JustMeOnJustSayHi's photo
Sun 09/23/07 02:56 PM
Thanks Anemail & others, I tried your solution and now will wait and see if matches show as more in line.
Have a great evening everyone :)

JustMeOnJustSayHi's photo
Wed 09/19/07 07:59 PM
I am getting matches of people way too young and otherwise extremely not suitable.
Is there some way to make the matches conform to a certain criteria or not?
If not its useless to me and I need to know how to shut it off.
Thank you.

JustMeOnJustSayHi's photo
Mon 09/17/07 08:28 PM
Well it doesn't work for me.... it just brings me to this page with a one-liner about the person, that's it.
Dunno what to do, i'm brand new here.