Community > Posts By > Mac60

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/29/08 03:54 PM
I was pretty good in my day, too, rebel. Have mellowed a good bit, but like to wind it up occasionally to verify that i'm not dead.

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/29/08 03:49 PM
I might be willing to do the same if there are any well insured females out there. I need to get my own health insurance, but everything I can afford has at least a $2500 deductible. So insured or uninsured, I just pray that nothing happens. Hopefully, Barack or Hillary can bring some improvement in this country's health care system.

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/29/08 03:29 PM

i got the vodka, the jack, the rum, the jonny red, jonny black, jim beam, tiquila, jagermeifter, desorono, bailey's, hypnotic, and the budweiser, bud light, and michelob, and miller

my kind of girl

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/29/08 02:33 PM
in a

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/29/08 02:24 PM

blushing devil feeling naughty as usualdevil :wink:

So just what do u mean by naughty, bad? If you can answer in public.

Mac60's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:33 PM

If he gets it...all I have to say is "GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR UNITED STATES"!

That's what the Republicans said about Bill Clinton, too. And all that happened was 8 years of peace and prosperity and a blow job trial.

Mac60's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:30 PM
Shot a .22 rifle in summer camp when I was 14. Did pretty good. I'm now 47 and haven't touched a gun since. Is there a summer camp for 40 somethings?

Mac60's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:16 PM
Yea. You're going to have to swallow your pride and stick with this job until you find another. The best revenge will be walking away and into a new and better job.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 08:59 PM

I am voting Democratic AND I feel the current GOP has failed everyone.


Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:11 PM
gramer is reel impotent. y'alls need mor lernin

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:34 PM

Ales are preferable to lagers in general.

Ehh, depends for me...I love belgian farmhouse ales, but i'm not a huge fan of IPAs. I love a good helles lager anytime.

I agree about Brooklyn and Pete's Wicked.

Haven't tried the others, but I'll make it a point to! In the name of research. laugh

Yea, the Belgians make some interesting stuff. Lambics I think they're called. Fermented by wild yeast. I don't know how they get any consistency. May have do to do more research. LOVE doing research.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:16 PM
I've had any number of different Sam Adams products and they were all outstanding. As a home brewer, I like to brew and drink a wide variety of beers. There are many really good micros:

Pete's Wicked
Wild Goose

and my current favorite: Tuppers Hop Pocket Ale

Now when you're looking for an ordinary American light lager, Schaeffer is a good drinking beer at a good drinking price.

Ales are preferable to lagers in general.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:36 PM
Edited by Mac60 on Tue 02/26/08 05:41 PM

That's where we disagree. The Iraqis have had 5 years now to get their stuff together. They're not going to do it unless forced to. We need to start withdrawing immediately to force their hand. Or we will be there forever.

Iraqi National Forces do not have the numbers or the training to immediately take over. Nor are their police sufficiently trained or in enough numbers to take over.

So you would prefer that the insurgents take over. More civilians die. Rate of child death rise from lack of care. And last but most certainly not least that a new place be left wide open for future terrorists to train in and attack outside targets again.

The key word in my post was "START". Should have emphasized it. Also consider that it will be at least another year before any serious withdrawals would begin. This gives them that much more time to prepare.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:28 PM

Ummm...for all you "stay in Iraq" advocates...

Is there an exit strategy in there somewhere? Or do we just continue to drift along with this open ended commitment? For maybe 100 years like Mr. McCain says.

I'm listening.

Bring some form of democracy to the people and pull most of our troops out. Will we ever completely leave, most likely not. Kinda like Korea, Germany, Kuwait, etc. We will probably always have a base there. Things have calmed down a lot recently due to our surge, i dont give a crap what anyone says about that. I talk to friends over there now and it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. Things are improving. This is a slow process. It takes some patience. Haven't we learned anything from Vietnam? Wars like this, where you deal with insurgents, don't go away over night. I wish it would. I wish i could get my friends back that i lost over there. But i can't. I would love nothing nothing more than to have fellow soldiers return home. But they are over there for a reason.

How long are you willing to stay there?
How many more American lives are you willing to sacrifice?
How much more taxpayer money(that we don't have) are you willing to spend?

As long as the guys on the ground say it will take.

As few as possible.

Money can be saved elsewhere. The government is constantly overspending.

Right now we have a mission. It's up to the leaders on the ground assessing the situation to determine how long and whether it is worth it. Not some suited character sitting in a swival chair.

That's where we disagree. The Iraqis have had 5 years now to get their stuff together. They're not going to do it unless forced to. We need to start withdrawing immediately to force their hand. Or we will be there forever.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:15 PM

Ummm...for all you "stay in Iraq" advocates...

Is there an exit strategy in there somewhere? Or do we just continue to drift along with this open ended commitment? For maybe 100 years like Mr. McCain says.

I'm listening.

Bring some form of democracy to the people and pull most of our troops out. Will we ever completely leave, most likely not. Kinda like Korea, Germany, Kuwait, etc. We will probably always have a base there. Things have calmed down a lot recently due to our surge, i dont give a crap what anyone says about that. I talk to friends over there now and it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. Things are improving. This is a slow process. It takes some patience. Haven't we learned anything from Vietnam? Wars like this, where you deal with insurgents, don't go away over night. I wish it would. I wish i could get my friends back that i lost over there. But i can't. I would love nothing nothing more than to have fellow soldiers return home. But they are over there for a reason.

How long are you willing to stay there?
How many more American lives are you willing to sacrifice?
How much more taxpayer money(that we don't have) are you willing to spend?

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:59 PM
Ummm...for all you "stay in Iraq" advocates...

Is there an exit strategy in there somewhere? Or do we just continue to drift along with this open ended commitment? For maybe 100 years like Mr. McCain says.

I'm listening.

Mac60's photo
Tue 02/26/08 11:42 AM

" Whats that behind me?..BANG!!! aghhhhhhh!!!" Lincoln:cry:

Good grief. Are our Irish tempers gonna clash? Just kidding, but that was a yucky post. You were doing so great up till this.


Hold onto your hat, Lindy. I agree with you. Dude, that was in very poor taste.

Mac60's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:51 PM
McCain has denied everything. On the record. If he is telling the truth, he has no problem. But the denial cops will be out in force, and if he lied about anything, he's doomed.

Mac60's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:12 PM

Doc Holliday: And so she walked out of our lives forever.

And how 'bout:

"The strain was more than he could bear."

Mac60's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:06 PM
Back to Green!

Caps fan here, too.

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