you want a real, loving, lasting relationship, you have to be all about your partner, and they have to be all about you! You have to make each other, each other's first priority.

musiclover871's photo
Mon 05/28/18 11:01 AM
On behalf of REAL men, who know how to appreciate their women correctly, I'd like to apologize :)