NaturallyRedneck's photo
Fri 08/03/07 12:18 PM
Go Barry ! Git-er-done.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Fri 08/03/07 12:15 PM
Well, for those who are interested. Men don,t really like the barbiedoll type. We like full figured women more the the media lets you know.
Its a turn off when a woman is on a constant diet, or takes to long to get dressed due to her obession with having her hair and makeup perfect.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Fri 08/03/07 12:06 PM
When a woman can,t stop dieting, having cosmetic surgery and buying dozens of diferent makeups she is obsessed with beauty.
The question is, does she do it for men, or women. Not in the gay way, but maybe being competitive.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Fri 08/03/07 11:57 AM
I think this could work with a guy like me.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Thu 08/02/07 08:35 PM
Which maybe why we,re all here on this site.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Thu 08/02/07 08:29 PM
If a man tells you he loves maybe you should believe him.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Thu 08/02/07 08:23 PM
Actually a woman is most beautiful after a couple of rounds in the sack.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Thu 08/02/07 08:22 PM
good ansur.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Thu 08/02/07 12:29 PM
some people ain,t az smurt az yuuu.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:29 PM
That sounds nice.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:23 PM
So have you ever been the company hoe.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:20 PM
according to this poll you would drop your draws for more money
or weekends off.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:12 PM
saw it on the news, it looks scary.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:11 PM
sometimes it does.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 08:10 PM
Well most people disagree with you chill w me.
Dallas is still and will always be America,s Team****nuff said.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 07:59 PM

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 07:58 PM
In a recent New York Times Poll, men and women were asked about workplace relationships particularly sexual.
The questions were would you have sex with you superior to advance your career, for a raise or as a favor.
10 out of 10 men said yes while 3 out of 10 women said yes.

Guys are we really this bad?

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 07:52 PM
oh boy I can,t wait.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 07:50 PM
Could it be an act of terrorists.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Wed 08/01/07 07:48 PM
Its the Sex isn,t it.