Newby to Mingle
Welcome and best of luck in your search =)
help lol
I'm new to, this and need help taking my yahoo photo to here lol Get the picture to your 'Desktop' and browse to it to load here. Welcome, from Oregon :-) What she said ... and welcome |
lil poem i wrote ...
Edited by
Fri 09/07/12 06:51 PM
Thanks for the feed back everyone ... Look forward to taking tine out to read some of yours
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lil poem i wrote ...
mindblowing poem....... Wow .. thank you ![]() |
Hey there^^
Looks good ... best of luck in what your looking for
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lil poem i wrote ...
Thanks Penny =)
lil poem i wrote ...
My necklace
My necklace fell away It's twine worn thin from wear I looked down in dismay At each knot tied with care Each bead was attentively chosen To compliment my disposition Could it be fixed? Tied again Suddenly i felt a change in position How long would it stay? How long would it hold true? I wondered thoughtfully as it lay, I thought of feelings of you A tide of Symbolism fell upon me As i held it to me near I realized those feeling of maybe Were just hiding realizations i fear Fear of loosing something That had already been long lost Fear of replacing my lonely longing with an actuality unbeknownst I smiled as the veil fell away. The one that filtered all but you. No longer is my heart under your sway It's Amazing! as i let others through I looked at the Necklace once more, Astonished to see what i now held. Grimy twine from being proudly wore Beads, Industrial machines had meld No longer carrying aroma's of frankincense, Instead, stink, sweat and smoke remain Suddenly it made a surreal sense Fixing what cannot be fixed is inane. |
Welcome girly .... best of luck in your search
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
Think i'm getting this one tattooed =) |
I'm not sure if this will be moved, as I'm not actually asking for my profile to be rated. But, because so many people who ask to have their profiles rated don't have much in them to start with, I thought that if others gave ideas of what they look for, it might help. So, when you look at profiles, what do you want to see? What attracts you? What makes you contact someone? What turns you off? What makes you move to the next profile immediately? What makes me contact someone? Attracts me, It's really what she conveys in the profile. A pretty picture will not make me write a woman. It takes more than that. It's how you come across in your writing that gets my attention. Your attitude, How well you write about yourself. Can you make me see what you are trying to convey in my minds eye? Can you "pique" my imagination? Hum, What do I look for? I've never been one to make a big deal over pictures. It's not the do all,say all of a persons profile. But at the same time when I look at a picture I want to see "you". Not you with your friends. I don't want to have to try to figure out which person goes with the profile. I don't like pictures that are to good. I would rather see you the way you look everyday. Not just on occasion. A lot of people like putting up "glamor" shot pictures or studio pictures. I want to see pictures of you in everyday life. Turn off if you don't. When I move to your profile, You don't have to tell me your whole life story. You don't have to tell me all your likes and dislikes. Just an over view will do. But even an over view needs some meat in it. So, Don't talk to much. But at the same time give me enough to go on. Something to make conversation with. And please, One thing that stops me dead in my tracks and causes me great confusion, Never,ever say, "Whatever you want to know,Just ask" That stops me dead in my tracks. Turn off. Me personally, I don't want to have to ask 10 thousand questions. I don't like having to pull everything out of a lady. To me, You have to be forth coming with info about yourself. At least a little at the time. I don't mind asking some questions. I just don't want to constantly do it. Give me a little and I will ask a little and I will tell a little about myself as we go. That way I feel you are as interested in me as I am you. Give and take. I read a lot of profiles. If the first or almost the first thing out of your mouth is your kids and family come first, NEXT PROFILE. I see that a lot. Most men who have already had kids and raised them, Do not want to be # two to yours. They don't expect to be above your kids. Just equal. So leave out the kids thing till he has more time to get to know you. If you come out with it right at the start, It makes it sound like you will put your kids ahead of him. Not equal. That's the kiss of dating death for women. One last thing, Don't show me to much. Make me imagine what you look like besides your face. I can tell without asking if you have big boobs or not. I don't need a over head shot so I can see down your blouse. Make me wonder. I mean, So many now leave nothing to the imagination anymore. It's a big turn off to me. Make me dream about you. Make me wonder. I like your take on this and have similar views It's definitely the profiles that are individualistic that draw me. I just get tired of reading the same the outdoors, laid back, caring.. blah blah blah .... I love it when someone goes against the profile norm. Though i do like some creative pics, just cause they resonate with my creativity, but I do prefer seeing someone in their natural state rather than a knock off model pic, or a bathroom mirror pic with girls making kissy faces ... ugh. Maybe i'm to picky but that's my take on the question. |
Well Ruth; I hope you truly find what you are seeking. You deserve no less. ![]() Thank you. ![]() Whether I do or not, I'm very happy. ![]() You know I think that is what is most important is to be happy. Life is too short not to be. ![]() Totally agree there |
its hard to find because when you 'look' for it you must be pre defining it true love develops over time, with shared experiences, goals, dreams,,etc,,, Wow, i completely agree ![]() |
I think the "number" convo should be avoided at all costs .... sadly it seems to come up in a lot of relationships eventually but if you care about the other person you should be able to look past your own insecurities and make it work :shrug: ... just my take exactly - most people want to put old relationship drama behind them - not dredge it up to be aired .... at least that is MY take ![]() you would be surprised tho - sometimes men are much bigger drama queens ![]() Well, anything that might make them feel inadequate can certainly bruise their ego lol... |
Am I someone's type?
I'm sure you will peace .... best of luck in your search
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Rate me : )
Cute girly, but definitely need more info, If i was younger I prolly wouldn't write ya... but i like to look a lil deeper i guess
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I think the "number" convo should be avoided at all costs .... sadly it seems to come up in a lot of relationships eventually but if you care about the other person you should be able to look past your own insecurities and make it work :shrug: ... just my take
Natural ... hands down... lil make up is cool but less is more
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Sweet lady, I take forever to break up with people too. Later, I always regret not doing it sooner. Why do we do the things we do? Cause you keep hoping that'll be the same again :shrug: ... sadly it never is ... or at least that's my excuse when i hang on to something or someone, after it/relationship is broken beyond repair... |
Things that turn you away
Materialism ..... can't stand someone who judges the value of another by what crap they own... Oh, and halitosis(perpetually stinky breath)...
Thinking that i'm a bit spent .... but i just can't help it there's so much out there to do and enjoy....