Topic: Tattoos. Why did everyone use to do em and show em off?
Tintin123454321's photo
Fri 04/27/18 07:49 AM
And why they dont do the same now? What changed? Maybe a way to keep the masses ocupied with something irrelevant and make em feel as rebels? Help please

no photo
Fri 04/27/18 07:59 AM
They'll be easier to identify so easier to control. Everyone with tattoos has their own distinctive mark on them now.

Tintin123454321's photo
Fri 04/27/18 08:02 AM
Who wants to control em? And if its true are the masses so naive? So they dont stand a chance against someone cunning

newsworthy's photo
Mon 06/04/18 12:06 PM

It looks ugly as hell and would never have them no matter how much the media promotes this as progressive.
From a distance it looks like a skin disease.

no photo
Mon 06/04/18 12:10 PM
To many it's art a way to express themselves. Some get them to remember a loss or a beginning. Very beautiful way to express yourself imo.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/04/18 12:35 PM
For most tattoo's have a meaning to them and they have a reasons whey they choose the ones they did...

I do not see that this has changed except more seem to have tats now.. I know many more that have tattoo's now days, then they did when I growing up..

I find nothing wrong with tattoo's even tho I do not have any...

My son has several on his arms which all have meanings to him and I actually like the ones he has...

It is not a Rebel thing it is a way to express themselves with art~~