where u from in tn??
Dyersburg TN
LOL maybe but Dating sites GOTTA be a hell of allot more of a better way to go about meeting women than I did with Ex-wife In a Club....and Obviously I would not be here IF that worked LOL
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Ex wife
Wow, Im trying to figure out why you went anywhere near this woman in the first place. If a woman has multiple children by multiple men, that is a clear cut warning sign to go no where near that. Its either A. An insatiable biatch who you will never please. B. A broken woman with serious mental baggage. Since she packed the kids up and left, Im guessing you got a big serving of A. Bingo |
Ex wife
Eh...ever seen the Dixie Chicks Video for "Good Bye Earl" LOL think big tarp and big Trunk LOL
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Ex wife
Edited by
Sun 04/13/08 01:03 PM
Considering they would Chop our heads off for SPORT I have no problem with makeing them feel fear **water Boarding***
screw obama
Screw Every Democrat
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New JSH Community
o please....get off it we come here to post not hunt down other pples post to re-hash other pples S*it
End of the World
The World Will End ...we do not know the time ...Ratrher it Be Polar Flip.....Massive Sunspot.....Sucked into A Black Hole...Gamma Ray Burst From a Distant Star.....Hillary Going all Post Menopausal and Hitting the RED Button.....Deadly Unstoppable Virus that man Created **ala the Stand** Or form the Stars **ala Andromeda Strain** there are ENDLESS possibilities for our destruction but for the Most part i think we need to get busy worrien LESS about die`n and more about HOW we live...
End of the World
The end of the world will come if Hillary gets into office as president since she will destroy America. bush already did that..we have nowhere to go but up. LOL NOT....Kepp telling everyone its the Democrtic Congresses fault LOL |
Obama or Clinton
Neither Both Liberal SCUM...along with McCain
Gun Control
Gun Control= Hitting What ur Aiming at...........
Could you not just put your Profile on Hiatus and not Delete?
"YES or NO" - part #3
NO,Once A Cheater Always A Cheater.
Ever Feel Connected to Someone but Age or another Attribute was in the way of Telling her/him how you felt about them. |
Fox News Distortions
Its All Media Bias...The 3 other (4 if you count the CW) lean Hard left..Fox is just there for another View if you do not like it...thats what your Dammed Remote is for...
The likely hood that Iran goes from No Nukes to ICBM`s Is unlikely unless they get one from Russia or China.....Unlikely Iran WILL EVER be able to Reach the United States FROM Iran so No Worries and your Right The Israelis Can Defen themselves and When and If they Have to prepare for Armageddon not in A Biblical since (I hope) Because they DO have Nukes....and if They Launch Pakistan and the Islamic Bomb get lit... no Good Situation Either way.... |
Edited by
Thu 12/06/07 02:15 PM
My question is libs were shouting from the Rooftops about us going into Iraq on Faulty Intel.....Who say this New Intel is not just as Faulty but in the Opposite direction....I would Rather error On the Side of NOT seeing a Mushroom Cloud In Israel.
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Thu 12/06/07 02:12 PM
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duh knew that was going to happen,,,arent we still in Germany:P
Regardless of the Source Muslims are invading the rest of the World ...Not all are Radical Granted....But I feel a Danger to Democracies Everywhere.