Community > Posts By > Mikentexas101
Cows and Golf
Thats funny
I leave mine unlocked all the time.. It my feeling if I have to lock myself in then its time to move to a safer place.
Have You Ever....
I have been am I have seen more than a few that I would invite to go with me
Question for all
I know this will offend Sorry in advance.... People sucking off of welfare and public assistance. I understand people need that kind of help everynow and then but generations of families have lived on it and havent tried to get off
Matchmaking Game - part 70
Ok Im willing to try Count me in>>
I have some great news!
Do we get JSH discounts LOL.... Best of luck to your brother
I didn't know you knew my Ex's mom
ABC's of ex girlfriends
These go with the three rings of life 1.)engagement RING which leads to 2.)Wedding Ring which in turn leads to SuffeRING
Alittle town just outside of Houston.. Crosby tx here
Old but New
Thank you all and I will try the mutual match and see what happens. And if nothing else I can continue to read some interesting post.
Old but New
Was off JSH for awhile thought I had found the one found out it was the one to RUN from. Ohh well Enjoy life and learn from everything.
do you think...
Only the one who cant stop from doing something stupid to entertain us ie. America's funniest home videos