Community > Posts By > upzaw2000

upzaw2000's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:55 PM

Look, coming from a guy, it isn't about being a prick, or being nice. But it does take balls to actually just tell the girl you are interested. And so what if she isn't into you? HELLO!!! Their is a more deserving chick out their who will be so awesome, that the rejection you went through will long be forgotten. UGH! Seriously. If I can go out, have chicks hit on me, then anyone can, okay??? LOL!
very well said my friend ! drinker
that's is b.s. sorry. i know this really fat guy I mean fat who is married and told me the same scoop. Well explain why then i am not horrible looking actually kind of handsome and yet suffer and never get any ladies......

Ok...first of all...never doubt my wisdom. opinion, you lack confidence sir. A woman can smell it a mile away, and if she does, she aint gonna be intersted. And, you don't have to be a prick man. You just have to be confident in your ability. You do that...then will score...haha!
Fellow I aint sorry I am who i am i am confident Yes indeed I am not trying to blow sunshine down anyone's as.. I am honest and real is real it is what it is and this is for the gal also
I have no idea what you just said.
Kirk, I'm not tryin to pick on you. You asked the question and I answered.
I know what you're trying to say. You just aren't being very clear.
i will put it like this, i can be mean and bitter anyone can do that, it is not hard. I can be a good listener and just a plain nice guy but no matter how things really are in reality I am always getting the shaft and never any luck with girls..

on a serious note.... counseling bro
kiss my ***

i should of said, with all due respect... but ya

upzaw2000's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:55 PM

I am a nice guy as far as manners and respect...But i have never claimed to be a "Nice Guy" I will let people come up with their own conclusions

ya same here... most assume for long periods of time that i am, and then next thing you know someone gets in my face or test my limits. Then i am just a good guy that kep his emotions under wraps lol

upzaw2000's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:53 PM

Look, coming from a guy, it isn't about being a prick, or being nice. But it does take balls to actually just tell the girl you are interested. And so what if she isn't into you? HELLO!!! Their is a more deserving chick out their who will be so awesome, that the rejection you went through will long be forgotten. UGH! Seriously. If I can go out, have chicks hit on me, then anyone can, okay??? LOL!
very well said my friend ! drinker
that's is b.s. sorry. i know this really fat guy I mean fat who is married and told me the same scoop. Well explain why then i am not horrible looking actually kind of handsome and yet suffer and never get any ladies......

Ok...first of all...never doubt my wisdom. opinion, you lack confidence sir. A woman can smell it a mile away, and if she does, she aint gonna be intersted. And, you don't have to be a prick man. You just have to be confident in your ability. You do that...then will score...haha!
Fellow I aint sorry I am who i am i am confident Yes indeed I am not trying to blow sunshine down anyone's as.. I am honest and real is real it is what it is and this is for the gal also
I have no idea what you just said.
Kirk, I'm not tryin to pick on you. You asked the question and I answered.
I know what you're trying to say. You just aren't being very clear.
i will put it like this, i can be mean and bitter anyone can do that, it is not hard. I can be a good listener and just a plain nice guy but no matter how things really are in reality I am always getting the shaft and never any luck with girls..

on a serious note.... counseling bro

upzaw2000's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:52 PM
nah im just foolin, im a nice guy but have confidence. does enough good.

upzaw2000's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:40 PM
lol, im a nice guy... i might have to go around smackin some bishes to get some more attention