Community > Posts By > AngelArs

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Tue 03/16/10 09:27 PM
Edited by AngelArs on Tue 03/16/10 09:30 PM
...did somebody say bunny....?


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Tue 03/16/10 09:21 PM

Okay, but I'm drawing the line at "licking any tight spot".
I'll be more than happy to help you with that if you're ever in a pinch, because hey... that's how I roll....

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Tue 03/16/10 09:02 PM

Wait a minute, so I shouldn't be camel towing!!! Or that makes me a lesbian, right?
As long as you have your camel towing license and it is current you can camel tow.

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Tue 03/16/10 08:56 PM

I am now in remission and going strong!!! :smile:

Glad to hear you are doing good now :thumbsup:

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Tue 03/16/10 08:52 PM

I couldn't believe it when I found this pic!

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Tue 03/16/10 08:37 PM

I'm so sorry. Do you need a camel tow/toe???surprised noway

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Tue 03/16/10 07:27 PM

I don't believe in putting anything in my veins unless absolutely neccessary. Our bodies try to heal themselves. The best thing is to actually catch the flu. Let your body fight it and you won't catch it again because it will know how to fight it.......smokin
Bovine colostrum.... smokin

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Tue 03/16/10 07:20 PM
Here's another good one :laughing:

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Tue 03/16/10 05:27 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 05:16 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 05:10 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 05:01 PM

Don't be afraid to be old fashioned-leaving love notes around, holding a door open for your lady, picking flowers for her, giving her a back rub. The things that mean the most sometimes don't cost anything!

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Tue 03/16/10 04:51 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 04:06 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 03:07 PM

I take marriage advice from those in successful marriages
i also take marriage advice(what not to do) from those who have been divorced
I take NO advice from single friends who have never been married though....

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Tue 03/16/10 02:53 PM

Not sure what you are talking about, but I was really NOT talking
about weight laugh
slaphead :laughing:

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Tue 03/16/10 02:47 PM

I need to lose a ton...:smile:
Not as hard as you may think :wink:

I agree. Thinking Utah may help :smile:
I gave her information that will be helpful to you. I can explain it better for you over the phone if you want when you're there. You don't need diets or anything like that. Your body basically works on the same principle that a checking account does.... smokin

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Tue 03/16/10 02:41 PM

I need to lose a ton...:smile:
Not as hard as you may think :wink:

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Tue 03/16/10 02:38 PM

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Tue 03/16/10 02:36 PM

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