Community > Posts By > Ghostrecon

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:32 PM
Don't you think that image is a factor in our lives. Not a good one. But
a factor.

Image in modeling, acting, the job pertmotion. I watched a program many
years ago. It was about ISM's.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:30 PM

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:24 PM
What about when you try to compliment her( with her extra LBS) and she
throws it back in your face?

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:20 PM
Who talking to ?

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:18 PM
You see Party! Trolls are part of the Internet that's all. Nothing you
can do about them. They are part of the negative force with in us all.
You just have to ignore them. And they will go away. For now that is.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:11 PM

Jimmahnie crickets mamma!

All Hail Mistress of all pleasure.

You got the look!

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:07 PM
Mimi! I hope not.

I think the dems can produce a betteer candidate then her for sure. But
unfortunately. They are of the good ol boy's club much as the Reps. In
other words. Don't Fuck with us damn it. The dems are just as ego
tistical as the reps. Me first. Fuck the ppl. Al they want is power as
do all policical parties. So no real justice there.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:58 PM
How about Muff dive for hunger. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:24 PM
I might even look up his skirt myself. Just want to see if Monica left
any hickies. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:22 PM
Well, gee!
Maybe it's just plain old redtape shit that goes on. We have (where I
work) a bunch of Costa Ricans working here. I'm sure they had some kind
of help to get their status bumped up so the Owner could utilize them
for his own sinister plan to rape America and chuck us under the garbage
heap. He Indian BTW. No shit swami! We f-en make fun of the dot head all
the time. It's the only thing that keeps me from going insane there.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:11 PM
Isn't also a foul? I've never seen the Canadian 2$ bill. Only Canadian
Quarter and dime witch most vending machines don't except of course.

The best thinkg that came out of Canada In my opinion was the Band Rush.
They Rock and every deep too.

Also the best view of Niagra Falls.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:06 PM
Where have you been? LOL!

He's always been the first lady. Except when Monica was on her knees.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:56 PM
Two peace activists have planned a massive
anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter. But
they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much
rather you just stay home. The "Global Orgasm for Peace" was
conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose
immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm
Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.

"The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after
Reffell said Sunday. "Your mind is like a blank. It's like a
meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make
a change." The couple are no strangers to sex and social
activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy
Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped
naked and spelled out the word "Peace." By promoting what they
hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get
people to channel their sexual energy into something more
positive. "The dream is to have everyone in the world (take
part)," Reffell said. "And if that means laying down your gun
for a few minutes, then hey, all the better."

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:55 PM

Will America's next president be a woman?
(by Raven Smith: Written June, 2006 at my blog)

If Hillary Clinton chooses to run in the 2008 presidential elections,
she would have a better chance at winning than any other democratic
candidate. Hillary Clinton has two unique advantages: she is a woman and
two, she has Bill. You would never think being a woman would be an
advantage for a presidential candidate but America is seeded and ready
for change.
Some experts think that Hillary won't even make it past the primaries
but they're wrong, for quite a few reasons. According to the polling
report in June 2008:
Polls %
John McCain (R) 47%
Hillary Clinton (D) 40%
Unsure 13%

Democrat %
Hillary Clinton 31%
Al Gore 18%
John Kerry 14%
John Edwards 11%
Joe Biden 4%
Mark Warner 3%
Wesley Clark 3%
Evan Bayh 2%
Russ Feingold 2%
Bill Richardson 2%
Chris Dodd 1%
Tom Vilsack 0%
Unsure 10%
Food for thought....Why's
Stronger voter turnout
I'm predicting that the coming elections of 2008 we will see more voters
at the polls than ever before. Today's young American's have faced more
grief, anger, frustration, fear and worry about the future of the whole
world, then their parents ever had too. The turmoil of war, 911, Iran,
Hurricane Katrina, the environmental cause, the Immigrant issue and the
list goes on; has awaken the young American vote. I believe we will see
more young Americans voting and more minorities voting in 2008. This
demographic pull is coming to the 2008 polls and it will be significant.
The stereotypes of woman are still relevant but not set in stone,
The younger voters are very open to a woman leading this nation. The
baby boomers are hesitant but open, and the older American's will become
open because Hillaryhas Bill at her side. Each generation has its own
biases but the germinated path of woman's rights has had over forty
years in social change; thus leaning towards the acceptance of woman as
equals and leaders. It's not far from reality that a woman can take her
place as leader of this nation.
Bill Clinton in the background
Bill Clinton is still well respected. He can no longer run for office
but getting Hillary in, is one way to resurrect Bill. Bill Clinton's
background role also puts a sense of ease for those still uncertain in
Hillary's leadership abilities. Bill Clinton is a political security
blanket for those who might object to a woman as president.
International Relationships
The turn of events during Bush administration has created this key
player- American'sincreased concern in International affairs. Women are
known as great mediators and the communicators of patience. Men also
tend to trust women more. A woman's ability to authenticate our nation's
sincerity and trust could strengthen international relationships. If
Hillary becomes president, establishing good relations with foreign
leaders will not be an unfamiliar ground to her. Hillary, as the wife of
a previous president, has met these leaders before.
Al Gore- The Environment
Al Gore is passionately voicing the magnitude of Global warming. We
still have another year and half before the elections but by that time,
I believe environmental concerns will supersede one's loyalty to a
political party. Al Gore once walked by Bill Clinton's side as Vice
President. Al Gores relationship with Bill and Hillary will assure some
Americans, that the White House will make environmental concerns a
priority. Al Gore, Bill and Hillary are all advocates for the
environmental cause but who America trusts, could weigh in favor of
Hillary Clinton. It would be foolish for the green party ticket to even
pick a candidate if Hillary runs because she will take most of those
Health Care
National health care is something that Hillary and Bill Clinton have a
long reliable history as advocate's for this. In my opinion, it's an
over the rainbow promise because an 8.3 trillion debt nation stands in
reality lane. Yet, come 2008 it will be a selling point for many, even
if it's on borrowed money.
People will choose a leader not based by their political party stance.
You can be a Republican and vote Democratic. You can be a Democrat and
vote Republican. Political party stance will not be as valued as before.
People want to know what matters to the candidate and crossing over
party lines won't be considered a compromise.
Social Change
Today, social change dismisses the once required respect of our
leadership. We're slightly rebellious, as we speak our negative opinions
without any concerns in the value of appropriateness. Very few are
shocked by the condemnation of any president, anymore. Democracy is
freedom of speech, of any nature, but if it entails a voice against our
leadership, it should still be required by its citizens, to be done
respectfully. Times have changed.
Hillary and Bill Clinton have spoken very harshly at the Bush
administration and at times hypocritically, but still to do so, can gain
the rebel vote. It is true that America is divided on the war in Iraq
and our emotions are strong. We don't want another war. The candidate
America chooses will speak those concerns and agree with the majority,
no matter how they say it. Judgment for appropriateness is a dying
social structure in America and some support that.
If Hillary runs she won't get my vote. I do have many friends who are
Democratic. We agree to disagree and yet to passionately respect our
individual uniqueness but for me, she wouldn't be my choice. I have read
from a few notable prophets recently, whom also predict that our next
president will be a woman. I'm sure that will make more news as we draw
closer to the elections.
To conclude, I'm going out on the limb today on my blog and stating- "If
Hillary Clinton runs I predict she will be America's next president."
The land is seeded and ready. See yah, in 2008.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:50 PM
Image seems to be importent to us. Whether looks or power or who has the
most toys. Waaaahhhh Waaaahhh!!!!!Mommy Mommy. Billy has the new power
rangers with bionicle grip!

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:42 PM
I thought loons were a type of bird?

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:02 PM
Not me. I have a Compaq presario. Old I know. But was a free one.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:00 PM
I don't know hwe. but why does she have to leave?

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/10/06 12:20 AM
Now I have to change my underware cause I blow a load in it. LMFAO!!!!!

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 12/09/06 11:55 PM
I think they have some modern-day roots in the 70's as an Alt religion
to Christianity.

As far as they being an Ancient religion though is still up for grabs.

I tend to think the ancient ways are gone for good. Most are a new
traditionalist. inspired by a few.

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