Community > Posts By > Tintin123454321
Are we in world revolution?
I think its obvious anymore that we are. The problem is if there might be many deaths due to this mass chaos. Maybe u have to be ready to survive off the land if u want to be secure. People having kids at the moment? Completely irresponsible or are they so dumb?
No, my question was something else. That sexual repression was used in order to sell more products or push people to conform to the system. In advertising u always saw an attractive woman, giving u the message that if u want a girl buy this, while the state knew that the majority of male population was at home watching porn, which it gave it to them. The adverisement of those that were famous and got many women was simply lies, much more why should anyone care?
Do u really think we know the real history? Fake history can be used to change the present mentality. U cant trust the media, they lie. How do u know that in renaissance they were doing orgies? Proof from comix magazines is not trustworthy. If u have proof i ll accept it
Who wants to control em? And if its true are the masses so naive? So they dont stand a chance against someone cunning
Then mightymoe why did zuckerberg go to trial in the congress for spying? And its the first time i see a corporation owner going to trial. Making 60 million by selling private data? And i dont even have food to eat. Maybe i should turn to heavy crime to make money too, but how will i escape the law? With bribes? Is there so much corruption? Who's the left? |
And why they dont do the same now? What changed? Maybe a way to keep the masses ocupied with something irrelevant and make em feel as rebels? Help please
Eg, friends was a program about 30 year old idiots but always wearing very expensive clothes for some reason. Or subliminal messages in the simpsons?
European art
Piet mondrian is obviously degenerate art, even an autistic can paint what he did, or maybe autistics are more clever than the masses? Lets put them in govt then or to fly planes, if they are so talented, but i ll never get inside that plane personally
European art
Piet mondrian is obviously degenerate art, even an autistic can paint what he did. Thats not art
European art
If u drop a few drops of paint on a board, can u call this abstract "art"? With this logic, i can say that 2 and 2 is 20, but u cant undertand it. Same with cubism, thats not art, thats ugly. Have u ever heard of the term degenerate art? Art demonstrates the spirit. African art looks very primitive to me or does it depend again o th eye of the beholder? Ok for an autistic person, maybe finds art 20 shoes on a line. Is that art?
Then mightymoe why did zuckerberg go to trial in the congress for spying? And its the first time i see a corporation owner going to trial. Making 60 million by selling private data? And i dont even have food to eat. Maybe i should turn to heavy crime to make money too, but how will i escape the law? With bribes? Is there so much corruption?
Come on, the lie about aliens was in order to create the world government which would protect us from aliens, if there are who cares, they never bothered me. A world govt would make me very afrai though, with totalitarian control like fb etc. Facebook is ur electronic identification card, thats what it is. All personal information about you
How will they find me on the mountain? I ll throw the cellphone away. And if they find me, what will they do? They ll come to kill me? So we are in such kind of tyranny? If i have some rifles i dont worry at all
No im not brainwashed mightymoe, far left by its definition is socialism/democracy and far right is about oligarchical power/dictatorship. Look at it on the dictionary
So if i want privacy i ll have to become a loner and a weirdo right? Maybe go and live in the mountain
I think usa is heading to civil war or something similar. EU was evil too
But mightymoe isnt far left about democracy and human rights? Far right is about state control and watching the citizens. By their meaning
Of course women are weak. What are they? Strong? Go and fight in the wars then and let us men cook the food in the house. U ll all shout mommy help me from the 1st second
Yellowrose noone will ever spy on u cos u are a woman and women are harmless. Men are mostly dangerous, and some women, but very few. I have things to hide, i dont want anyone to know my friends or my gf.
Because yellowrose u dont have independent thought, what can you hide? U are not a threat. Feminism was a big lie by the way to present the women as powerful cos in fact they are weak. A good way to subdue and weaken social resistance.