Community > Posts By > snoopinaround

snoopinaround's photo
Sun 04/02/17 10:25 PM

ya once upon a time
ya know
back when I first joined this site
and like uh three others

I did this
spent hours doing the hair and makeup
trying to figure out what clothes to wear
took pics from all angles

ya know what?
if I posted a body shot
I got messages accusing me of being a 'butter face'
" nice body but her face dude"
and that was why I did not show my face
guys saying they needed to see me smile
or see my eyes

so then when I posted face shots
guess what? got accused of being a lard azz
and that is why I had no full body shots

see where I am going with this one?
after awhile it began to feel like adverstising
more than a dating profile

I have shots from every angle up.

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 04:17 PM

um, it says you just joined.. where have you been wondering for months?

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 10:30 AM
I know I have nice pics, I get 100's of messages a day saying that, it's sweet and appreciated. I think a lot of men build me up in their minds to be something I'm not. If you read my profile on body type I do say "fez extra pounds" or whatever. I workout and eat right, but I still would love to be thin. I put up full body pics and side pics even. I've done ALL I can to be certain I've in no way misrepresented myself. Why does it seem when I go and meet someone that they are disappointed? Or I never hear from the again? I asked one guy while we were still out and he said "your pictures are an accurate representation of you!" So I think these guys have to be mentally picturing me differently or something. What do YOU do, guys, when you see someone with great pics - multiple angles, but you mentally had a different idea but you still think she's beautiful in her pics... but maybe the body doesn't look like you thought despite having seen pics??? I mean at some point it's not my fault when I put up every pic I can... but I totally feel like I just disappoint. It's discouraging.

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:58 AM

sorry, why i wrote that is;
i made a laughter at the beginning
and then i read the rest
and felt guilty and sorry. good.. just between you and me I don't think her husband died while making love... he probably killed over from carrying all the shoeboxes from the store

Hehehe. No comment.

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:58 AM

Recently widowed does that turn you off?

The word Recent, yes.
The word Widowed, no.

A loss like that takes time to adjust.

There are 5 stages of grief.

Since every person is unique and deals with grief in different ways you can be sure that there is never a set time frame.

1. Denial & Isolation
Its probable you have already experienced the worst of stage one. Depending on how 'Recent' (to you) there could be relapses. Self-induced isolation might make it difficult for a bonding to occur. Denial could get in the way of recognizing the new unique relationship as comparisons are made.

2. Anger
The anger of loss could affect the quality of a new relationship. Grief affects emotional stability. Anger, a powerful emotion, could bleed into the new experiences you and your new partner might be having. A short-temper is hard to accommodate.

3. Bargaining
A bad case of the "If Only's" Desperately seeking justification outside of the reality. Most people want someone that is in the here and now, with them.

4. Depression
A sadness that permeates the perception of life. Lots of crying and inactivity. Attempts by your new partner to cheer you fail over and over. They may feel helpless and stop responding.

5. Acceptance
In this final stage of mourning you can talk about your lost love one without overwhelming emotional struggles. You are not seeking the essence of them in your new partner. There are no comparisons made or implied when you are with them. While your lost loved one is still an important part of your life you can readily accept another for who they are themselves.
If you are in this stage or beyond, congratulations!

Find yourself
Love yourself
Be yourself

Someone will notice.
Good Luck!

Recent means almost one year. But before his passing a grieved HARD almost a year. That was much tougher than him actually passing. I knew then he no longer hurt.

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:53 AM

I have to say, these forums are greats d I appreciate the honesty. No I don't know what I'm looking for exactly. It's been 9 months and the last 5 years of our marriage had no intimacy due to his health. I had to tube feed him for a year and a half.. sex was the last thing on my mind. A few months after I sorta came out from the fog I was (still am) SO lonely. But I do have needs and wants and since I don't know what I'm looking for I feel it's better to say FWB and then if it grows into more that's the natural course and I'd be thrilled. I guess it feels like maybe I'm not getting anyone's hopes up that way.. I don't know. But I had to stop being intimate with the love of my life at 35. My prime. I long for companionship again... thanks for your feedback .. :). Have a blessed night

I've been a widow for 8 months... same as you...took care of ill husband for years/no sex...yadda yadda yadda....We were marred 34 years..
I joined this site to see what was in the dating pool ... just looking and yes, it is hard to make the move to know strangers...
I've ended up seeing an old boyfriend by way of a chance meeting...
Keep scrolling and looking...something will come your way
Stay safe

Thank you too. This is better than all those widow forums. They often don't wanna change or progress they want to stay sad. I'm not a sad person. I don't like to be sad. Hope you're doing great now btw!

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:49 AM

You are the age I was when widowed. I would say it gets easier and people have less hangups about it the more time passes but usually just isn't so.

I would stick with the truth but I think you draw a big red target on your back putting your business out there on line.

Probably better off talking to a professional or putting it in a private journal. Doesn't hurt to take advantage of the free aftercare available through hospice and any of the numerous well written books on the subjects.

Or give yourself a little more time before you go out as walking wounded.
That pretty much guarantee s you will do something you will regret. Not the least being hurting someone else and having that to feel lousy about.

I get the concept of feeling like you have been punished long enough without a lover of your own but that whole thing about your prime time is a myth. It is still all good when ever if you want it to be. My personal experience is it is a lot better actually later.
My sympathy and God's speed to what I hope will be a good future for you also.

Thank you! And someone with experience. I'm so sorry for your loss. It does feel like I'll never fall in love again. Did you remarry? He just took such wonderful care of me. Of course I too took wonderful care of him when the time came.. I JUST learned of this site, I've been using match. Which there is a way better choice of quality men overall. But I like this forum thing. Otherwise I never would have spoke or heard from any of you. Thanks again..

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:45 AM

Omg..op.. please tell me your late husband did not kill over while making love to you... if he did I'm terribly sorry..
There was no way for me to know that when I posted what I did above....oops

pls read the tread :)

Lol. Thank you dear:)

snoopinaround's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:45 AM
No.. he tried to talk me into it that and that was my biggest fear. He said "but honey, what a way to go!!" I said "NOT FOR ME IT'S NOT!" But it was sweet in a weird way.

snoopinaround's photo
Fri 03/31/17 08:15 AM
Thank you. It's a hard world bein thrown suddenly into the singles crowd.

snoopinaround's photo
Thu 03/30/17 11:59 PM
I have to say, these forums are greats d I appreciate the honesty. No I don't know what I'm looking for exactly. It's been 9 months and the last 5 years of our marriage had no intimacy due to his health. I had to tube feed him for a year and a half.. sex was the last thing on my mind. A few months after I sorta came out from the fog I was (still am) SO lonely. But I do have needs and wants and since I don't know what I'm looking for I feel it's better to say FWB and then if it grows into more that's the natural course and I'd be thrilled. I guess it feels like maybe I'm not getting anyone's hopes up that way.. I don't know. But I had to stop being intimate with the love of my life at 35. My prime. I long for companionship again... thanks for your feedback .. :). Have a blessed night

snoopinaround's photo
Wed 03/29/17 09:49 PM
I'm curious now if that's a turn off? I don't know what I'm looking for - I don't know if I'm ready to be in love but I do have needs. I have been told both could be a reason people maybe don't write me. It's like I can't win for losing??

snoopinaround's photo
Wed 03/29/17 09:47 PM
Lol. Well I TOTALLY appreciate the honest answers and I think they could all be right. You guys are nice people:)

snoopinaround's photo
Wed 03/29/17 12:49 PM
It says MINGLE2 Can't enter or not allowed

snoopinaround's photo
Wed 03/29/17 12:48 PM

snoopinaround's photo
Tue 03/28/17 12:39 PM
Hey guys!! I've never seen this site but I do like the forum area!! My profile says I have children at home but I have a 17 1/2 year old at home:) I don't know why I'm looking for as much as I know what I'm NOT looking for! I know I don't reply to anyone further than 45 minutes away. There's no point. Ideally I would love a long term relationship but I'm open to anything in between too, right now. Message me if you're interested!