Community > Posts By > jamarks

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Sun 09/30/07 07:58 AM
Have you ever lived completely alone? Not at your mother's; not with some man?

Think about it? How can you know what you want in a LIFE partner? A life partner... your life will be long...probably more than 80 years, you are 23. And you have never kept your own company. And now you are ready to decide what you want for your future? What have you ever really been exposed to? And that is not a character flaw, it is just the facts.

What type of work do you do? These applications that you are putting this your life's work? Are you moving toward personal career goals by this move? I am not saying don't ever move (because most assuredly, you need to move). Just not in with a guy.

Sweetie, life is long. And mental health professionals say that 70% of your happiness or unhappiness comes from your choice in life partners.

Don't complicate things. Pause. Take a couple of deep breaths. Say to yourself "Why am I feeling so much pressure to make an instant decision?" What if I wait til tomorrow to decide? And tomorrow, if the only answer you have is "cause I love him"... you aren't being honest with yourself.

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Sun 09/30/07 07:22 AM
Golden Rule....

He who has the gold makes the rules.

And you must be childlike to be involved with a man (boy) that your family has to, literally, bus out... Have you no standards?

You can't be self determining in life until you can support your self fully. Have you finished school? College?

I don't mean to be harse but you need to consider your situation in life more than you need to be chasing a guy across country.

If this man (boy) wants a life with you, I think he needs to show you something. Like career, money and a home. These are not things that a man wants a woman's family to provide to him. Any man that would put himself into this situation isn't much.

And if you are meant to be together for some glorious purpose, this will be there. If it isn't then you have saved yourself a ton of misery.

And I wouldn't be too quick to totally dismiss your mother's point of view. Older does equal wiser. Trust me, there isn't anything new in the human condition.

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Sat 09/29/07 07:14 AM
A man is most sexy when....

I say... "I really need to get this taken care of (fill in the blank - my car fixed, my grass mowed, dinner cooked, whatever....)

And he says, "Relax, I will take care of everything."

And does and it's perfect. Now that's sexy.

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Sat 09/29/07 07:07 AM
I was fired for the first time ever earlier this year... it was horrible. Hard on the ego. I wasn't fired for what I did to; it was for what I wouldn't do, sign a non-compete agreement.

I hope that you have some $$$ put aside so that you can reconsider where you are heading...No excuse for being late all the time, shows me you didn't care about the job.

So, I guess my best advice to you is to work toward a job that you will want to go to everyday. Then you won't be late all the time.

BTW - after getting fired, a month later I got a great job that I love.

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Fri 09/28/07 09:33 PM
Insecurity=jealousy... and insecurity can make fools of us all.

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself.... "could this action cause me to be featured on Jerry Springer?"

If you answer "yes"... avoid.

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