Community > Posts By > SamhainPrincess
Calling all moms & doctors!
Thank you... Radiologist Man. lol (note: I need to keep a sense of humor during this to keep from crying...) |
Calling all moms & doctors!
Are you allergic to anything? No i'm not... |
Calling all moms & doctors!
I hate surgery... But i guess if that means it'll never happen again. It's wierd though, cause last time i had them drained and junk, i didn;t have any jaw pain pre-procedure. Right now i feel like my jaw muscles have been working way too hard, or are way too tight. I have to open my mouth as far as i can every ten minute or so to keep them from locking up. Could i be developing TMJ from the Tonsil infection? |
Calling all moms & doctors!
Amoxicilin Clavinate and devroxin? (I unno if the second one is right.) But i know i've taken them both before and neither of them helped at all. Is a tonsilectomy painful post-surgery?
HOW DO I GET OVER???????????
Listen, I know that this is nothing compared to what you're going through, but;
I was with this guy for a year and a half. One day he called me to tell me he didn't love me anymore and that he was leaving me for my best friend. Of course i was crushed, and i tried my best to keep him as a friend, but he wasn't havin' it. In my opinion, you're never gunna get over her. It will just hurt less day by day. The best thing you can do is remember the good times and cry when you feel lke you need to cry. If you remember the bad times, you'll end up loathing her for no reason. And if you don't cry, you'll be all bottled up and eventually get depression/anxiety. Don't stay home and sulk though! Go out with friends, or even on your own. Go for a walk just to think. Go to your favorite Restaurant and order your favorite foods. It seems Mundane at frst, but after a while it really does help. it shows that you really CAN live your life without her. Just hang on. If you need any more advice, send me a message. Thanks for reading. |
Calling all moms & doctors!
I'm in a crapload of pain because my tonsils are swollen. I've tried Icecream and hot tea to help with the swelling, but it didn't work. I wet to a doctor and he gave me RXantibiotics, but they never work for me. I think i built up an immunity to them. Does anyone know any all natural remdies i could try to get the swelling down, and maybe clean my system while i'm at it?
Cause this has happened before, and they swelled to the point where i couldn't swallow and they had to drain my tonsils and give me a trache tube... I really don't want that to happen again. |
"American Idol"
i know it's lame, but i watch the auditions every year, and a few weeks after aswell. After a while i lose intrest untill the finale.
Sometimes it's predictable... the outcome i mean, like a chessy soap-opera. |
no one's ever gunna win...
XD yet everyone insists on posting... |
men vs women
this just proved i have no life:
1 hair brush 1 tooth brush 1 shaving cream 1 venus razor 1 toothpaste 2 deoderant 2 hairsprays 1 hairjell 113 items of makeup (LMFAO) 3 boxes of tampons -_- 1 box of pads 1 air freshener 3 spunges 1 dental floss 2 toilet paper rolls 5 jewelery items 2 garbage can 1 plunger 1 toilet brush 4 scented candles 3 magazines 1 TVguide 1 readers digest 2 shampoos 1 conditioner 3 bars of soap (two unopened) 1 loufa (lol) subtotal:: 159 hmmm...... 1 detatchable showerhead (Besides the one attatched.) 3 bottles of cleaning fluids 2 bottles of clog remover 3 towels 6 items of bug repelant (outdoor use) 13 household medications total items:: 187 items LOL Not even close... |
Salem, Massachusetts!
Thanks guys.
wanna see a big man jump??
One eyed trouser snake...huh...
sounds poisonous... lol |
Salem, Massachusetts!
Hello, I'm Amy, and i'm an 18 year old from Salem Mass. Just wanted to say hi and see if there are any male members 18-24Y\O from this area.
Anyways send me messages and add me if you like, I love random IMs and private messages so don't be shy. |
wanna see a big man jump??
GAW! I'm horribly arachniphobic... first off, snakes don't bother me... but spiders are another tning, Eileena, your daughter sounds alot like me. Bookworm...everytime i hear something like 'people eat 8 spiders a year without knowing it." I literally gag. If i have to go in a room but i KNOW there's a spider in there, i won't go in there... Couldn't force me with a Hot cow iron.
Now Thumper, It is quit possible that the snake you stomped on (*sheds a tear*) was only seaking your body warmth and when you squeeled like a girl, felt thretened and reared up. if you had flicked your ciggarett over his head, it would have distracted him enough for you to get away. They sens suddon temp chnages, and the cherry of your Cigg would have exploded on the ground, which would have made him turn. and there's your chnace to get away. :) |