Community > Posts By > single_in_tampa

single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 09/22/10 07:20 PM

I just love sluts love


single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 09/22/10 07:06 PM

Crazy chicks are, in all actuality, quite hot...

As indicated -

hah! i lol'd

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 09/21/10 10:40 PM
You know, like the housewife in "Step Brothers" that went psycho for Dale.

I vote yes, they are.

What say ye, internet community?

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 09/21/10 09:33 PM
fla is the wrong state to live in if you dislike "pervs".

i myself am a level 6 perv. testing for 7th later this month.

single_in_tampa's photo
Sat 09/11/10 10:56 PM
remodeled my profile. now has hot tub and kingsize ceiling mirror.

seriously, im lonely. someone tell me they want me. just lie.

single_in_tampa's photo
Mon 09/06/10 08:59 PM

Hey, whatever floats your boat?

Part of the problem with a God figure is that an "All encompassing, supreme being who is all things" then that means God is of you, me, the dog licking himself in ways we can't, the trees, and global warming.

monsters exist. i define a murderer as non-human. non-people. seeing them as part of god would disable my ability to fight them.

faith empowers people. i will not tie my hands by discarding it.

single_in_tampa's photo
Sat 09/04/10 10:36 PM
If someone is really screwed up in the head, but able to help people better in this crisis condition by being extremely good at their profession, is "God is other people" an ok thing to place faith in?

Allowing myself to have faith in God would end this crisis state, but also render me incapable of doing what I can do in misery. What I do helps people.

I fear becoming a monster of self faith. Is it ok to faith myself into believing God is other people?


single_in_tampa's photo
Sat 09/04/10 10:18 PM
antipsychotic medication.

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:08 AM
the language barrier can be extremely serious if you can't work past it. you either need to get very, very good at english, or he needs to get very, very good at Filipino. It will not work if that does not happen.

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:03 AM

single_in_tampa.....I totally disagree with you... That is untrue. (The comments about no contact causing psychotic behavior, that is a disease.)

Psychosis is not a disease. It is a state of extreme distress characterized by a disconnection with reality.

Someone that's just lost an arm in a car accident walking through the wreckage looking for a missing shoe is psychotic.

Someone that's forced to stay awake for 7 days is hearing voices and thinks God wants him/her to do something immediately. That person is psychotic.

In both cases, there is no disease. Just extreme distress.

Being denied one of the fundamental human needs for years and years will make someone psychotic. They will start hearing God, or start seeing children as sexual, or see something really horrible happing to someone else and feel absolutely no empathy. They become disconnected with how normal, healthy people think. They are psychotic.

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:58 AM

humans need physical contact
i agree with this i deff need a cuddle now and then, flowerforyou ***where's Holly when you need her*** love

touche, humans probably need physical contact, but they dont NEED sex to be happy or healthy

have you ever actually met a 40 year old virgin?

it's not cute and/or adorable like the guy in the film. it's someone that's been profoundly neglected by other humans, and is missing/needs to know how joyful and happy other people can make him/her feel. they've been robbed of one of the fundamental joys we are born to have. it is morally wrong to deny that right to anyone other than yourself.

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:36 AM
The profile description was clear, up-beat, and well written. You said who you were, what you were looking for, and was honest about your children being the main focus.

You must be a great mother. I hope you find a good person here soon. Oh, and you're cute, too!

single_in_tampa's photo
Tue 08/17/10 12:37 AM
no sex is the reason 50 year old priests grope 10 year old boys.

humans need physical contact/sex to function normally. being devoid of physical contact for extended periods of time makes people literally psychotic.

single_in_tampa's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:21 PM
"we all want to be different,,

which makes us all the same"

I disagree with your profile statement. Freaks like me sometimes need to blend in and can't.

About the pic: people say they want someone with intelligence, but for the most part that usually just means they want someone with high earning potential.

Also if the relationship begins with "I'm really smart" on your part, you've already declared lordship over anyone without the same self image.

single_in_tampa's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:34 PM

What's a 'bit' ... ?

a Binary digIT. a one or a zero.

8 bits in a byte
1024 bytes in a kilobyte
1024 kilo in mega
1024 mega in giga

single_in_tampa's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:55 PM
And I shall answer. I know the entire internet on a first name basis.

No, seriously. I've worked for wikipedia, done on-call tech support for 3 years on every system imaginable, and have about 5 years of college focused on the same.

None of that means crap, by the way. But seriously, I'm better than 99% of those overweight fantasy-obsessed megalomaniac "tech guys" that pretend what they know is anywhere near as important as what an MD or chef or soldier had to learn.

Ask me.

single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:23 PM
if you get anything other than an iphone (or an ipod touch if you want the exact same thing without a cellphone or service contract), you made a mistake.

i typed this in the parking lot of a starbucks 20 miles from my home. i am logged into my computer and moving the mouse around the screen/typing/running programs/downloading stuff/rendering videos/rebooting when needed...

the touch screen becomes your desktop. set it up once, and from that point on it is one single button to connect and login your machine from anywhere in the world, even if the machine has a dynamic ip address.

anything you can do on any windows or mac operating system, you can do on an iphone. from anywhere in the world. print stuff 3000 miles from your house and it will be there when you get back.

reading pdf books on your computer and being able to download any book ever written in the last 100 years through torrents is incredibly powerful.

if you were in the same room as the computer logged in with the iphone, you would see your mouse moving/things happening from across the room like a remote. if someone is at the computer itself, either of you can move the mouse or type. collaboration is powerful.

iphone. it's the single most powerful information tool humans have ever invented.

using it will raise your IQ. i swear to god.

single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:09 PM

Rate me? xD

you tell people and show them all about yourself, then end your profile with "I don't want to meet anyone here"

See this? You can't have it.

Oh... rly?

single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:06 PM

I'm all ears... or rather eyes.

why so much focus on stuff that's around you?

you are what's important here. distractions take away from that.

cute profile pic ^^.

single_in_tampa's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:02 PM

Hey been on mingle for just a little while now, but was just wondering what some of yall thought about my profile and myself. Thanks for the feedback peace out.

5th pic is the best. use that for profile image imo.

i'd delete the last image. the purpose of having profile pics is so that potential mates can see what you look like as you are. any decoration/artistic rendering of self photo communicates an edited self image.

you are cute ^^