Community > Posts By > Nytedance

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Fri 06/25/10 12:34 AM
Edited by Nytedance on Fri 06/25/10 12:35 AM
From what I understand, the woman did not want to press charges originally. A police report was filed.
Anyone could speculate on the reasons why she did not pursue the matter until now.
It could be a "she-said-he said" issue, a guilt thing going on, or inappropiate behaviour did take place.
As far as jobs, if one was a reputable massage therapist, wouldn't one want to press charges against a client who stepped way over the line regardless of who that client was?
I am not casting aspersions on her,or on him for that matter, just wondering if there was not something else going on, and either one or both either got "caught" in the act.
Bill Clinton is an entirely different story. He disgraced himself, humilated his wife, and destroyed any credibility he may have had when he lied about having sex with "that woman".
It remains to be seen if Al Gore is going down that slippery slope.
Anybody know why he and Tipper are divorcing?
The National Enquirer may not be the NY Times, but they do get it right sometimes.

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Tue 06/22/10 03:52 AM
The invasion of Iraq was a direct military response to 9/11.
What should we have done? Impose sanctions against Iraq or have the UN censure them? Yeah-that would have worked. The argument could be made that Iraq was not involved in 9/11. However, there are Taliban and Al-Queda training camps in Iraq, and Saddam backed them both. Afghanistan is also the prime breeding ground for Taliban and Al-Queda. Should we have not gone after Bin Laden after 9/11?
Iraq and Afghanistan have both been involved in waging acts of terrorism around the globe. Should we have given them a pass for 9/11 or for the USS Cole or the Embassy bombings?
Iraq and Afghanistan for that matter have both vowed openly to wage war against us. The US cannot be submissive to either of these countries. Don't forget, Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to respond before sending in military forces.
An unprovoked attack against the US will be answered, with or without Congressional approval as it should be.
Just for the record, Korea was an undeclared war also.