Community > Posts By > crimson_soul

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Sun 07/29/07 08:33 PM
As for the part about doing something, i tried that first. I wrote to congress and the senate and state representatives and i voted against the bastard. Venting is the only left....:(

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Sun 07/29/07 05:47 PM
I agree k2theB. Why is he still there? Only 20 percent of the populace still supports him. Most republicans are turning their backs on him....something just isnt right with this scenario. The next prez is going to have a hell of a time fixing his mess. I heard we cant change presidents in times of war, is that true?

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Sun 07/29/07 05:14 PM
Hey, if Clinton, who was one of the best presidents we ever had could get impeached for trying to get a little strange on the side, why the hell cant they impeach bush for the mass murder of his own people and god knows how many war crimes? What kind of ****ing message is that? He wanted Iraq, he wanted his war, and 9-11 was his way of getting us pissed about it enough to strike back, but it has been 6 years, it didnt take America that long to get Her independence!!! Im tired of my tax money going to help kill our own men and women, and im tired of watching bush make us the most hated country on the face of the planet. He isnt going to stop until his dumb ass gets us nuked.....why is everyone so freakin complacent with all his bull****? privatizing social security? homeland security? whatever, he is just trying to put our attention on something else while he runs around doing whatever he wants. Look over there, terrorists! while he is robbing americans and iraquians too!

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Sun 07/29/07 03:30 PM
thanks for reading my work guys. your appreciation is inspiring, and no worries about more on the way. They'll be sorry i ever found this thread. Lmao.

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Sun 07/29/07 03:14 PM
How sweetly do those false lips smile
When inside your heart lay dying.
How serene and calm your countenance
When your eyes would fain be crying.
And yet not one precious drop
Your downy cheek has marred,
Though your tender heart, I know
Must be so heav'ly scarred.
No cries of pain escape your lips,
Your eyes deftly conceal
The deep sense of loneliness
That they have made you feel.
No anodyne for broken hearts,
No cure for dreams now dead,
No salves for wounded souls,
Whose lacerations bled.
Only the warmth of my arms
Cradling your trembling form
Will be your steady anchor
Throughout this violent storm.

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Sun 07/29/07 02:48 PM
What a lingering, cold existence
devoid of humanity
all emotion frozen
by life's raw atrocity

Surely I have bled inside,
my essence cruelly devoured
and in the dry, cracked soil this seedling
of deep despair has flowered.

Sorrow fills my dying spirit,
a chimera I cannot dispel
Imbrues my battered psyche,
maintains this prison cell

Is there no hope of redemption?
No elixir to make me whole?
Will my own tears forever Burn
the wounds of my crimson soul?

So tattered and beaten,
drenched in its own blood,
drowning in the ashes
that flake and fall there from.

Shall I in this dark place languish,
Devoid of all compassion?
Living on naught but wisps of dreams
and any warmth I can imagine?

Perhaps this wounded soul
Dreads not expelling its last breath?
Laments not its own deep anguish
as it tastes the throes of death?

Crushed, alone, it lingers,
sure the Reaper craves his toll,
for whom but the dark entity
would crave such a withered soul?

****All of my poems are original and under copywrite. If you would like to use them, please ask me. Thank you. :)****

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Sun 07/29/07 01:26 AM
Staring in the mirror
at the girl i left behind
searching for that something
i just can seem to find

The same eyes stare back at me
the same lips on my face
still i sense something is missing
that i cannot replace

My hand caresses glass
and the stranger does the same
yet i cannot meet the eyes
reflecting so much shame

Only when i cry for her
does she begin to weep
for all the broken promises
that i could never keep

Her sad smile haunts me
til i realize its my own
simply a glimpse of the pain
that i have never shown

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Sun 07/29/07 01:23 AM

Tonight I’ve strolled in gardens
Seen wonders beyond your dreams
Heard secrets of ancient longings
Whispered in flowing streams

Til dawn broke the horizon
I sought true beauty’s form
And found this tender rose
battered by violent storm

Yet it stood undaunted
Retained a silent pride
That even beneath bruised petals
It could never hide

My spirit ached to touch it
I knew this was what I sought
After caressing silk perfection
One could have no other thought

In this place of drifting mists
Where heaven and earth meet
I was shown that the most fragile things
Cruelty could not defeat

Beauty is not appearance
Its hidden deep inside
And in a sparkling dawn
Broken hearts thought to confide

You must always remember when
Lonely others make you feel
Flesh time will consume
But inner strength’s forever real

I knew you would not believe
These things I said were true
So very gently it collected I
To bring back home to you

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Sun 07/29/07 01:21 AM
They say that for humanity
unaware of its own demise
The very angels of heaven
weep from tortured eyes

Gazing upon a world
so forlorn and torn
with hearts so very fickle
and love so thinly worn

They see the scarlet women
seducing taken men
see the bitter hurt
of trusts cruelly broken

They see the lonely child
in a closet tightly entombed
to escape the angry sounds
consuming the next room

They hear the cries of mothers
as they hold their dying sons
as they wish that man had never
thought to mold steel into guns

They see a husband's anguish
as he buries a loving wife
because the drunk in the other car
took her sweet young life

they see in the dirty streets
young boys molded into thugs
cause to feed a starving family
they turn to running drugs

They see the mass genocide
As countries war for oil
As governments rob working men
of the fruits of their own toil

If man on earth could see
things from that perspective
how long could the human heart
remain blind and objective?

When will the tears stop
When will we begin to heal?
I fear the answer’s: no one cares
and that we never will...