Community > Posts By > guyguy1225

guyguy1225's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:22 PM

Well I understand it's not just about oil, oil is just at the root of everything. Look at Iran, they have had very long and drawn out wars with Iraq. Now if they attack Iraq, we have a reason to depose that nut job ahmadinejad. What the so-called intelligent symbelmyne does not understand is that we americans do not care about her and her very very very corrupt government down there. Our government is kind of like me and my brothers up here in new york, we basically say eff you and there is nobody that will do anything about it. Yes civilians die, it's something that happens in war. However, these people are what allow this to go on. Yes, it is only a minority of zealots over there but that minority has put the fear of god into those people and they continue to do nothing about it. I know she likes to quote george orwell, but I have a quote.

"The only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke

For as long as these people don't stand up for themselves and their human rights, they will be murdered, and not by US forces but by the people killing themselves to get to their virgins. These so called martyrs are nothing but cowards, brainwashed by even bigger cowards to do the dirty work for these extremist pigs. I live in the greatest country in the world and I am proud of that fact. Proud that I have people willing to risk their life so I can freely express my views and opinions.
frustrated try to be polite young man !! from what I have noticed you boys are attacking her intelligent s and country and your selves are making opinions not facts the lady says get your history and facts down ..bigsmile drinker

guyguy1225's photo
Wed 09/03/08 07:47 PM

wow lady. you do realize their entire culture is based around assimilating other cultures into theirs right? to conquer? and by the crusades i mean europe where AMERICANS come from. educate YOURSELF. youve never even been to the middle east have you? if you were to go there, they would sotne you for being a woman with no coverings of any sort. that sound progressive to you? how about all the people theyve neheaded for no reason? theyre animals madame. plain and simple. feel free to rebuke me though.
Americans are from everywhere around the world bud !! Made up of every race !! not just Europe !!bigsmile

guyguy1225's photo
Wed 09/03/08 07:36 PM
flowers Get well soon !! flowers

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 10:37 PM
don't rely on the mutual matches ...that's looking without effort ...try being in the forums more often and making friends ...after all friendships are what spawn relationships !! hope that helps !! :thumbsup:

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 10:21 PM

asleep asleep asleep sorry...gotta crash asleep asleep asleep
wish I was with you Angel

Awwwwe y'all gonna make me cry !
Why can't we have what y'all have???
I will send ya some good possion that will always keep y'all together
We have it great, but it takes A LOT of time and energy to hold this relationship together!
told you that last night bud !! :wink: drinker love takes patients ...nurture it well !!:thumbsup:

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 09:58 PM

To be completely smitten with someone on here??????
huh I'm smitten by a lot of them !! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 09:45 PM
sweetest of dreams Wanda !!yawn

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 08:34 PM
maybe wants to see you in handcuffs !!laugh devil

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 08:30 PM
waving :tongue: :banana: :banana: ((( Wanda )))

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 02:03 AM
love does just not always happen it takes time to build ,a true lasting love is nourished and protected ,you can love someone but like Joy says you must have faith in it know it is unconditional ...loving someone and being in love is two very different things ...example I love my ex still ,but not in love with her very different ....takes time to build that unconditional love !!

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 12:15 AM

I'll walk with you. I need a good cry.

Hugs to you Ms Animal flowerforyou

((( Michael ))))

Lets walk a bit,, Crying is good for the Soul,, I am really good at it,,,

yes it is and cleanses the body of impurities !!drinker :heart:

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 09/02/08 12:01 AM
:cry: :heart:

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 11:20 PM
waving :banana: drinker

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:50 PM

I dont think they do...but maybe they do...I am not , I think they don't ...I think men do...or maybe men don't ...let me think about this....
laugh laugh

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:49 PM

But once they have formed opinions they usually stick to them.

If we spend the time to make the decision then why would we not stick with it?huh
laugh frustrated I thought you knew ? laugh please decided !!laugh flowerforyou

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:40 PM

A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.:banana:
drinker drinker what a hero ! drinker

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:29 PM

flowerforyou Are mindchangers those people that can predict the future and read your mind and stuff like that?huh
laugh laugh Lee don't we wish !!

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:27 PM

lol your funny ask my x i never change my mind
if you read the the whole thing sweety it says men change their minds more often then women !!flowerforyou

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 10:18 PM

Ha!!! safe....I think women are more cautious then men in the decision change there minds but hardly ever make the right decisions...(watch me score with the ladies with that one):banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
laugh laugh lots of luck toot that horn train !!drinker

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/01/08 09:58 PM

Time does not speed up we slow down :smile:
you might be right there ! and time keeps on slippin into the future !!! laugh

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