Community > Posts By > brian1harris

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 11:08 PM
I'm not sure what a mastectamy is. I want to say it's where they remove the uterus, but what do I know huh? lol

Well, on breast removal:.... That's a tough one. I think if I just met a woman and there was no real connection then I wouldn't date her, but if I was seeing someone who was struck with cancer and lost her breas in the process and I really loved her, then there's no way that's going to stop me from being with her.

On to the mastectamy part: (remember, I think it's taking out the uterus and this is what I base my comments on.) This would be the greatest deal breaker because I want a family and if she can't have children, then neither she nor I will be happy together.

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:58 PM
That's kind of beautiful and depressing at the same time. It expresses a type of immortality that comes with story telling, but to think that that's it; all you leave for the next generation is just a story. that's where the bitter/sweet feeling lies. I liked it though. Things must move on and the old will go away to make way for the new. This is something to truely be celebrated and not feared.

Oh well, that's all I can come up with for now.

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:52 PM
Yes he has!!!!!laugh And so have I. You can ask the teacher... After she gets done re-dressing herself...devil devil devil devil drinker drinker

By the way, where's that punch?

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:46 PM
I know, man. You gotta stay in the game. laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:44 PM
I LIKE BOOBS!!!!!!!! Of course, I'm a guy and that's a part of the female anatomy so it goes together. I don't judge women on their bust size. All I'll say about boobs (really) is that as long as she has them (not flat chested like a man) then she's alright in that department. However, a woman's personality is more important to me than any physical characteristic to me (Well that may not be all true. If I don't find a woman's face to be appealing, then I won't even look at her as a potential mate/partner.)

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:33 PM
That was what I meant with my comment: to have fun and cut up with some people. Everyone's welcome to insult me if they want.laugh laugh

I'll have some fun with it.

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:30 PM
Yes!!!!!! Noone gets it. My comment was to Gypsy, which I'm sure that isn't his real face; just a pic he found to be funny. After that, my comment was in the spirit of fun and was supposed to be funny and not insulting. sorry you don't share it, but I can only appologize that far as it was to be in good humor.

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:26 PM
lmao!!!! You stole my car!!!!laugh You bastard!!!!!!!!!

Thanks!!!!laugh laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:22 PM
At that age, there's not much difference. Anyways I got quite a bit of room to talk.. I'm American. laugh We have the god-given right to be assholes!!! (cue patriotic music) 4-score and seven years ago, our forefathers told King George to take his job and shove it; we weren't working for him no more!!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!!

And the rest was history.laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:18 PM
Ah, but I already know something about you: You own a crappy car!!!! laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:16 PM
With a face like yours, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a bunch of weird extra things about you. Things like an extra liver, and eleventh toe, an eye literally in the back of your head.... It almost sounds like you've been exposed to radiation or you're from Alabama. laugh laugh Hard to tell which.

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:14 PM
I don't know. Breaking his nose and everything, I'd say he's a high risk person. I wouldn't insure him. laugh jk.

I'd insure anyone..... If I was an agent.laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:05 PM
Dinner!!!! I'm so concious about what I eat. I had a piece of Pine bark covered in a non-fat dressing. Then for dessert I licked a chocolate covered cherry and put it back in the box for tommorow.laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:02 PM

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:02 PM
Hell YES!!!!! I'm a Dapper Dan man!!!!!

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:00 PM
It was me!!!!!!!!! I shot JR!!!!!! I was 5 and it looked like a cool toy. devil laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:59 PM
Who's Melbourne and why would I want to support his cup? Isn't that what a cup is for? Support and protection? laugh laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:52 PM
My full name is difficult to say in this language.

It's Geburtztag Forurteile Schwarzemannermittgrossehande.

Now say that ten times fast.laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:48 PM
What about San Fransisco? laugh laugh

brian1harris's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:46 PM
Interesting. I like it. It shows exactly how mankind should be. Not caring about what other people think, but only caring that you do the right thing, not because it's popular, but because it's the right thing to do.

Many times I wanted to cuss out people in the drive thru when I worked in fast food, but I smiled and dealt with their problems in a professional manner gritting my teeth and keeping my tounge in check. You feel neglected by the world in this way, but I'm convinced that it's the only true way to be.