Community > Posts By > afriend4you111

afriend4you111's photo
Mon 12/13/10 10:20 PM
i prefer a matured, decent, honest and sincere women to girl with no sincerity and experience.

afriend4you111's photo
Mon 12/13/10 10:07 PM
because i didnt know its men who has to approache his step first. hopefully i will get one very soon. starting from here. is there anyone????flowers

afriend4you111's photo
Mon 12/13/10 09:51 PM
ofcourse yes. looking for a preety lady with preety heart. is there any? flowerforyou

afriend4you111's photo
Thu 12/09/10 09:15 PM
single. i am looking for one. plz help me sendig some tips to find.blushing

afriend4you111's photo
Thu 12/09/10 08:58 PM

Awww......comeon.....I just wanted to say that whtever u told to the guy is correct....


hope u understand now...:angry:

Not necessarily. I certainly don't have sex with everyone I go on a date with. However, if I'm dating someone specifically, then sex would be involved.

yeah now its fine. previous was a bit hard to understand.

afriend4you111's photo
Thu 12/09/10 08:17 AM

I do not know why some girls think that dating always include sex.

Because it does include sex. If I like someone enough to date them, there would be something wrong if there was no sex.

is it like that? i wish to be there. flowerforyou

afriend4you111's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:59 PM

i went out with a guy my age and he was a total bore, talked about his x and his divorce the entire time. BORING!

i dont want to talk about x and nothing to talk on divorce since i'm never married. is this enough? want to know all criteria. flowerforyou

afriend4you111's photo
Mon 09/06/10 01:12 AM
Edited by afriend4you111 on Mon 09/06/10 01:14 AM
lets subtract 'i' from the equation and make it chat bigsmile
say hi not bye....

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 02:27 AM
All beautiful women please raise your hands.

now lets have a look if there is any woman with her hands down.


ok then everyone here is considered to be beautiful from today. but being a woman never forget and alwyas try to be lika a woman- kind, sweet, helpful, caring, loving, committed, loyal and many more........ all these you have with you. these are all your power. dont loose it. you are superior to men if you have these powers. you are beautiful only with these powers. the day u loose these specially gifed powers you wont remain beautiful any longer and will be regarded as ugly woman. ugly women?? surprised remove the word women, you will be ugly, only ugly without these powers.

you are made superior than man so maintain your level.

Ofcourse all women are beautiful, they are the symbol of beauty. so dont forget to keep these powers with you, no worry if you forget to take your make up kit.. ha ha ha.... you are still beautiful.....

Really beautiful, because you are made like this. Naturally beautiful.... yes you are.... (surrender) flowerforyou

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 01:43 AM
not yet. i am new in mingle. lets see how it goes. if it happens :heart: then come in party drinks

smile2 flowerforyou smile2

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 01:35 AM
Edited by afriend4you111 on Sun 09/05/10 01:37 AM
check my profile. you want a friend like me? no? slaphead . then would you please rate my profile?shades :angel:

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 01:25 AM

Keep in mind that when you read these posts - especially about age - everyone checks your profile to see where your coming from.

sorry i didnt check your profile. smile2 . its not ncecessary that everyone follows the same track.

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 01:17 AM

A lover I could befriend.
A friend would be beloved.

A friend, i could go ahead for love
A lover without friendship....... i dont know how its possible. IS this a love?

afriend4you111's photo
Sun 09/05/10 01:10 AM

A LDR can work if you are willing to put the time into it. To me it's no different then being with an over the road truck driver who is only home a few days a month, a pipeliner who is gone for a couple months at a time, or even a constuction worker who is only home on the weekends. IMO the relationship will only be what you make of it.


afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 10:51 PM
honestly- for a single day i can live without food and water but oxgen is what we cant live without. :smile:

- my parents love
- my college freinds (feel lonely without friends there tears )
-and ofcourse you........... dont know who is this you... still serching flowers tongue2

afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 09:15 PM

The entire point of the internet is
to expose you to the different, the
new and the static.

Internet dating is no different.
Your dating pool is exponentially larger.
The choice is..Big Fish in a Little Pond.
Small Fish in a Big Pond.

Did you know that fish grow to the size
their environment can support them?

Welcome to the big pond.

sounds great. i agree. i am hopefull that i will soon have a fish from that pound. i love to be in that big pound flowers

afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 01:36 PM
without friendship i cant imagine love.

afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 01:19 PM
oh dear dear really debating on nothing. just be cool and see what you are writing. no way u are going to claim your sreen name to is real or not. you need not print it in newspaper or go to every door in the city to say that the screen name you have in a site is not your real name so dont be confused. if u have claimed it to be real to someone then you are dishones. if u havent claimed it to be real then a wise person cant consider you dishonest. dont care for those other than wise people. it will be waste of fun time. thank you flowerforyou

afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 01:06 PM
Edited by afriend4you111 on Sat 09/04/10 01:23 PM

oh dear really fierce argument about dishonest. i want to add something regarding the screen name. did anyone claim that the screen name is his/her real name? if he/she claims and his/her screen name is not the real name then he/she is dishones. ok for examle my screen name is afriend4you111, my real name is anish khadka. if u say that i am trying to be dishonest in the sense that my real name is other than my screen name then the world will laugh at you. did i ever claim it to be my real name? so shall we stop the argument here and be focused towards the real sence of dishonesty in love??? thank you.

do you go around the real world claiming that your birth name is "afriend4you111" or would you consider that to be dishonest...if so then why come on the Internet claiming that it isn't ...seems sort of dishonest don't you think?...what's next...a fake picture of you....oops I meant a screen picture of you

but anyway since you express about focusing on the real sense of dishonesty of Love...there are no rules when it comes to Love ..

love is all an illusion...the term Love is generally used as a way to dignify the unexplainable or irrational things people do ...

when one claim that they feel love....what they feel is most likely either lust or gas

oh dear dear really debating on nothing. just be cool and see what you are writing. no way u are going to claim your sreen name to is real or not. you need not print it in newspaper or go to every door in the city to say that the screen name you have in a site is not your real name so dont be confused. if u have claimed it to be real to someone then you are dishones. if u havent claimed it to be real then a wise person cant consider you dishonest. dont care for those other than wise people. it will be waste of fun time. thank you

afriend4you111's photo
Sat 09/04/10 05:25 AM
if its possible then i will be happy to carry on over here. i am single at the moment. :smile: :smile:

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