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Wed 09/13/06 01:48 PM
yeah, making your date CHOKE is FUNNY!!!

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Wed 09/13/06 01:42 PM
hey, man, i'm just sayin' that i like anything within the english
language that i can understand lyrically.

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Wed 09/13/06 01:39 PM
too many songs and groups to name, but i reckon i'll name a few:
metallica,guns n' roses, velvet revolver,chevelle, george strait,
bocephus, merle haggard, snoop dogg, eminem,etc.

woman in the waves - michael franks
life in a northern town - dream academy

a lil bit of alice in chains, drowning pool, n.w.a., dmx, dr.dre,50 cent

down with the sickness - disturbed
nevermind - nirvana

see? just to name a few.

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Wed 09/13/06 01:32 PM
most people that don't a sense of humor? i mean, come on! are most of us
so rapped up in our own little drama that we can't develop a sense of
humor to lighten things up?

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Wed 09/13/06 01:28 PM
i'm not responding to piss anybody off; i'm just responding because i
need to get something off my chest. number one... it's apparent that
somebody or some people can't tell the difference between jokes and
truth. am i mad because somebody said they saw why i was "still single"?
no, i ain't. why would i be mad about that? number two.... the truth is
is that i'm not single and that i am raising a beautiful 20 month-old
boy with his mom. if you read what i was looking for coming on this
website, you saw that i'm looking for friendship, so none of you ladies
who are out here looking for an honest man can call me out. on that
note, somebody,also, went on to ask " where's the morality?". news
flash: i was once like you, asking why is it when a woman says that she
is looking for an honest man that can treat her right and when you say "
here's an honest man!", she turns you down by not responding. not saying
she has to respond, but an inviting response would be nice. and oh, this
is my favorite: i can't find a good man, an honest man!! that's what 9
out of 10 women say all the time. most women, in general, fixated upon
man's looks, so if he's an asshole, what you see is what you get!! and
then you wonder why he is the way he is. so, you wanna know where the
morality is? how about checking in other parts of the world because in
this country, there are NO more moral values. i mean, look who we have
for a president and look who we have in congress. do you think that THEY
have any morals? if you say " yes ", then you're as smart as George W.
himself!! take that one to heart!!

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Wed 09/13/06 09:19 AM
i've hooked up with somebody online and now....... we have a beautiful
son together!!

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Sun 09/10/06 09:54 AM
Q:what does an old woman's snatch smell like?
A: depends.

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Sun 09/10/06 09:38 AM
that's right there at the ten/nc state line, ain't it?

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Sun 09/10/06 09:34 AM
i'd like to be in-between 2 women at the same, with clean snatches , one
ridin' pecker and the other on my face!!! lol

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Sun 09/10/06 09:23 AM
how far from asheville?

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Sun 09/10/06 09:21 AM
what up, man? mostly rock......rock that has a beat i can play.
i play the drums, but i don't have a set anymore. ain't that a bitch!!

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Sun 09/10/06 09:03 AM
i've heard of bad calls during the game, but they take the whole damn
cake, man!! i mean, c'mon it's a little league game, you uneducated
dickwod!!That remark is for all the parents ruining their kids' lives!!
if my son was part of a little league and the ump or referee made a bad
call against my son's team, hell yeah, i'd be pissed, but i wouldn't
beat the hell out of the ref during the game.......... when i caught him
out on the street, i'd mail his nuts back to his mama!!! lmao

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:56 AM
yeah, if i was with an older woman, say like 40 and she had a daughter
that was around 22 and both of them were fine as hell,if neither one had
a problem with it, i guess i'd be what they call "the stepdaddy and the
son-in-law"!! heh heh

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Sun 09/10/06 08:47 AM
hey, Kama? you ain't the only one that ain't got a myspace. i ain't got
one, either. heh heh!!

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Sun 09/10/06 08:42 AM
ok, i have a good one;
Q:why don't eskimo women douche intide?
A:cause it's too damn cold outside!!

no photo
Sat 09/09/06 03:12 PM
hey, I'll talk you later. my son, bless his heart, is sleepy and he's
cryin' his heart out. he's 20 months and 3 ft tall. he wears size 3t,
goin on 4t, in clothes and a size 8 in shoes!! by the way, my name's
mike!! too many of us!!

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Sat 09/09/06 02:58 PM
how old is/are your kid/kids, Brandi?

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Sat 09/09/06 02:53 PM
OOOHHHHH!! That Donna!! phew, she's hot, too!! Eric got lucky, big boy!!

no photo
Sat 09/09/06 02:52 PM
hey, Will? Where in NC is Buringtown, about how far from Raleigh?

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Sat 09/09/06 02:50 PM
that message was for Brandi about " that Donna chick"!