Community > Posts By > Dakotas55

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Thu 09/14/06 07:48 PM

night kidd! cya gone for the night!



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Thu 09/14/06 07:46 PM
Very nice picture honey!!! Im an outdoors lady myself. very nice pic and
pretty too......YOU DID GOOD! (clapping hands!)

big hugg........

oh and by the way anyone needing trees i got some really nice ones i
can loan yah or give yah some seedlings that will grow taller then u??
even my cactus are doing great....and all along i thought i had a black
thumb......WOOHOOOOO!! I AM GOOD HUH??

big hugg gal........the tree will grow.......just u wait and

well its past this ladies bed i must say goodnight its 10:42
but when they post this its like 4 or 5 hours ealier..I DONT do we get this sight to go on the Corrext time??

night everyone................cya again soon!!!


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Thu 09/14/06 07:40 PM
what can i say Dew?? but "AMEN!"


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Thu 09/14/06 06:11 PM
why thankyou very much singer........and yes i am one of those rare ones
that just dont take good pictures. I may take a good one once every 10
yrs or so........i have one but its over 2 yrs old and its not the sort
of picture u want spread all over the internet, and yet its very
tasteful and nonethe less not vulgar but there are those who would jump
to the wrong conclusions of it the minute they see it....and just for
the record, i am a rarety......IM HONEST......if i post a pic u can bet
ur bottom dollar its me.....
but like i said......if and when i meet someone or have really honest
freinds on here , that i myself can totally trust, and they ask i will
be more then happy to send a picture of myself to them....
but for just me, take me or leave just being
honest......oh and SINGER..............Im a mom 51 and I have
5 sons ranging in ages from 31 down to 19 and 6 grandchildren.......3
boys 3 never fear...........ok?? and by the way nice pic
and nice to meet you and ty for your comments........big hugg for yah
kiddo!! u dont mind me calling u that do u?? ( teasing )


no photo
Thu 09/14/06 06:02 PM
Why thankyou Txgal, and so very nice to meet you. And u are totally
correct in your sumation.......if u truely want to start and grow in a
relationship, you need to put aside all other aspects of the internet
and concentrate on this one for now. You will in time, see if its truely
what you wanted and if shes the right lady for you, but to continue to
ADVERTIZE URSELF on here is wrong......and encourage her to do the same.
If things dont pan out, then go back make new profiles but do it
discreetly after a period of time, so she wont think u to be a **
CAD**.........nor her the same...
Many men make wonderful offers to women over the net, and in most cases
they have there BEHIND spread all over it, in every dating service, chat
room and porn site possible.....what ever happened to the good ole
fashioned morals we knew from days long gone?? I think its time we bring
them back and get back to the basics of dating and growing old together
the natural, fun, romantic, passionate way our grandparents and parents
did. Its fun, more safer, much more realistic and easier for us to weed
out the good from the bad.
Emails are good, its a good way to stay in touch if your not ready yet
for the phone call. Its also good to learn about one another and you can
READ a person just from the way they word things and the way they speak
to you. But deep down inside of yourself, YOU HAVE TO FEEL THE OTHER times if its right u and she will say things together at
the same time, feel things together and think the same thoughts wiht out
a second notice.......THEN U HAVE FOUND HER!! Search out first, dont be
so quick to jump......TAKE UR TIME........oh and dont say SHIT too often
ok TIRED?? it makes us women nervous especially when u get my
age.........(giggling here!!) women love men who speak with a deep clear
voice and not be vulgar...those men never get nice ladies they get
exactly what they seek............NASTYNESS! Dont stoop to
that.......besides like i said before.......YOUR JUST TOO DARN CUTE TO
BE SINGLE...........are u sure ur not just pullin our legg

big hugg tex

very very big hugg TIRED.........

thanks for listening to me...i do tend to talk alot..but thats just
a side of me that i am......a talker......


no photo
Thu 09/14/06 05:48 PM
Plus, I am not here to prove whether I am male or FEMALE..I know that I
am a LADY 100% honest Woman of the world, hard working and just here to
make freinds, have some fun chatting and there a
problem with that??

NOW IM CURIOUS!!!! ( giggling )

Some of us just plain dont take good pictures!!

Is that so hard to understand????


no photo
Thu 09/14/06 05:46 PM
My goodness, what is the big deal about a pic being posted, not everyone
has those, much less wants to show there ugliness on line, some of us
still have old fashioned values, but most men think LOOKS SAY IT
ALL.....well have u seen the gorgeous women who u think look FAB?? when
sheshhhhhhhhhhh...there are those who just come on for comfort, some
freindly chat and to meet others and just laugh and giggle when things
seem to not go so good or when others seem to have bad
should be left to the descression of the user as to the way they
aannounce themselves to you.........and most of us ""LADIES"" still
think that honesty is the best policy and privacy is still in the heart
of US REAL LADIES! there still are those of us who like to be descreet
and then there are those of us whose looks just dont match up and really
dont feel like being made fun of or obnotocious remarks being made
FEMALE AGE 51 who by the way has 5 sons and is very much respected and
when and if I meet someone worthy of my company, HE will be the first
and only one to see me..........IM NOT ON DISPLAY.......nor do I prefer
to be. I just wanna be me. Have fun, enjoy others company, laugh,
giggle, give huggs when needed and be supportive when
asked.................IS THAT A BAD THING.....??? When Asked nicely I
may send a picture, untill then please dont take this


no photo
Thu 09/14/06 02:16 PM
By the way Tired, I just joined today, and its very nice to meet you and
express my feelings, and hello to all of you who are on this sight, its
very nice to meet all of you and hope to have some very nice
conversations with each and everyone of you sometime or another. Please
feel free to ask me about myself. I have not put a picture on the sight
as I am in the process of replacing the mirror in the bathroom I broke
just this morning, when I began my day........You know its not a good
thing when ur mirror breaks much less talks to you and tells u.....LADY
UR JUST TOO DARN UGLY FOR WORDS! ( laffing hard here!) Well I guess
maybe i should find one that is not POSSESSED HUH???
Well thats me, and all around kidder and love to make others laugh
and well I am a hugger too, huggs are free, so when ur days arent going
so well and u feel u need one, just ask.....
I'm always around somewhere............

its nice to meet you all......ty for listening and reading!!!

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 02:05 PM
Dear tired, your just too darn good looking to be single, have u been
holding out on us?? (giggles!) and to be honest, keep your lady to
yourself, its better that way and the relationship can grow, in privacy
and maybe later on in intamcy as well. But good luck, get off the net,
call her, make some good talk, and keep in close contact with her, dont
lie or cheat or sneak around playing the field if ur totally interested
in her. Men need to know, there are those of us out there who have old
fashioned values and thoughts and we do like our privacy. I am very glad
you have found someone, if she is genuine she will return her feelings
about you in due time, just be patient. Most men are in a hurry. Good
things come to those who wait and are patient, honest, loyal and have
great lips! ( teasing!) Take this time, to really know her, let her get
to know u and please, for god's sake, dont keep secrets from her, and
don't lie about your past or what is going on with you right at this
moment in always remember............making love comes
last in any relationship, you gotta be BEST FRIENDS first, then
companions, then lovers..................thats when the whole
relationship comes together finally. Then u are truely blessed!!! GOOD
LUCK!!!! I hope I gave u some insight! And I hope when she too reads
this.........shes smiling, just knowing that there is one more female
out there, who has a mind, and a good kind heart.


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