White girlfriend...
It's funny how often I steam clean my cutting board.
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If I am wrong it will be the first time in my life. I thought I was wrong once. I turned out I was mistaken. |
I definitely am. Or perhaps it's just to warm for one.
I am willing to spend up to $2 on a tee, unless it's a band I like... then I might spend as much as $25. If you are a band who wants more money... give me long sleeves, a hoodie, or a jacket. |
What is a "Jew"? - someone living jewish religion? Going in synagoge? - someone livnig jewish tradition - someone circumsized? (the sign of the old covenant between God and the israel tribes). But americans, muslims, some africans are circumsized too - someone who had once a jewish forfather? The Jews left the area of todays Israel in the first and second century A.D. They spread all over the world. I dont believe there is any pure jewish genetically line left. - someone who believes in ONE God, the Talmud and Old Testament? But dont accept the the messia almost came? Someone with a jewish mother. |
Change-One-Letter - part 18
rocky road
Does it mean you seek lactating women?
Hi I’m new here
We share in your bad luck. Welcome aboard.
White girlfriend...
YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY. You can find a white girl. THere is a few around here that are crazy though. You can have one of those. lol TUpperware funny too. I have heard there is a lid for every pot:) That's one of the trouble with Tupperware. Sometimes you cannot find the right lid. |
Google Hangouts or Die
Usually they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but that picture only says one word... troll Are you trollphobic? |
Google Hangouts or Die
There is no need to strengthen the google virus on your phone.
sex or drugs??
Rock 'n' roll
Romantic interlude
Die for your partner
Any of Y'all Vegetarian?
During the age of exploration, islands were seeded with chickens, goats, and sometimes hogs. Devastation. Invasive species may not find balance.
The lovely resurrected thread.
To the OP: I attended public school and was instructed in Darwin's (or Wallace's if you prefer) theory. The instructor gave a 5 minute preamble in an attempt to head off any religious objections to the instruction. I vaguely recall there was some humor and specific mention of USSC case. It's been a while. I read through four pages until I encountered someone who even hinted at what I consider the heart of the matter: no one should believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. It is not a matter of belief and it requires no faith. It is an idea which serves as a model, a framework to interpret the data we have and predict the data we do not. As soon as empiricists discover any datum in conflict, that datum must be invalidated or the theory must (and typically theorys undergo refinement until a gestalt shift and replacement with a new theory -- often at the death of a big wig in the field -- people being what they are). Personally I have not the slightest ripple of cognitive dissonance between evolutionary theory and my faith and belief system. YMMV |