Community > Posts By > misery1983
got in a bad car wreck sun. and yeah when my car is running not the one that was wrecked i do race
well said the greatest joy is to make someone smile and know you have brightened their day
First date....
thats the fun way to polish the wood and not just the coffee table
lol my grandpa {rip} used to run with some bad boys in monterey back in the 60's lets just say that guy he ran with is very notorious nowadays
First date....
did someone say sex on a coffee table? lol
through my great grandma some 30's illonois gangsters
getting to know ya
i think im confused wait nevermind then again oh crap im lost wait no im confused i think i know where im at my mind aches i think
Name Game
Name Game
Lets talk guns!!!!
damn lot of pot smoke in here any way i love my 1953 model 721 30.06 remington a 220 grain round make melon go boom
nothin wrong with cat pics best to have some p***y to look at get interested in then check out the profile to c whats really up
Dating and Kids ?
i dont mind kids in a relationship but after my last experience i dont want to date a girl with a child again for awhile. my x fiancee let me get attached to har 13 month old son and i started to love that kid like he was my own then she sends me a text breaking it off but kids shouldnt matter in a relationship thats just one more person to love and spoil in my opinion
plastic surgery
sorry didnt mean to hurt any feelings
Amusing Sayings
lol one hung low by rupture boy
plastic surgery
a husband and wife that have been married for 45 years are laying in bed on their anniversary and the wife says to the husband over all these years you have made me happier than i ever thought possible. is there any thing at all i can do for you my love? he replies well you can get surgery down there to make it like when we were in our twenties again for me. so she agrees and has the surgery. when she comes out of the o.r. she finds three roses on her pillow. she asks the nurse where the flowers came from the nurse replies the first is from your husband he says thank you and he loves you and cant wait for you to get home the second is from the doctor he says congratulations everything went well and he wishes you a speedy recovery. and the third is from john in the burn ward he says thanks for the new ears
Pillow Talk
lol thats a good one
A Drunk and the bartender
i liked that one lol
i dont think its a race issue i think its a fame issue. how many white latino and other individuals all over the country grt arrested and prosecuted for this exact same crime but dont make te news kuz tey are poor and underpriveleged living in slums ghettoes and other high crime areas? i wish everyone would quit crying race when they have a bad day
Wedding bells
congrats to you and your husband to be i c a lot of nice weddings where i work and i hope tours is as beatiful and special as those.