Community > Posts By > Jeremysg

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:44 PM
dude its totally jacked here the guy can have no car, no job, be a drunk, abuseive, and an all around douche. and there are so many chicks that will be all over him and completely ignore the guy with the goods.

whate ever lubes your colon is what i say to all that.frustrated frustrated frustrated

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:36 PM
to find the difference between now and the times when the middle class was booming one would probably have to look at the difference in the tax bracket, the taxes for the upper 1% dramatically went down, poverty and corperate corruption went up thanks Regan, and Bush I and II.
the free trade agreament is another reason things are so different, if a corperation being can hire a third wold employee for a fraction of the cost of an american they're free to do so. it all boils down to one thing it is getting harder and harder to become sucessfull and wealthy without being dishonest or at least bending the rules. more than likely if you dont come from at least some money you probally are going to get the shitty end of the stick. Thanks to Clinton for that one.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:12 PM
take a load for free
take a load of many
and you put the load right on me

another good one.drinker

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:09 PM
this band rocks and so doesnt get the attention they deserve.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:07 PM
old school industrial rocks.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:05 PM
if i spring a leak she mends me
i dont have to speak she defends me
a drunkards dream if i ever did see one.

**** yea dude the band rocks

i dig robbie robertsons solo stuff as well.drinks

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 10:01 PM
i used to make 100k in the gass patches in western colorado, i drive a garbage truck for half of that now. funny part is im profoundly greatful for my job, and even though im not making the money i was before im slowly forming a life outside of ocupation.
hang in there and dont be afraid to try something new, the jobs are coming just have to be patient and pray.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:56 PM
its sad like that poor little girl that killed her self because of the girls at school tortureing her. as far as suicides in those cases if a person already feels bad about who they are, it cirtainly doesnt help when others try to justify those feelings.
i think personally those girls should be tried for murder.
they may not have put the noose around her neck but, charles manson didnt technically kill anyone either.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:52 PM
maybe the apocolypse will be when there are more of us that feel the need to give up, than those who try to carry on and learn.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:45 PM
well man what can you do sounds like maybe shes a little nuts, so be optimistic maybe you dodged a bullet without realizing it.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:44 PM

so i met this one girl on another dating site about 4 months ago and been talking ever since. we hit it off really good and she says she likes me a lot and we have been so into eachother. so just a couple weeks ago i ask her to be my girlfriend and she says yes she would love that....and then ever since she's been ignoring me! she dont reply to my messages, she doesnt answer my calls, i call her on blocked numbers, she answers and when she realizes its me she hangs up? what the *** gives? this is the 3rd time this has happened! i'm getting so sick of this crap and about ready to give up and stay single the rest of my life. all i ever do is get used and played with

Excuse me, but one question still looms.... Did you ever meet her in person?

wtf my reply didnt post?

but anyways yea we did meet on the night i asked her to be my gf. i probably should have put that in there. we had so much fun together and when i did ask her, she told me she was hoping i would ask cause she really "liked" me. but then the day after thats when she literally stopped talking to me and ignored me.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:04 PM
i like the hint of optimisim at the end good read man i dig it.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:02 PM

packed my emotions up trailed a sunset
to a place i thought ive known
almost drownd in shallow souls
on the shores of surrender
when my preminitions let me down

ive seen your eyes from so long before
sought similarities but no trace of yours
to you this carried weight
could be something to hold
to me its evident
seek peace as it unfolds

lived by these sheltered demons
sought refuge in a sin
held my heart outside of me
till i acked within
in search of some tomorrow
untainted by the past
to clense myself of sorrow
where the shadows cast

ive seen your eyes from so long before
sought similarities but no trace of yours
to you this carried weight
could be something to hold
to me its always been
seek peace as it unfolds.

Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 08:55 PM
Broken Angel

Through broken hearted eyes she smiles but deep inside she weeps
Numbed by a social poison in a restless state of sleep
If I could hold her close let the walls come tumbling down
Through the ashes of what used to be
May her feet not touch the ground


So you’re broken forever but I see through you
Some love you cant sever no matter what you do
Look to the horizon every sunset is new
And it cant rain for ever you cant disguise the truth
My broken angel

In the solitude of slumber
Do you dream to be awake
Do you live your life for yesterday
Will tomorrow you forsake
Is all time to pacify you darkened inner state
To believe in a destiny but can only stand and wait


Take hold to this gesture this beauty defined as you vie only described the truth


Jeremysg's photo
Fri 05/14/10 08:48 PM
its hard to voice an opinion when you only catch a blurb, but assuming you havent met in person maybe she got a bit intimidaded about the whole serious relationship thing. my advice may not mean much concidering my relationship status but maybe you should try not coming on so strong next time. There is an old saying that has served me very well in life "patience is virtue".

Jeremysg's photo
Mon 05/03/10 08:45 PM
naaaa kinda like this whole not eating meat, cheese, eggs thing. not for everyone but with a last name like gardner it just fits, my helper at works last name is hunter, he ate an entire rotisary chicken for lunch the other day LOL.

Jeremysg's photo
Mon 05/03/10 08:42 PM
any good home squirl deturrents, im spritsing every thing with a cayanne pepper/ dish soap mix, but if any of you have an idea of a better mix let me know.frustrated

Jeremysg's photo
Mon 05/03/10 08:38 PM

please go easy on me lol. and i know i need more pics theyll be here soon.
i put some more stuff up thanks for the advice please keep it coming.:banana: you guys rock:banana:

Jeremysg's photo
Sun 05/02/10 08:54 PM
please go easy on me lol. and i know i need more pics theyll be here soon.

Jeremysg's photo
Sun 05/02/10 08:51 PM
i would love to know more about you. that is all your profile is missing in my opinion.flowerforyou