Community > Posts By > ak0

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Tue 11/18/08 07:21 PM

What an amazing slice of life you shared with usflowerforyou flowerforyou

Simplicity of the ebbs and flows of our relationships. Being there through good and bad and happy and sad and questioning not the why's or when's or what if's. True friendship through it all just is.:heart:

i can appreciate being a little older, relationships grow rich and deep. sweet.flowerforyou pkd:smile:

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Tue 11/18/08 07:19 PM

When I was reading your story I felt as though I was there basking in the beauty of such a friendship,, tears filled my eyes and a smile warmed my heart,,

:heart: :heart:

wow, thank you LAmom:heart: for posting. i'd no idea my writing would strike some chords, but it was a beautiful and powerful moment and i wasnt sure if i conveyed that here.

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Tue 11/18/08 07:14 PM

A beautiful writing! Perfect in every way. :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

How wonderful to have such a friend....the bond seems precious.

bond is a good word here. i suppose it is unmistakeable.. everything from childhood's blossom to adult world et ceteras

thank you angellightflowerforyou :heart:

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Tue 11/18/08 07:11 PM

in the twilight hours of morning, gradually, i awoke. dawning
days of winter have a silence only heard once a year. it is
the sound of a great peaceful coming of slumber.

nothing to disturb the gently periodic breathing under
the covers of my friend. i float in her warmth flowing
all around us, resting beside her it is as if she were
curled up in my arms, two lovers not pretending to be a child,
two lovers not pretending to be a companion.

we make a cozy den in our burrow. layered in
soft blankets. this is where we find ourselves,
my friend.




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Tue 11/18/08 07:08 PM

how do i delete this one?
alright, hope your not allergic then:smile: ...another flower?
flowers flowers

hello, aries. i am happy to engage with you twice:wink:

thank youblushing

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Mon 11/17/08 06:11 PM
italians do too many feedings!

im down to 500 calories, i think... again

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Mon 11/17/08 05:59 PM

flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

yikes.. you washed all that down

thank you mis kimflowerforyou

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Mon 11/17/08 05:57 PM

thank you LAmomflowerforyou

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Mon 11/17/08 05:56 PM

you simply are-no need to trywaving :thumbsup:

that is sweet pk:smile:

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Mon 11/17/08 05:53 PM
i had a cavity filled this morning. somehow despite all my dental and health background i wound up with a distal occlusal of #3, possibly i presumed from my days with H. i didn't make a big deal of it, simply left the appointment feeling a little beat.

was it time? time to see my friend. he's given up phones, too many people will be looking for him so he says. i am still fuzzy from the nitrous but thinking a little edgy and clearly. it's been long since our last time together, so i decided to take the drive to his house by the lake on this workless monday.

by now i've grown accustomed to not quite knowing what i might pull into going there. its been a sort of center and a hub at times of much activity. i am his friend, so he has given me a key. he is happy to see me almost as if he never wants to let me go..

but he does and doesn't make a big deal.. just says, you have your key.

i find him home and i wouldn't say he's had to bear the most responsible of lives.. no phone. independent. thats ok because i gave up tv and im content with his screen and i find myself relieved that i chose this day for a visit.

he's fine tuned and in tune and i knew i could just be silent. we finished with words that need be said. you need rest, he said with a quick flash of observation, and i followed him through the house into his room. there i slipped off my dress and slid off my boots then crawled into the covers of his big bed. soft and suede it was against my body and face as i curled next to him holding hands.

i am 33 years old. i have seen better days, or perhaps i should say, will see better days. i feel no self consciousness. he allows to me sneeze in his bed, nursing my cold. and i sneeze and i sneeze and finally settle in as i watch him falling asleep bare chested and calm.

i laid there beside him forgiving and thanking him, a mix of emotions in a darkened room, for the times he cut me with words, words ive worked to admit i needed to hear. the times i nearly saw death, he'd sat near in my presence supporting and begging almost for me to do better.

and i forgave him for where he has fallen, let me, himself or others down. none are perfect. i care not to throw stones.

it is not with us today. we are so quiet. many years of spells are breaking. i wiped my tears, filled with grace and gratitude for this peaceful moment, my eyes drew to the curtain that had been neatly tied to the side, sunlight from the window.

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Sun 11/16/08 05:03 PM

im trying to be interested in painting toenails
im trying to be interested in my dress
im trying to be interested in driving
trying to be the girl never questioned smiling

without you to jeer
its retroactive

im going for more or less

Brilliant. :heart:


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Sun 11/16/08 05:02 PM

subtracting negatives should lead to a positive

we are better with the addition of to speak...

:heart: k

if there is anyone to say this, it is you. thank you my dear.

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Sun 11/16/08 04:43 PM
:thumbsup: iam4u

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Sun 11/16/08 04:38 PM
yes the world continues to project even on the internet

there is no escape

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Sun 11/16/08 02:34 PM

that is great:wink:

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Sat 11/15/08 11:51 AM
i have a cough due to cold. im tired of running. i think ill switch back to pilates.

and kind of like a little burnt out yet still attractive natural brunette type enjoying her quiet and solitude but probably needing some form of mildly deviant experience.

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Sat 11/15/08 11:36 AM
take the love and run

or walk

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Sat 11/15/08 11:30 AM
wheres the love

this is good

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Sat 11/15/08 11:24 AM

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Sat 11/15/08 11:23 AM
exactly lolflowerforyou