Community > Posts By > Granted83

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:31 PM

So this girl and I hang out New Years Eve and we have a great time together, she says she likes me and I her. She has me in her phone as "Jake my love" and says other sweet-nothings.

But when I try to hang out again she never responds or wants to. What's the deal? Ugh, indecisiveness is crap!

Holy crap! I'm in the SAME exact boat as you! I met this girl at a lock in at my church on New Years Eve. We were at church, so obviously neither of us had been drinking. Regardless, her and I hit it off for hours. Ended the night over some Denny's at 3 am and the next day we text all day long, right? Well the day after that, complete 180 degrees. Not ready for a relationship...blah blah blah. What the hell is one to do with that? Ugh....yes. It's disappointing, my friend. But I think it's time we moved on to the next one.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:28 PM

Really? You don't say!
Hello, my father!

You make me feel glad.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:23 PM

<--- is just chopped liver grumble grumble laugh

Nahhh...of course you're not.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:13 PM

I really love this topic so I'm going to elaborate, if I may. The saying, "Put others before yourself" requires a lot of responsibility. It may also take self confidence, and bravery, in order to put the needs of others before your own. Then again, it matter to what extent you'll love others before yourself. Will you be willing to spare personal time for them, or even die for them? That confidence is also love for self. Therefore the amount in which you love someone else is very conclusive to how much you love yourself. Yes...that was your mind being blown. Enjoy.
would i die for somebody else? id say yes.. for i was angry at my neighbors for not having house insurance to pay for my car because of their neglagence of not taking care of the dangers around their house.. and their roof blew off knowing it had problems destroyed my car cost me 500 bucks that i did not have.. i went without a christmas because of that. and by that i mean i could not give.. later on they at least got house insurance after that..not that it paid me a penny back... well 2 months later i see smoke coming outta their eaves.. knowing they stay home and sleep all day whilst 4 kids at school.. she on meds heavily, he only one leg.. just got a new leg...<fake> knowing they had 2 dogs etc.. do u think i took time to go around to other side of the house to see if their cars were there? nope! i broke their door open.. i did not think twice! yes i got smoke inhalation badly! burnt the inside of my nostrils out... but i got them out and their 2 dogs.. just not the bird!:cry: would i do it again? hell yes! because i put someone else first before me... there are 2 dogs still here, two parents of 4 children that need their parents!

So the fire was AFTER their roof destroyed your car? Wow...that was very big of you. Definitely commendable. Not a lot of people like you left in the world these days. I, too, would have made the same decision. I believe it's important to humble myself before others and think about their needs before my own. This type of servant's heart is also the best way to profit in life. To give is an opportunity to receive.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:06 PM
Hurt people tend to try to hurt people. It's just the way they cope with their own problems. I can relate to that, unfortunately. I've tried to hurt others by insulting them because I thought it was the best way to feel better about myself. Human nature is peculiar.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:04 PM

Despite the cute dog, I wouldn’t click on your profile to read it because your pic is too dark.

Get a clearer, better main pic wherein you are the focus. Use a program to lighten the dog pic and use it as an extra!

Good luck! waving

Curious, but why are pictures such an important issue on dating websites? Looks are extremely deceiving, especially when it's merely a photograph. For instance, my profile picture is creepy. It's dark, I'm not smiling, nor can you see clearly. Then again it's the only one I have at the moment and if you're really curious as to what I look like you'd contact me for another one. Regardless of what I "look" like on the outside, I am college educated, I have goals and values, mama raised me right, good head on my shoulders, and some would say I'm a comedic genius. I just don't believe a picture would sway me toward whether or not I'll look at someones profile. I usually look at the headlines.

While I have to be attracted to someone's soul and intellect, I must also be attracted to their appearance! :laughing:

I have many, many guy friends that I love on the inside, and value as people and my friends, but there is no chemistry (for one reason or another) or they aren't my type physically.

This is a dating site! I am looking for someone that appeals to all of my senses. slaphead

You have your preferences and methods; I have mine. winking

I suppose looks are not as important to me. We'll agree to disagree.'re hot. HAHA!!

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 08:00 PM
I really love this topic so I'm going to elaborate, if I may. The saying, "Put others before yourself" requires a lot of responsibility. It may also take self confidence, and bravery, in order to put the needs of others before your own. Then again, it matter to what extent you'll love others before yourself. Will you be willing to spare personal time for them, or even die for them? That confidence is also love for self. Therefore the amount in which you love someone else is very conclusive to how much you love yourself. Yes...that was your mind being blown. Enjoy.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 06:31 PM

Im new on here and I was just thinking maybe my profile is saying to much or not enough... what do ya'll think?

Your profile is great. I just moved down here to Orlando from Richmond. What a shame. I totally would have contacted you.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:50 PM

What ways do some of you cope with the anxiety of being alone?

What outlets do you have to deal with 'third wheel' syndrome? Or when you see a happy couple together at any given time and you think, 'why not me?'

How do you stop yourself from thinking, "I'm the only one that doesn't have anybody,"?

This post is totally different from what your profile states. You state you have roommates so you can't be that lonely. Loose the emo mentality. That should of ended at 21. Anything older it becomes pathetic.

Listen, you are 26 and live in Orlando. I'm pretty sure with Mickey and the gang around you can find one of them to pal around with. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out and do something.

Who the hell cares what everyone else is doing. Find friends that aren't part of a couple. Don't count on your friends to be your cruise director. If they are in a relationship I can guarantee you it ain't all wine and roses. I bet they aren't even get laid very often. So don't be too envious. Every one of my friends that are married care more about my dating life than their own marriages. Tells me how exciting theirs must be. Just sayin.

Now get off your butt and go do whatever the kids are doing in Orlando these days.

Wow...thanks for the input, but this post isn't FOR me. I'm okay with being single, now. I use to not be so I figured there had to be other people out there that are the way I use to be. So I figured this would help. I can see why you're single, though. So negative.

Actually, it was your original post that was negative. She was basically saying not to be that way.

I can see where the original post seemed negative, now. It definitely wasn't intended to be that way. Allow me to tweak it.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:42 PM

Yeah, my picture is creepy, but I'm not. I'm bored. Stimulate my mind. I could use some intellectual conversation over some red roses.

In order to utilize the electron synchrotron radiation for the calibration of radiometric transfer standards a radiometer has been developed which is in use at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg). The radiometer is designed for calibrating transfer standards of the spectral radiance and irradiance for wavelengths between 80 nm and 350 nm. By the method used it is avoided that after calibration with synchrotron radiation the transfer standards have to be converted to an absolute scale by comparing them with a conventional standard in the uv. This is especially vital for those vuv standards which do not emit any measurable radiation in the uv. In this paper the quality of the underlying principle of measurement is stressed by determining the spectral radiance of commercial deuterium lamps (165 nm to 340 nm). The uncertainty of the measured spectral radiance is ±2%. This uncertainty is confirmed by comparative measurements (290 nm to 340 nm) based on the radiation of tungsten tube black-body at a temperature of about 2500 K.

Thanks. And this paper/article needs to be updated because scientists have made a lot of progress in the calibration of radiometric transfer standards since this was written. I'm guessing the 70's or 80's?

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:31 PM
Kinda gay...but I certainly do feel more appreciated. LoL! Don't you have any manly flowers?

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:28 PM
Yeah, my picture is creepy, but I'm not. I'm bored. Stimulate my mind. I could use some intellectual conversation over some red roses.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:06 PM

I must be at the wrong grocery store, all I see are old men with no teeth. grumble

Do you live in Deliverance?

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 05:05 PM never gave me roses. Good grief. What's a guy gotta do?

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 04:59 PM
Edited by Granted83 on Tue 01/05/10 05:03 PM

Despite the cute dog, I wouldn’t click on your profile to read it because your pic is too dark.

Get a clearer, better main pic wherein you are the focus. Use a program to lighten the dog pic and use it as an extra!

Good luck! waving

Curious, but why are pictures such an important issue on dating websites? Looks are extremely deceiving, especially when it's merely a photograph. For instance, my profile picture is creepy. It's dark, I'm not smiling, nor can you see clearly. Then again it's the only one I have at the moment and if you're really curious as to what I look like you'd contact me for another one. Regardless of what I "look" like on the outside, I am college educated, I have goals and values, mama raised me right, good head on my shoulders, and some would say I'm a comedic genius. I just don't believe a picture would sway me toward whether or not I'll look at someones profile. I usually look at the headlines.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 04:50 PM
My grandmother's peanut butter fudge.

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 04:47 PM
I've been cheated on twice, by two different girls. Granted, (hey that's my screen name. Totally didn't plan that) this was in college and we are all pretty immature. However, after it happened the second time (and she was the second consecutive girlfriend, mind you) I had a really difficult time wondering if it was me, or what I was doing. Then after some soul searching, I realized that the only place I erred was in the women I pursued. So I upped my standards a bit and haven't had a girlfriend cheat on me since. Hope that helps. :)

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 04:36 PM
My biggest problem with getting a date...? All I gotta do is drive to the grocery store. Hahaha....

Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 04:25 PM
So far all of your responses have been wonderful, and constructive. Keep them coming. I would also like to add more upon the subject. The loneliness that I have experienced in my past, I have found, was definitely rooted in being hurt, broken, and rejected in relationships. Then it became a snowball affect, and every rejection by every girl caused more and more bitterness which, in turn, caused me to try even harder.

Now, that may sound as if I'm pointing fingers towards others and saying, "I'm the victim, I'm the victim", and granted, that is exactly what it was for several years. However, I have definitely found healing in the realization that it was my self-pity causing the anxiety. The healing process began when I started to think about what I could have done differently to avoid being hurt. Thinking about ways that I brought it on myself and working on ways to improve. Also finding outlets in activities such as sports, community programs and clubs, and just hanging out with friends helps me realize all is well. I can definitely think back and understand the old saying, "You reap what you sow."


Granted83's photo
Tue 01/05/10 03:57 PM

What ways do some of you cope with the anxiety of being alone?

What outlets do you have to deal with 'third wheel' syndrome? Or when you see a happy couple together at any given time and you think, 'why not me?'

How do you stop yourself from thinking, "I'm the only one that doesn't have anybody,"?

This post is totally different from what your profile states. You state you have roommates so you can't be that lonely. Loose the emo mentality. That should of ended at 21. Anything older it becomes pathetic.

Listen, you are 26 and live in Orlando. I'm pretty sure with Mickey and the gang around you can find one of them to pal around with. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out and do something.

Who the hell cares what everyone else is doing. Find friends that aren't part of a couple. Don't count on your friends to be your cruise director. If they are in a relationship I can guarantee you it ain't all wine and roses. I bet they aren't even get laid very often. So don't be too envious. Every one of my friends that are married care more about my dating life than their own marriages. Tells me how exciting theirs must be. Just sayin.

Now get off your butt and go do whatever the kids are doing in Orlando these days.

Wow...thanks for the input, but this post isn't FOR me. I'm okay with being single, now. I use to not be so I figured there had to be other people out there that are the way I use to be. So I figured this would help. I can see why you're single, though. So negative.

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