Community > Posts By > Topaz59

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 06:00 PM
Thank you for your kind words & advice! It helps to hear how others would handle a situation like this. Bless you!

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 05:57 PM
Your positive attitude & your faith will surely see you through. Good luck & God Be With You.

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 11:16 AM
I am so sorry that your sister has to go through this, but I have faith that she will win this fight! My prayers are with her. God bless.

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 11:11 AM
I don't have kids so... don't know how much help I'll be. But when I was a baby & wouldn't go to sleep, my parents would take me out for a drive, by the time they got around the block a couple times, I was out like a light! An unfortunate side effect of that; now every time I get in the car (if I'm NOT driving) I get sleepy!!

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 11:06 AM
I believe in God. I believe in the power of prayer. In the deepest, darkest moments throughout my life, I've prayed for His help & He has always brought me through my troubles. Many might say that that is just luck or whatever, but I believe that God heard my prayers, that He answered them by granting me what I prayed for. I don't attend church regularily, but was raised in a very faithful Christian family. I've seen how their faith has kept them positive about life, death & everything in between. That has stuck with me throughout my life & will until I walk through the gates & sit at His feet. He is here for me & always will be.

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 06:49 AM
Sparkle, your sister is still in my prayers. I hope you've received the results by now & that they were welcome ones. God be with you.

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/31/07 06:43 AM
On Wednesday I received some very welcome news, my biopsy results showed no cancer! On Thursday a very dear friend lost his father. How do you balance being so grateful for your own good health & being devastated for a friend that you care for so much? Without coming off like an idiot?

Topaz59's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:46 AM
My step-dad & I got off on the wrong foot when he & my mom first married, because of that I never let myself get very close to him. (I was 20 when they married) Over the years, my husband & I would visit Mom & him, do things with them, but I always held myself back, even after he was diagnosed with luekemia. Then in 2000 we went to visit them in AZ. We had a great time, but he wasn't feeling all that great, when we left, for the first time since I'd met him, I gave him a hug. Three weeks later he passed away. I was shocked, no tears would come. The day of his funeral, I lost it. Suddenly it hit me how large a part of my life he had been & I just broke down. I still get teary-eyed when I think of him. I guess what I'm trying to say is that grief comes at it's own time, in it's own way. When it's time for you to cry, you'll cry. Don't obsess over it, it isn't a bad thing, it isn't disrespectful to your dad, it's just how you're processing his loss. God be with you.

Topaz59's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:12 AM
Glad to see I'm not the only one up so d#@$ early!

Topaz59's photo
Sat 08/25/07 01:28 PM
I'm Colorado born & bred! Got "lost" in Nebraska for a while, but now I'm home where I belong!

Topaz59's photo
Sat 08/25/07 01:22 PM
I'd pay off all my debts, buy some land in Montana, (just as a home base), travel the world, but give most of it to cancer/luekemia research. Heck, ya can't take it with ya!

Topaz59's photo
Sat 08/25/07 09:00 AM
Sparkle, my prayers are with your sister, you & her family. I know exactly what you're all going through as I'm waiting for the results of my biopsy also. May God be with us both & grant us good health.

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/24/07 01:03 PM
I will never understand how anyone can be so cruel. I'm not all that fond of pit bulls, but no animal deserves to be treated so cruelly! He should be locked up for a long time & be banned from football for life!

Topaz59's photo
Fri 08/24/07 08:19 AM
I'm totally new at this so please bear with me. I have a hard time making friends (too shy) but would really like to find a woman friend to go shopping with, talk to, whatever. I'm not looking for romance,(I have a wonderful husband for that), just a good friend. I hope this allows me to find a friend-for-life!