Community > Posts By > Troublebug

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Tue 12/20/11 11:21 PM
MantisNovember 11, 2007, 12:14 PM
I have about 10 lbs of black bear fat in my freezer that I don't know what to do with. Someone told me that it makes an excellent leather conditioner and waterproofer, but I don't know if thats true. Has anyone made anything from the fat?


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alsaqrNovember 11, 2007, 02:24 PM
"Someone told me that it makes an excellent leather conditioner and waterproofer, but I don't know if thats true."

That is true.


MantisNovember 11, 2007, 05:59 PM
How do you make it?


Harve CurryNovember 12, 2007, 10:15 AM
I guess you could melt it on a stove, then pour it thru a siv or filter into a jar.
Does anyone know if it makes good bullet lube ingredient??


BeatnikNovember 12, 2007, 03:24 PM
I would probably either feed it to the birds in a suet feeder, or render it.
I'm not sure what you'd call rendered bear fat - it's technically not tallow or lard. But I assume it would have the same range of applications - soap, candles, deep frying, or pretending you're in a fight club.


stevereno1November 12, 2007, 03:36 PM
feed it to the dawgs.


MantisNovember 12, 2007, 08:10 PM
I'd hate to just throw it away. I won't be able to hunt black bears again for a while. With all of the hunters on this board, isn't there at least one person who made a useable product out of it?


ScoupeNovember 12, 2007, 10:49 PM
Found this older thread on another forum.


MantisNovember 12, 2007, 11:08 PM
Thanks Scoupe


NRA4LIFENovember 15, 2007, 10:58 AM
Render it by cooking in a pot and then sstrain it through a very fine strainer. Then use it like lard. Apparently it makes great biscuits.


32winsplNovember 20, 2007, 02:18 AM
Makes a very fine boot grease and a pretty good waterproofer, though after a day slogging in heavy snow, you may want to reapply before your next outing. There are surely better things made now, but what else are you gonna do with it? It's still one of those "old traditions" at our hunting camp

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Fri 12/02/11 09:33 PM

I went on a date last week, and suggested in a round about way that we go "dutch" on the movie we decided to see...she seemed a little surprised but then was adamant about paying for the movie tickets while I paid for the pop and popcorn. Who should pay on a first date? Man? Woman? or split?....oh yeah - there hasn't been a second date :(

One of life's great debates/ If I've been asked out, I will offer to leave the tip. I think its only fair.

But in my opinion if you actually ask someone out on a date, that kind of denotes your paying. Unless its a "hey we should hang out thing" then its up for debate, I guess.

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Fri 12/02/11 09:28 PM
Can I say all of the above?

I find most of the "regulars" on here are very funny and GREAT people at that.

no photo
Fri 12/02/11 08:14 PM
what what funny I always thought you were pretty much born that way. guess I should ask my gay friends. What made them gay.
NAH! They'd slap the crap outta me.
I do believe you can "turn" bi, by becoming more and more experimental.

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Fri 12/02/11 07:25 PM

:cry: tears :cry: tears :cry: tears :cry: tears :cry: tears rant

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Thu 12/01/11 12:31 PM
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH Pretty Fire. Luv. we're not supposed to play with fire. Daddy told me that when the nice fireman came to our house last time.

Thank you for the teddy bear Daddy.

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 04:16 AM

NEAT!! But daddy ????? How'd they teach the bears to play those instuments? When we get home can we teach the neighbors cat to play an instrument? I think a cat playing the flute would be awesome.

OHH and LOOk that one reminds me of Mr. Jones down the street.

And that one looks like Ms. Edenmeyer

And daddy Look at that CUTE teddy bear

Oooohhhhh Please can I get one?

I LOVE you Daddy.

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Wed 11/30/11 08:15 PM
Dang Daddy, you look good like that

OOHHH look Mickey Mouse ice cream.............yummy

no photo
Tue 11/29/11 05:11 PM

Look what daddy bought us.
I'm NEVER gonna take mine off. EVER again

"look I'm Ariel the lil mermaid."

And daddy bought this for Kitten

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Tue 11/29/11 05:36 AM

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Mon 11/28/11 02:15 PM
Edited by Troublebug on Mon 11/28/11 02:15 PM
OOHHHH, Can we do this next?

Daddy?sad sad grumble

Hmmph Its NOT fair!

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Sun 11/27/11 02:25 PM
I've never been to Disneyland just WDW. And from growing up in Florida , I've been there dozens of times. Haven't been there now for about 20 years. Plan on taking my lil man for the first time next year. Gonna go with his Nana and Poppop(my parents). Not sure who's more excited.

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Sat 11/26/11 05:27 PM

No haunted mansion first!!

Then we'll see Nemo

OH Look--mine? mine?

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Sat 11/26/11 12:17 PM

It's a small world after all!

:angry: mad rant
You know dynamite comes in small packages.
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

DADDY?!! Can we go on the haunted mansion now?

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Fri 11/25/11 03:39 PM

Dear luvtorockanrollerby;

The dog and the turkey are now in the dog house. I hear a lot of laughing and giggling and a case of beer is missing from my back porch.

What should I do?
Online with Mowtown........thanks for the call..............



your screwed!

Happy Thanksgiving!

And taking your calls live.....................................

Actually either the dog or turkey is screwed by the sounds of it.

no photo
Fri 11/25/11 02:46 PM

I never realized so many midgets went to DisneyWorld.surprised


little people

HEY I resemble that remark. I can't help it I'm short.

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 05:16 PM
You mean Everyone doesn't feel that way EVERYDAY?? what what

oops REALLY?spock

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Thu 11/24/11 04:55 PM

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Thu 11/24/11 04:43 PM

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Thu 11/24/11 04:43 PM

dear mingle are a pompous azz and you need to leave my name out of your posts!

Liz who was it--I'll kick their AZZ!!

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