Community > Posts By > AngelArs

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Sat 03/13/10 02:23 PM

I kinda agree it might just be the floor mats in some cases..
In most cases after the toyotas crash the police are finding the floor mats in the car owners trunk.... right where toyota says they should be.... weird.

I'm a Lincoln man

The new MKS is an amazing car! The 2010's have the new EcoBoost engine.... probably the most advanced car engine on the road today :thumbsup:

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Sat 03/13/10 12:25 PM

i tried they said if i date a white guy i must count them out
Grow a spine and be yourself. If you let your so-called "friends" manipulate you like that then how good of a friend could they really be? Decide who to date based on the persons character, not how much pigment melanin they have..... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 12:20 PM

In the future, I think I will pay MUCH closer attention to the person treats their family (and if family is even important to them) and they deal with stress(do they play victim, ignore it, or face it and deal with it,,etc,,,),and

3.whether they have a BALANCE of responsibility and privilege in their life( as opposed to always playing or always being serious), and

4. how they handle disagreement(are they respectful and considerate, or tacky and low hitting)
All good things to consider :thumbsup:

I would only add that I'd look to see how shallow they are (how they balance and place importance of "looks" with "substance") and how compassionate/empathic they are towards other people too. I want to see what's in their heart. That's the real person that you'll be living with... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 12:11 PM

However, all these idiots claiming failure of their car that is truly their fault will then incur higher insurance rates.
How do you get electricity for your alarm clock in your cave?

I used to work on cars and I have always known that underneath that sheet-metal toyota has been making crappy cars for a while, how long did you think it would take for a big blunder at toyota to surface? Toyota is known for their engine and transmission failures... oh and then forcing the car owner to pay for the repairs... ohwell Sounds like you've been drinking the toyota kool-aid for a while.... smokin

I'm glad you feel your job is secure but when you're done being in denial just know that 49% of people polled said that they are much less likely to buy toyota now... and only 6% said they would want to buy a foreign car over an American car.... (and most of those 6% were under the age of 20) :wink:

Honda makes an incredibly good car and they will profit from toyotas blunders, Ford also makes incredible cars, especially for the past 3 years and they are now the number one American car company and their 2010 Fusion/Milan was awarded Car of the Year. Some of these car companies just needed a wake up call, and toyota just gave it to them....

Even Consumers Report has recently removed toyota from their tests because of all of the toyota problems... imagine that.... smokin

GM will spring back and is already making some really nice cars. The new 2011 Buicks are amazing and shows what a car company can do when they really want to. Corvettes and Caddys are already known for being incredible cars. So Honda, Ford, GM and probably even Hyundai will all profit from toyotas big blunders. For some of these companies sales have already started to increase big time (Fords sales are up a whopping 43%!) :thumbsup:

So enjoy your toyota kool-aid jim. Looks like now you'll be drinking it with ice cubes.... LOL :laughing:

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Sat 03/13/10 11:26 AM

Angel, you are right ON TOP of things!!
There's a GOOD joke there but.... :wink:

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Sat 03/13/10 11:18 AM

Cold, rainy and windy today.... maybe go climb in bed with a good book.
"I love female orgasm" is a good book.... but I digress..... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 11:15 AM

Sick of people trying to blame Toyota for their own stupidity
Worried about your job at toyota are ya.... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 11:12 AM

Going back to bed and having my happy dreams.
Still thinking about D eh? Sounds like you need D in a box.... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 11:00 AM

It was windier than a bag of farts here last night!!!!
Must be a meat eaters fart-in-a bag.... the vegetarians fart-in-a bag doesn't work that good.... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 10:49 AM
Edited by AngelArs on Sat 03/13/10 10:52 AM

No way seriously?

Chances are for everyone reading this thread it is NOT true.... but is a good example of how gullible people can be... slaphead

The scam only works on telephones where you have to dial 9 to get an outside line... smokin

More information here :wink:


no photo
Sat 03/13/10 12:36 AM

laugh I know what a Freudian slip is. I have those all the time laugh
Wear rubber soled shoes.... they very rarely slip... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 12:31 AM

Nothing better than a good work out
Yep, sexercize is good for you.... oops... Freudian slip... smokin

laugh I have forgotten what that is laugh

A Freudian slip is a verbal mistake that is thought to reveal a repressed belief, thought, or emotion....

...oh... you meant sexercize.... surprised tongue2

no photo
Sat 03/13/10 12:23 AM

Nothing better than a good work out
Yep, sexercize is good for you.... oops... Freudian slip... smokin

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Sat 03/13/10 12:20 AM
Everything looks good but if you add more pictures just make sure they aren't group pictures... that's not good form on a dating site... also you might want to add your likes and dislikes... what you are looking for in a man... hobbies... etc.. You're off to a good start though Katie :thumbsup:

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Sat 03/13/10 12:11 AM

Beck is whack, whack I say!
So are those that follow his line of wack job reasoning as well as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity smokin

no photo
Sat 03/13/10 12:02 AM

Perfect! You can give him a new home

That would be awesome!
I feel like celebrating..... won ton soup and pineapple upside down cake for everybody.... :banana:

no photo
Fri 03/12/10 11:45 PM
Perfect! You can give him a new home :banana:

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Fri 03/12/10 11:42 PM

If you want my body...and ya think im sexy..come on baby let me know!!
If you really need me just reach out and touch me ...Come on sugar let me know.... smokin

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Fri 03/12/10 11:38 PM
I'm think'in about a lonely piece of driftwood alone on the beach.... smokin

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Fri 03/12/10 11:31 PM

Men want three things:
Not this guy... I just want a woman with a beautiful heart... smokin