Community > Posts By > DawnMarie1964

DawnMarie1964's photo
Mon 12/20/10 04:50 AM

Actually, I stepped in here about to go off on a few personal angles of this topic (I often do) and after reading Jill's simple perspective....had to change a few of my own perspectives. Sometimes it is simple statements of the obvious are the ones that sink in with me....this is a good thing.

I would love to hear your perspective. As I do appreciate Jill's, I would like to hear what you though before reading her reply.

BTW I think ppl are a bit confused about the topic. I would like the differences between the two. And for the record...I do not seek out this person, I simply do not turn my back on them when they need to talk. It's just that simple.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Mon 12/20/10 04:45 AM

unconditional love means giving your love without requiring anything in return

this is not the same as loving despite abusive treatment or obsession
no doormat, no compulsion necessary


I agree! Love and ask for nothing in return. It's kind of like an anonymous donation that changes someones chances to be happier.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Mon 12/20/10 04:43 AM

Basically my love for a man does come with conditions, and IMO it should. The conditions are he loves me back and treats me with the respect I deserve. There's nothing my child can do to make me not love her. That's unconditional.
If you feel you are bordering on being obsessed with a man, you probably are.

Thank you for your perspective on this question.
I don't want to debate my intent, I just wanted ppl's opinion on the differences.
I don't think I am obsessing. I just have learned how to forgive completely and put it in the past. This is not a current partner of mine. But family and friends think, once an assho!e always... I have a problem with judging ppl this way. Maybe it's just me, but if everyone I knew, knew EVERYthing about my behavior in the past, I might loose a friend or two!

DawnMarie1964's photo
Mon 12/20/10 04:37 AM

Parents do have unconditional love for their children. But, as time goes by, and a child starts to live his or her own life, the things the child does will test that love. The child can strain the love with the parent. Or, even in some cases, the parent can choose to not love the child. I have seen it happen. And, while that is terribly sad, it is truth. The parent will always love the child, but they can also distance themselves from the child.

Unconditional love is, to a point, a love that will always be there. You can love a child, a family member, and a lover with this kind of love. In fact, I believe that if you truly fall in love with someone, that it should be unconditional. You can't fall for someone half assed. Yes, they can hurt you emotionally and even physically. But so can family members. But that is the risk you take. It's the price of love. You take it on belief, or faith, that this person will always love you. And while the are going to disappoint you at some point, they will always try to make it right.

I agree with your perspective. I have only had a few loves in my life...but I will always love them to a degree whether I chose to spend my life with them or not. I think unconditional love is when, no mater what, you do not turn your back on someone you "love". Many times ppl we love, have unacceptable behavior. Call them on it! That's part of loving someone, isn't it? Our parents committed hundreds of crimes against us as we were growing up (not the abusers, just parents) in the protest that they were doing it for our own good. I think we are a rare breed. Most ppl don't really believe in love, not the romantic love, I mean the tough stuff. What it takes to be selfless and do whats best for the other person.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Mon 12/20/10 04:27 AM

**What is the difference between unconditional love and obsession?**

Unconditional love can lead to self-sacrifice, but it does not lead to harming another person.

Obsession can lead to self-sacrifice, too, but it can also lead to harming another person.

Thank you David. This is what I thought.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sun 12/19/10 08:30 AM
I would love to hear some opinions.
**What is the difference between unconditional love and obsession?**
So if you continue to forgive ppl who have really done you wrong, and then try to get past the pain and treat them the way you want them to treat you, hence the "unconditional" part. Why do other ppl think you just can't get over someone and are obsessed? Isn't obsession when you do negative things to someone, or when you intrude, and are not wanted there?


DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 12/11/10 08:47 AM
"3/4 breasts"

I'm not even sure that's possible.

scared rofl rofl rofl

I needed that!

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sun 11/14/10 06:06 AM
From what I've seen in my own relationships as well as those of loved ones, is that there is always one who gives more, forgives more, does more, tries harder and loves more. It is a rarity that both people are on the same level AT the same time.
Unfortunate, but true.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sun 11/14/10 05:59 AM
I am totally hooked on the Latin culture, especially MUSIC!♫♪♪♫♫♪

DawnMarie1964's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:06 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:05 AM
I have woken up at exactly 4:22am, so many time that I can't even count them. Weird

DawnMarie1964's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:03 AM
If the ppl in our past only knew we WOULD give them a second chance if they just tried to contact us.

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:25 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:25 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:24 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:21 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:20 AM
Plano, TX

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:19 AM
kinky is good

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:18 AM

DawnMarie1964's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:17 AM
girls rule

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