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Topic: who like older women
hosstin18's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:24 PM
i like to date olde rwomen cuz my mature life is up very high to high
for some people

unsure's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:28 PM
I see that your 19...what do you consider an older woman? I am not
hitting on you or anything I am just asking. My son is 18, I would be
upset if he brought home a lady that was a lot older then him.

hosstin18's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:30 PM
i mean t by a few yrs loder like 24 or 26 thats all

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:31 PM
i wouldn't go to young but i definitely would date an older woman. i've
always had a thing for an older lady

unsure's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:31 PM
You know, I think I would even be upset if my son brought home someone
that age. I think its because he hasn't really dated that much...hes a
senior this year. Plus I would be worried that he would fall in love
with her and not want to go on to college.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:33 PM
Now see I have dated younger and I have dated older men. I find that the
older men are boring for me. I am not saying all older men are
boring...just the ones that I have dated. I have mostly dated younger
men, and it works out great!

hosstin18's photo
Sun 09/03/06 04:34 PM
maybe younge ris funner

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 09/03/06 06:40 PM
OH YEAH MAN, older women rock.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/03/06 06:52 PM
Older women know what they want and they will tell you. They are not
into the silly games like the younger girls. I do think that it depends
on the maturity level between the couple and how they connect, I have
always said that age is just a number

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 06:58 PM
Old women would rather put out than be put out to the pasture.

no photo
Thu 09/07/06 10:52 AM
yes. i like the older gals also.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:56 AM
yeah, if i was with an older woman, say like 40 and she had a daughter
that was around 22 and both of them were fine as hell,if neither one had
a problem with it, i guess i'd be what they call "the stepdaddy and the
son-in-law"!! heh heh

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:37 AM
Wow @ TayTaysdaddy

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:46 AM
My ex-wife is 10 yrs older than I am and we were married for 12
current Love is 7 yrs older and all I gotta say is...YOWZA

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:18 PM
I look for older women myself, because they are more mature and hate the
head games people play just as much as i do.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:03 PM
I'd have to agree with her....I can now see why taytays daddy is still
single....what ever happened to morals???? You just displayed what
women despise about some men!!! Some thoughts are best left unsaid.
And I am a cougar!! 34 and smokin'....the older women don't have time
for headgames , we've been there and done that and have the
teeshirt....we know who we are,where we want to be & how to go for

samauthor's photo
Mon 09/11/06 04:57 AM
I think age is really nothing but number, a measure of how much
experience you have. But your son is, in my opinion, rather too young to
go that road. Older women are more matured and are also more realistic
than younger ones. They are also totally purged of pretenses. To tell
you guys the absolute truth, I wish I could find someone older to love
and be loved by. Would make me the happiest man in the world. Someone
like you, UNSURE.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 01:28 PM
i'm not responding to piss anybody off; i'm just responding because i
need to get something off my chest. number one... it's apparent that
somebody or some people can't tell the difference between jokes and
truth. am i mad because somebody said they saw why i was "still single"?
no, i ain't. why would i be mad about that? number two.... the truth is
is that i'm not single and that i am raising a beautiful 20 month-old
boy with his mom. if you read what i was looking for coming on this
website, you saw that i'm looking for friendship, so none of you ladies
who are out here looking for an honest man can call me out. on that
note, somebody,also, went on to ask " where's the morality?". news
flash: i was once like you, asking why is it when a woman says that she
is looking for an honest man that can treat her right and when you say "
here's an honest man!", she turns you down by not responding. not saying
she has to respond, but an inviting response would be nice. and oh, this
is my favorite: i can't find a good man, an honest man!! that's what 9
out of 10 women say all the time. most women, in general, fixated upon
man's looks, so if he's an asshole, what you see is what you get!! and
then you wonder why he is the way he is. so, you wanna know where the
morality is? how about checking in other parts of the world because in
this country, there are NO more moral values. i mean, look who we have
for a president and look who we have in congress. do you think that THEY
have any morals? if you say " yes ", then you're as smart as George W.
himself!! take that one to heart!!

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 01:51 PM

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 01:54 PM
OUT)) will : )

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