Community > Posts By > PreciousLife
Doesn’t anyone think that it’s strange that the Bible, a book that is supposed to the word of the supreme creator of this universe, it so ambiguous? Clearly there are intelligent well-educated scholars who are Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and so on and so forth, yet none of these intelligent well-educated men can come to a consensus on what the hell the book is saying? Why would a supposedly all-wise God write such an incoherent muddled book? Does this God like the idea of playing hide and seek, or what? Why would a God create such an ambiguous message??? Abra, The Bible is a complex book. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that G-d gave us something that has deeper levels of understanding and won't be a simplistic kindergarten book. The Bible speaks to all people even if they are very different levels of personal development and understanding of life. Real people have different levels of sophistication. What is really amazing is that the Bible can be understood even at various levels. The two main keepers and studiers of the Bible are the Jews and the Christians. I think Spider and I are good examples. We may respectfully differ on a number of key issues but we agree on the vast majority of issues within the Bible. I greatly respect Spiders views and he has an honest and open approach to his beliefs. So yes there is nuance and enlightened understanding within the text. Two crucial points to remember. 1. The vast majority agree on most things that are very direct and open in the Bible. 2. The Bible was designed to connect to you on the level you are. You are very quick to dismiss the conversation when you ask a question. For example, you state that there are different interpretations to the Bible so therefore you can dismiss the Bible as a book written by G-d. (You have done this in many previous discussions as well.) I would respectfully ask you to ask questions and then ponder or wait for a response before repeatedly coming to a conclusion. Can you imagine investigating anything with this method? Each time you have a question, don't immediately come to a conclusion. Otherwise you can't really investigate anything. Questions are great! Quick conclusions are not. Fair enough? |
For those of us who believe in G-d the story of Joshua is very powerful. There is no cruelty here only justice. G-d is a Lord of mercy. If He deems people irredeemable they must have been pretty bad. It’s kind of arrogant for you to pass judgment, when you weren’t there and have no idea who or what was involved. It’s not people who are making this judgment, but G-d. You might not like the notion – doesn’t make it less true.
"There is no cruelty here, only justice." Genocide is not cruelty? War, conquest, plunder is not cruelty? Oh that's right! You said it was justice and they got what they rightly deserved. I do believe in the laws of cause and effect. But this was simply war and conquest and had nothing to do with God. That is the point I want to make. You can believe otherwise. I just think that using God to justify war and conquest is getting a little old and frankly it makes me sad. Do you really believe that Joshua talked to God? How did this happen? Did God speak to him in a dream? A burning bush? Or the Ark? (Perhaps the ark was a technical device built by an alien race?) You do not know what really occurred, you only know what the person who wrote the story believes took place. If you think I am "ranting" (as you said) you don't know me at all. I am speaking very seriously and as simply, clearly and as logically as possible. According to your belief I could not have possibly been there during that time. According to my belief in reincarnation, I could have been there. Arrogant to pass judgment? On war and genocide? Well excuse me for having an opinion. Jeannie Jeannie, Whats arrogant is to pass judgment on a situation that you have very little understanding about. This is an event that happened 3,000 years ago and you have no idea who the Cannanites were. Try explaining to people 3,000 years from now who the NAZIS were. Oh yeah, we don't have video and newspapers from 3,000 years ago. So to pass judgement and call it genocide is arrogant. Why is it hard to believe that G-d communicated with man? Do you think an Omnipotent Being is not capable of making sure a person knows that he is communicating with G-d? Before you respond about people "who hear voices" etc, it wasn't JUST G-d speaking to the leaders of Israel, it also was backed up by constant miracles that went along with everything G-d said. Miracles that were public to ALL the people on a daily basis. (Manna from heaven, splitting of the sea in Egypt and Jordan, constant victories against far superior forces (except when they violated G-d's word) etc.) I understand that you don't believe these things. As I was saying before, you can't honestly investigate or ridicule a story if you don't believe the motivation and content of what was happening at the time. If you remove all the aspects that you don't believe of course the story makes no sense. Its like saying that I don't believe the NAZIS were cruel. The Americans just wanted to dominate the world that's why they attacked and obliterated the Germans. Americans are genocidal conquerors that just want to plunder for oil, money, and power. That's what you are saying and that's why I said it sounds arrogant and faulty when you skip half the details of a story and then try to pass judgment. |
You did not tell me to believe something, but you did tell me that I should either believe it completely or not at all. That sounds like George Bush saying "You are either with me or against me." Things are not that black and white. I did not say that the book "didn't make sense to me." Think of me as an investigator trying to interpret what really happened after listening to (or reading) an account of it by a witness. You never take a witnesses account of an incident as the gospel truth. Witnesses are not all that reliable. No investigator can come to a situations with a bias. You can't honestly investigate the Bible when you start with an attitude of not believing that G-d exists. In fact in any type of investigation you would have to recuse yourself if you had a bias against the principle issue that you are investigating. That's why I say that you can't believe half a story. Lets say you were agnostic - then you can investigate because you are open to both possibilities. If you are not open to both possibilities then how can you call yourself an investigator? |
A "scientific" question
You prove my point. 1. that he says that the HYPOTHESIS is no longer a curiosity. That still doesn't make it more then a HYPOTHESIS which is not the same thing as FACT.
Arguing about the age of the earth? Believers are always harping about what can and cannot be proven or what is or is not a FACT. That is really funny to me. You can spend your entire life defending your chosen authority and it will have been wasted in the end. None of that stuff matters really. None of it matters. Jeannie Why doesn't it matter? Of course truth matters. To a person of faith believing in G-d feels with all his or her senses as true and connects with all of his or her life experiences. (In fact, I have discovered that by far the majority of atheists and agnostics have emotional issues (anger, hurt, negative experiences with people etc.) with religion and G-d - not logical ones.) That is the reason why a person of faith believes with all his heart and mind. We never said we can prove it scientifically, so we don't have that burden of proof. However when people start throwing around that the age of the earth has been PROVEN scientifically and that is simply not true, then the burden is on anyone who says it was PROVEN to actually do so and shoe me FACTUAL proof. Again I love and respect science but there is a huge difference between PROOF and theory that keeps on being discarded years later for new theory's. That's fine, because that's the scientific method - but please lets be accurate and not say something is FACTUAL when its not. |
Nobody is telling you that you have to believe anything, but your logical arguments just don’t make any sense if you are going to disbelieve half of a book and then say that the book doesn’t make sense according to you. Take any book that you read and remove one character because you don’t believe he exists and then make fun of the story how it doesn’t make sense. It’s illogical. If you read the cat in the hat but don’t believe that the hat exists, you can really attack the story and show how it doesn’t make sense. But the story is based on both characters the cat and the hat, so you can’t question one if you don’t accept the other. If you have issues within the Bible that is very fair to question and ask how one is to understand what seemingly appears cruel. That fine and I would (and did) be happy to answer. Otherwise this isn’t a logic discussion – it’s just a rant. What’s the point of those? |
A "scientific" question
| "Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring isotope carbon-14 (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years." ------------ Did you read it all or just the part that you liked better? Keep it up! The geology and archeology community will be excited to see the results of your "work". "Meanwhile suggestive evidence was dug out (literally) by the geochemist Wallace Broecker and collaborators. Ancient coral reefs were perched at various elevations above the present sea level on islands that geological forces were gradually uplifting. The fossil reefs gave witness to how sea level had risen and fallen as ice sheets built up on the continents and melted away. The coral could be dated by hacking out samples and measuring their uranium and other radioactive isotopes. These isotopes decayed over millennia on a timescale that had been accurately measured in nuclear laboratories. Unlike carbon-14, the decay was slow enough so there was still enough left to measure after hundreds of thousands of years. As a check, the sea level changes could be set alongside the oxygen-isotope temperature changes measured in deep-sea cores. Again the orbital cycles emerged, plainer than ever. At a conference on climate change held in Boulder, Colorado in 1965, Broecker announced that "The Milankovitch hypothesis can no longer be considered just an interesting curiosity."(20) People at the conference began to speculate on how the calculated changes in sunlight, although they seemed insignificantly small, might somehow trigger ice ages. That could happen if the climate system were so delicately balanced that a small push could prompt it to switch between different states. <=>Chaos theory <=>The oceans <=>Rapid change Emiliani improved his measurements, thanks to a fine set of cores that reached back more than 400,000 years. He announced he could not make the data fit the traditional ice ages timetable at all. He rejected the entire scheme, painstakingly worked out around the end of the 19th century in Europe and accepted by generations of geologists, of a Pleistocene epoch comprising four major glacial advances alternating with long and equable interglacial periods. Emiliani said the interglacials had been briefer, and had been complicated by irregular rises and falls of temperature, making dozens of ice ages.(21) Many other scientists found his chronology dubious, but he defended his position tenaciously. Most significantly, he believed the sequence correlated rather well with the complex Milankovitch curve of summer sunlight at high northern latitude. Calculating how the cycle should continue in the future, in 1966 Emiliani predicted that "a new glaciation will begin within a few thousand years."(22) It was a step toward what would soon become widespread public concern about future cooling. SPQR, You wrote: "Unlike carbon-14, the decay was slow enough so there was still enough left to measure after hundreds of thousands of years. " Hundreds of thousands of years? I thought you guys like putting earths number in the millions or hundreds of millions of years. You wrote: "At a conference on climate change held in Boulder, Colorado in 1965, Broecker announced that "The Milankovitch hypothesis can no longer be considered just an interesting curiosity."(20) People at the conference began to speculate on how the calculated changes in sunlight, although they seemed insignificantly small, might somehow trigger ice ages. That could happen if the climate system were so delicately balanced that a small push could prompt it to switch between different states." You prove my point. 1. that he says that the HYPOTHESIS is no longer a curiosity. That still doesn't make it more then a HYPOTHESIS which is not the same thing as FACT. 2. Look at that paragraph again and notice how sensitive all the data is to a slight variation in sunlight or other weather phenomenon's. All the HYPOTHESIS are based on all outside factors being completely equal through its entire history. How likely is that???? Your last paragraph completely proves my point. What was "accepted by generations of geologists" this guy is saying is untrue. Would you have considered something that was "accepted by generations of geologists" as FACT? Oops, that would have been a big mistake, wouldn't it? Then to top it off, even the new guy who feels that NOW he really has it all figured out still has "Many other scientists found his chronology dubious". While I respect scientist and think its great that they are exploring If I were you I really wouldn't be so quick to say that anything is PROVEN FACT. There is lots of speculation, HYPOTHESIS, and theory's - not FACTS. |
A "scientific" question
My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible? You don't trust science because of your personal observations, you trust it because it can be tested repeatedely in a consistent manner. You believe the bible because you want to, not because it's true, it's called faith. No "personal observation" can make you "reject science" your question makes no sense at all. SPQR, Not all sciences are equal. Many have proven theories like Gravity and Photosynthesis. However other sciences are theory’s based on extrapolation and the notion that it’s the best theory that we currently have. That does not mean it’s proven. All it means that it’s the best current theory according to science. Most people have no idea about this. They assume that all science is equal. Its not. Honestly, how many people have actually studied the details behind the “proof” of evolution or the age of the universe? Most folks just accept the notion without actually investigating for themselves. Gravity and photosynthesys are not theories are "laws" if you came up with a better "gravity theory" let us all know please. Newton would be proud of you. Details behind the LAW of evolution are in front of your face everyday, and you can study in a library, millions of volumes on the topic. New links found every month. On the other side you trust a book written thousands of years ago and based on myths. And you you mention investigating the truth? Why you ever investigated the bible? LOL you guys are fun. "Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring isotope carbon-14 (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years." Issue #1 - it only works up to 60,000 years. "...For approximate analysis it is assumed that the cosmic ray flux is constant over long periods of time; thus carbon-14 is produced at a constant rate and the proportion of radioactive to non-radioactive carbon is constant." Issue #2 - "it is assumed that the cosmic ray flux is constant over long periods of time" This has not been proven. It is an ASSUMPTION. This materials are very heat and weather sensitive. We have no way of proving it or knowing if some atmospheric event (extreme cold weathers, natural disasters, etc) effected these materials over thousands of years. To prove my point please read the next paragraph from Wikipedia: "The need for calibration A raw BP date cannot be used directly as a calendar date, because the level of atmospheric 14C has not been strictly constant during the span of time that can be radiocarbon dated. The level is affected by variations in the cosmic ray intensity which is affected by variations in the earth's magnetosphere caused by solar storms. In addition there are substantial reservoirs of carbon in organic matter, the ocean, ocean sediments (see methane hydrate), and sedimentary rocks. Changing climate can sometimes disrupt the carbon flow between these reservoirs and the atmosphere. The level has also been affected by human activities—it was almost doubled for a short period due to atomic bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s and has been lowered by the admixture of large amounts of CO2 from ancient organic sources relatively depleted in 14C —the combustion products of fossil fuels used in industry and transportation, known as the Suess effect." This paragraph clearly states that cosmic ray intensity, solar storms and changing climate "disrupt the carbon flow". In fact - "it was almost doubled for a short period due to atomic bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s" Like I said its all nice theories based on lots of assumptions and unknowns. I don't see how anyone can call this "fact." |
Why is it so hard to imagine nations that were so corrupt beyond redemption. This was G-d’s judgment not mans. G-d knows how and when to show mercy and who is deserving of it. Imagine there were nation after nation of Nazis. How much mercy do they deserve? Can their sins be redeemed?
It is not hard to imagine corrupt nations. Beyond redemption? I don't think Joshua should have stuck his nose into someone else's land and forced them to change their religion or else. No matter what he thought of it. God had nothing to do with this act of genocide. It was pure greed and conquest. I don't believe God had anything to do with it. Its simply common sense. Does it bother you that G-d destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you think there were innocent people there? Abraham pleaded with G-d that if there are even a handful of innocent people He should spare Sodom and Gomorrah. G-d told Abraham that there were no innocent people there and destroyed those cities.
If that story is true.. it was either a natural disaster or some advanced being (pretending to be Gods) blasted that city with some kind of death ray or bomb. God does not go around killing people who are evil or "not innocent" If he did we would all be in a world of trouble. That's just common sense. If there was someone back then with these kinds of controlling powers of destruction, with advanced technology, (I believe it is very probable) then they were pretending to be Gods(s) and the ignorant natives believed them after seeing a few magic tricks. What I find mind-blowing are modern people of today who can't use their logical minds to figure these things out, via common sense, but who choose to believe the writings of either liars or the ignorant natives who were fooled, wrote what they thought was the truth. Jeannie Jeannie, You’re very funny. You can’t believe half a story and then say that the story doesn’t make sense. If you remove G-d from the picture then I agree the story doesn’t make any sense. However the story over and over is based on the fact that G-d was clearly in the picture and EVERYONE was aware of it at the time. Either don’t accept the WHOLE story or do. You can’t pick and choose what you accept and then say – look how mean they were. For those of us who believe in G-d the story of Joshua is very powerful. There is no cruelty here only justice. G-d is a Lord of mercy. If He deems people irredeemable they must have been pretty bad. It’s kind of arrogant for you to pass judgment, when you weren’t there and have no idea who or what was involved. It’s not people who are making this judgment, but G-d. You might not like the notion – doesn’t make it less true. Its one thing to say that you are an atheist or agnostic. It’s another thing to belittle other people’s religion. Have a little decency. If you want to ask questions, great. But don’t belittle and ridicule people for their beliefs. I think even pantheists and atheists are supposed to have common decency. |
The power of Authority Figures and Group think An Example of Group think: If you read the old testament, the book of Joshua, you will find yourself reading about the merciless slaughter of the Men, women, children and animals of Jericho and the rest of the land. This action, according to the Bible, was commanded by “The Lord.” (or so Joshua told the people.) Now whether or not there was some person or entity giving orders to Joshua or not, the solutions was to murder without mercy, all of the inhabitants of that land. In order to do this, there had to be a reason. One does not go into a city and chop off the head of a helpless infant without a good reason. Therefore the troops were told that all the people in the land were “evil” and claimed that he had been told this by “The Lord.” I have read this book several times. Joshua needed the promised land so he took it. His troops took his word for it that he was speaking to “The Lord” and they obeyed his authority. Some questioned him, some did not. Some went against him, some were afraid to. Many were killed on the spot for questioning his authority. For the sake of argument, lets assume the story in the book of Joshua was a true historical account. Lets assume the slaughter and invasion did take place. When modern day people defend the killing of babies with their logic (which I think is twisted) that this slaughter was ordered by “The Lord” their God, – (Just because Joshua said it was,) To find what is true you have to open your mind. That is not easy. All information is valid. “Joshua 11:19 – There was not a city that made peace with the children of Israel except for the Hivvite inhabitants of Gibeon… The Canaanites lose the chance to repent and survive. Verse 19 implies that if a city had wished to make peace with Israel, its offer would have been accepted, provided it agreed to abide by the Seven Noahide Laws and to perform national service (Ralbag).” They all had a choice to repent and be spared. But they were not worthy so G-d hardened the hearts of the majority of Canaanites to wage war and be destroyed. Why is it so hard to imagine nations that were so corrupt beyond redemption. This was G-d’s judgment not mans. G-d knows how and when to show mercy and who is deserving of it. Imagine there were nation after nation of Nazis. How much mercy do they deserve? Can their sins be redeemed? Does it bother you that G-d destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you think there were innocent people there? Abraham pleaded with G-d that if there are even a handful of innocent people He should spare Sodom and Gomorrah. G-d told Abraham that there were no innocent people there and destroyed those cities. Evil is bad and has severe punishment. This is not innocent people. Keep in mind that this wasn’t a choice for Joshua. Clearly all the battles they won were miracles in nature and were directly by the command of G-d. (They were vastly outnumbered with a far greater arsenal of chariots and armies of the enemies.) Nobody but G-d knows who is evil and who is redeemable. No man can make that judgment but G-d. So you can’t compare it to any situation today. You can’t think about that time period with all its blatant miracles and clear guidance from G-d with today’s confusing world. |
ok ladies
You should try to make new friends this way you are not settling while you wait for your soulmate. Your friends will help you not be lonely.
Rate the person above you!!
9 got a bad boy look! woohooo! YAYA 10 ;-) |
A "scientific" question
My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible? You don't trust science because of your personal observations, you trust it because it can be tested repeatedely in a consistent manner. You believe the bible because you want to, not because it's true, it's called faith. No "personal observation" can make you "reject science" your question makes no sense at all. SPQR, Not all sciences are equal. Many have proven theories like Gravity and Photosynthesis. However other sciences are theory’s based on extrapolation and the notion that it’s the best theory that we currently have. That does not mean it’s proven. All it means that it’s the best current theory according to science. Most people have no idea about this. They assume that all science is equal. Its not. Honestly, how many people have actually studied the details behind the “proof” of evolution or the age of the universe? Most folks just accept the notion without actually investigating for themselves. |
Geez people!
I have seen the same commercial 4 times already on the same channel within ten minutes! I am about to just turn the thing off Is it for digital cable? "Call your mom, call your date, call all you want, from state to state. 877 - 4something something ate, ate , ate , ate!" Is it that one? I must have seen it a million times on TV! I dream it at night! ;-) |
A "scientific" question
Someone who is mentally ill will be judged for those sins commited while they were lucid.
Well, being that you are an absolutists I’m not surprised at your response. Unfortunately the real world is not so black and white. As I say, this was very troublesome for many preachers I know. We’re not just talking about mental illness, we’re talking about anyone who is tempted to do bad things versus people who are not. Given that life is supposedly a one-shot deal. No second chances. And it’s a judgmental scheme. Then men who have absolutely no desire to do bad things are getting a free ride. Whilst men who have to constantly fight against strong urges to do bad things are being given a very rigorous tests. In short, it would be an extremely unfair system. Anyone who does bad things and is judged by God to be a sinner could just point over at me and say to God, “Well this isn’t fair because you didn’t give that many any temptations! He got a free ride! Why didn’t you make me like you made him?” Do you see the problem Spider? If anyone gets a free ride through life than all those who don’t will have a legitimate right to claim foul. It wouldn’t have been fair to them that they were created with such great desires to do bad things. Had they not had that desire in the first place they would have never done them. I’m, I’d have to agree with them! If a man is raping women, or molesting little children, I’m prepared to automatically say that he must be mentally ill. I certainly don’t have any desire to do those things. I can only imagine that people who do those things are mental ill. We could actually carry that over to apply to any imaginable bad act. No one in their right mind would commit a bad act. Therefore all sin can be excused on grounds that the person who committed it couldn’t have possibly be thinking lucid. So now we’re at an impasse that no one can ever be guilty of committing a sin whilst thinking clearly. All sin is a result of ignorance, stupidity, and/or mental illness and thus it is all excusable. Abra, There are levels of good and bad. Just because many of us are civilized and won’t intentionally harm others doesn’t mean our work here is done. We are responsible for continued personal growth. Even many of us who are civilized still hurt others. Sometimes we gossip about others. Sometimes in a thread on the forums we hurt or insult others in the heat of making our point. The greater you are the more responsibilities you have to yourself and to others. Come on Abra. I consider myself a good and kind person, but I know that I still have much work to do to improve myself. Have we forgiven those that have harmed us? Have we accepted that while they may have been wrong, they were doing the best they can with the tools that they have? That they may have had limited capacity to understand what they were doing or the harm it caused? Have we asked forgiveness from those that are angry with us? Are we sometimes not humble enough? Do we let pride get to us and allow our ego to grow? If you are honest with yourself (another trait that we ALL have to work on) you know that there are areas that you can improve on yourself. There is no such thing as a person is done and has no more work to do here on earth to improve himself and the world. There is pleeeeeenty to do. |
who loves God?
Many people love G-d (Including myself). However many people aren't Christians and still love G-d. You don't have to be any particular religion to love G-d. (Nobody said that you did but there seemed to be that correlation.) If you have an open heart and are humble how can you not love our Creator who has given us so much and truly loves us? In the end, 1 religion, 1 God, Loving what you think is God doesnt mean it is God, remember this. Call Him whatever you want to. We are talking about the Supreme Being who Created the Universe. It doesn't matter what Religion you practice, that is the One G-d of all that is. My point is that majority of religions recognize this. We don't have to all be of the same religion to all agree that this is true. |
who loves God?
Many people love G-d (Including myself). However many people aren't Christians and still love G-d. You don't have to be any particular religion to love G-d. (Nobody said that you did but there seemed to be that correlation.) If you have an open heart and are humble how can you not love our Creator who has given us so much and truly loves us? This is so true. I love God too. But I hate religion. I think religion is disgusting. Religions paint ulgy pictures of hateful Gods that condemn love. We'll not all religions. From what I hear the God of the Jews is pretty cool. But that was hearsay. I'm not really familiar with the religion. Hee hee, Abra ;-) |
who loves God?
Many people love G-d (Including myself). However many people aren't Christians and still love G-d. You don't have to be any particular religion to love G-d. (Nobody said that you did but there seemed to be that correlation.)
If you have an open heart and are humble how can you not love our Creator who has given us so much and truly loves us? |
A "scientific" question
Since Christians see sex outside of marriage as sinful, Christians are encouraged to marry and have an active sexual relationship with their partner, if they feel they do not have the self control to be celebate. I believe that the purpose of celibacy in Catholocism is so that priests, monks and nuns can dedicate all of their energy to God and other people, rather than focusing so much on one other person. Spider, Let me see if I understand you, and again, please clarify if I misunderstood. It seems from what you are saying that mankind would be better off without sexuality. You implied this by saying that having a sexual relationship within marriage is good IF you do not have self control to be celibate. Which implies that celibacy is the highest value. Which implies that sexuality is not a positive thing but rather a default "if one doesn't have self control". Doesn't that imply that there is something inherently sinful or wrong about sexuality? I think it will seem that I am splitting hairs, but bear with me. Sex outside of marriage is inherenetly sinful. Sex within marriage is not a sin. I'm not sure that I would characterize sex as inherently sinful, because there is a vivid distinction made between married and unmarried sex. The commitment of marriage means that there is no sin in sex or lust for the one to whom you are married. 1 Corinthians 7:7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. The above is Paul speaking. What he's saying is that he would prefer if all people could be celibate like he is. But he recognizes his willpower, his ability to be celebate without lust, as a gift from God and acknowleges that not everyone will have that gift. Spider, Again it seems that you agree that according to your beliefs sexuality is inherently a negative thing. However since the majority of humans need it then the proper way to do it is through marriage. But clearly Christianity is seeing it as inherently negative and marriage as the lesser of two evils if you have to have sex. Would you agree with that? My only point is that there is a very clear distinction with attitudes about sex between Christianity (negative towards higher spirtuality) and Judaism (sacred and positive towards higher spirtuality). |
A "scientific" question
I think the comparison is totally irrelevant. I don’t believe that pre-marital sex has anything at all to do with the potential for hurt. Period. You’re either going to hurt someone or you’re not. Whether you had sex with them is irrelevant. Unless of course you just run around getting women pregnant and walking away without taking responsibility. FINALLY, and this MUST BE SAID! Having had pre-marital sex and then deciding to part ways before marriage would not necessarily lead to hurting anyone. Lot’s of people have pre-marital sex and eventually decide that they aren’t interested in making a life-long commitment to each other. They simply part friends. No one needs to be hurt by pre-marital sex. That’s your suggesting. Pre-martial sex does not automatically equate to hurt. Far from it. In fact, there is nothing inherently hurtful about pre-martial sex in and of itself. If there is any hurt involved it must have arisen from other issues. Abra, Physical contact between a man and a woman creates an intrinsic sense of hope for the woman in particular. Regardless if the man and woman have a discussion that their relationship is not serious; the physical contact causes the woman to start feeling that, “Maybe he will love me.” When you kiss someone, touch them tenderly, or more – you are saying something very powerful. You are sending a very strong message without words. You are sending the message that, I care for you, I think your special, I can see your uniqueness, I value your heart and soul, and I love you. This message is an eternal one. That physical contact is saying that you are so valued and loved; it has no expiration or time limit. Regardless of any words spoken between you to the contrary, that physical contact is creating a willingness to be vulnerable and give completely of yourself because you want and believe the message that the physical contact is sending to every nerve ending in your body. That is why when a physical relationship ends there is such devastation and crushed feelings particularly for women. The unspoken promise has been shattered. The powerful loving eternal message has been a big fat lie. No wonder it creates so much pain and devastation. If you think I am exaggerating check out this link about the devastation of a broken heart: Or this excerpt from an article: "I had talked to hundreds of single women in their 20s and 30s for a book, and most expressed a profound and ineffable sadness about the discrepancy in what they wanted to believe about sexual opportunities available to them, and what they actually found to be real. One disillusioned woman told me bluntly: "Junk sex is no better than junk food.'' My interviews coincided with the publication of The Cosmo Report -- a compilation of experiences of women who had been encouraged by Cosmopolitan magazine to believe that for hip, with-it women, good sexual experiences were possible without even a glance toward love. More than a 106,000 women who answered a questionnaire said they were lonely and depressed and felt they had bought the rewards of the sexual revolution at an exorbitant price. The conclusion of a 24-year-old school teacher was typical: "Men never wanted to form commitments, but in the past they had to in order to obtain sex. Now that we women are no longer afraid of one-night stands, they don't have to commit themselves.'' Are such findings dated? Well, the language has changed. One-night stands have become "hook-ups.'' Last week in the same Washington Post, Patricia Dalton, a clinical psychologist who works in the nation's capital, rediscovered the psycho-sexual wheel. "If there is a disease of our time,'' she writes, "it's got to be loneliness.'' She sees women patients in their 20s and 30s who, according to their laments, bought a faulty sexual blueprint for life, overlooking the relentless urgency of the biological clock and the truism, however unfair, that unmarried men continue to seek mates who are younger and fairer. They ignore the corollary that male mating possibilities expand with age while female mating potential shrinks. The woman who once waited for a knight on a white horse to sweep her off her feet finds herself waiting for the perfect mate she won't divorce like her mother did. As a result women marry later and so do men. The initial passion that once motivated men and women to marry dissipates when they live together. One 31-year old female patient, who became discouraged in a sexual relationship that had gone on too long, told her therapist: "I've been acting like a wife, and he's been acting like a boyfriend.'' |
A "scientific" question
On the original point of science and religion, I believe that they go hand in hand. On a simplictic topic of creationism or evolution; science proves without a doubt that evolution exists, yet GOD is the creator. OKC Chef Science has proven no such thing. Its assumed by most people that science has proven it. However it is a theory based on extrapolation with room for much error. I don't see the relevance, once we believe that the initial creation was by G-d, whether He then put evolution into existence or He simply created us fully formed. It doesn't change anything either way. But I have examined evolution closely and I really don't see how anyone can say its proven. At best its an elegant theory that requires much more study before we can jump to conclusions. I'm not sure what rock your living under, but simple carbon dating has dated artifacts and fossilized remains (not to mention the beginning of geological time). Theology and those who are experts have dated back the time of Adam and Eve. Why is it so hard to believe that both can exist. Did God not create knowledge? Chef, here is the rock I live under: "Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring isotope carbon-14 (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years." Issue #1 - it only works up to 60,000 years. "...For approximate analysis it is assumed that the cosmic ray flux is constant over long periods of time; thus carbon-14 is produced at a constant rate and the proportion of radioactive to non-radioactive carbon is constant." Issue #2 - "it is assumed that the cosmic ray flux is constant over long periods of time" This has not been proven. It is an ASSUMPTION. This materials are very heat and weather sensitive. We have no way of proving it or knowing if some atmospheric event (extreme cold weathers, natural disasters, etc) effected these materials over thousands of years. To prove my point please read the next paragraph from Wikipedia: "The need for calibration A raw BP date cannot be used directly as a calendar date, because the level of atmospheric 14C has not been strictly constant during the span of time that can be radiocarbon dated. The level is affected by variations in the cosmic ray intensity which is affected by variations in the earth's magnetosphere caused by solar storms. In addition there are substantial reservoirs of carbon in organic matter, the ocean, ocean sediments (see methane hydrate), and sedimentary rocks. Changing climate can sometimes disrupt the carbon flow between these reservoirs and the atmosphere. The level has also been affected by human activities—it was almost doubled for a short period due to atomic bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s and has been lowered by the admixture of large amounts of CO2 from ancient organic sources relatively depleted in 14C —the combustion products of fossil fuels used in industry and transportation, known as the Suess effect." This paragraph clearly states that cosmic ray intensity, solar storms and changing climate "disrupt the carbon flow". In fact - "it was almost doubled for a short period due to atomic bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s" Like I said its all nice theories based on lots of assumptions and unknowns. I don't see how anyone can call this "fact." |