Community > Posts By > sick_of_games

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 02:15 AM

I would have put MORE "and xxxx and xxxx" in there with NO commas if I could think of the appropriate redneck romance ideas.

That was part of the schtick.

Take you bass fish'n at night while I look tenderlee in yer eyes as you open my beer and clean our supper.
I luvs me a woman that can lock in my 4wd and wash my coon dogs

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 02:06 AM
It's a fine expose of comedic writing! Your literal genius is well above sub-par. I would like to say that the spelling is wrong, however for the style you are using... it is perfect. Now lets do a grammar check, shall we?

"Before ya git too excited" <-- comma here
"Now I'se not only a handy feller" <--- comma here
"Now I know you womenfolk like all that row-mance stuff like dinners and flowers and such." Comma after dinners and flowers.

I love the profile, made me laugh.
"Mikerwave" LMAO nice touch!

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:55 AM
Will do chief!

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:52 AM

Attacking people with name calling is NOT being sarcastic. It is abuse, plain and simple.

Were you not being hypocritical?

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:48 AM
I'm just conversing... don't EVER take me serious! I am very sarcastic!

We should all Agree to Disagree!


sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:46 AM
I think you are missing my point! Don't judge others, unless you are willing to be judged by the same sword!

Wow, I'm not allowed to show a "slice" of my character as well?

Wouldn't finding that someone also mean accepting their flaws too?

If the "whole spelling and grammar subject has been done to death in these forums," why is this post here?

Yet another hypocrite!

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:34 AM
Edited by sick_of_games on Tue 02/05/08 01:39 AM
Again... I am calling you the hypocrite!

"I am an over all "Nice" guy. I am very patient and obedient and love to be around people that I like, and I like almost everyone. Did I just do a "Blurb" about a dog? Oh, and I have a great sense of humor, love to laugh, love to love." that is all my profile says! Are you trying to trick me woman! I mean women. :tongue:

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:32 AM

When guys write about how they want "A WOMEN" ?

This bothers me to no end.

When will the human race as a whole learn that 1 woman is with an A and more than one woman is with an E?

1 woman = WOMAN
2 or more women = WOMEN

Guys, when you say you want "a women to love and talk to and blah blah blah..." then say WOMAN if you're talking about one woman.


Just informal corrections to your post!

When guys write about how they want "A WOMEN" ? <-- There should be a period here.

"a women to love and talk to and blah blah blah..." then say WOMAN if you're talking about one woman. You should use a comma in after "love," "talk to," and in the following sentence after "then say."

Let's face it; if you are going to be that anal about a word, then you should do everything perfectly when writing, this includes grammar and spelling. In my humble opinion you should judge people like I judge you... doesn't feel good does it?

See, even I am imperfect! It's a tiny flaw.

So I take it you're offended by my post because you're someone who writes "A WOMEN" lol

Oh, and by the way, the reason the question mark was there was because I asked the first part of the question in the subject line when I said, "Does it bother you..."

That would be improper use of grammar. You never add on to a title after it is stated in the body of a written work. If you are going to be so callous over one word, then I would like you to do everything perfect grammatically. Thats all I'm saying.

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:24 AM

Just informal corrections to your post!

When guys write about how they want "A WOMEN" ? <-- There should be a period here.

"a women to love and talk to and blah blah blah..." then say WOMAN if you're talking about one woman. You should use a comma in after "love," "talk to," and in the following sentence after "then say."

Let's face it; if you are going to be that anal about a word, then you should do everything perfectly when writing, this includes grammar and spelling. In my humble opinion you should judge people like I judge you... doesn't feel good does it?

See, even I am imperfect! It's a tiny flaw.

No, there should be a question mark there because it is the end of the question started by the thread title.

The commas would be correct punctuation however she was quoting someone else's work. Who is to say the original post she was quoting from had it right?

Then again many punctuation "rules" are flat out stupid when it comes to commas and quotes so I don't follow them anyway. Common sense and clarity of expression take precedence in my estimation.

Nice try though.

Thank you!
I know I am completely correct with my response. As for the question mark... it makes a somewhat independent statement. It's not even a complete sentence. Shall I continue to slaughter the rest of the first post, or shall I move on to yours!laugh

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:20 AM
Not at all, just don't be a hypocrite!
Her is an example for you of what you did.

You: I hate your car.
Me: Why is that?
You: Because it is red. I hate all things red.
Then you go out an buy a red car... not the best of examples, but I hope you get my point.

I don't hate your post, I respect your opinion. However, making a statement like that, is just as hypocritical as buying that damn red car! lol

LOL, no... I don't use Woman as a plural statement or Women as singular!

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 01:01 AM
Edited by sick_of_games on Tue 02/05/08 01:03 AM

When guys write about how they want "A WOMEN" ?

This bothers me to no end.

When will the human race as a whole learn that 1 woman is with an A and more than one woman is with an E?

1 woman = WOMAN
2 or more women = WOMEN

Guys, when you say you want "a women to love and talk to and blah blah blah..." then say WOMAN if you're talking about one woman.


Just informal corrections to your post!

When guys write about how they want "A WOMEN" ? <-- There should be a period here.

"a women to love and talk to and blah blah blah..." then say WOMAN if you're talking about one woman. You should use a comma in after "love," "talk to," and in the following sentence after "then say."

Let's face it; if you are going to be that anal about a word, then you should do everything perfectly when writing, this includes grammar and spelling. In my humble opinion you should judge people like I judge you... doesn't feel good does it?

See, even I am imperfect! It's a tiny flaw.

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 12:48 AM
Nice truck!... It will make good for those "weekend Get-aways" with your girlfriend! (if ya know what I mean smooched ) Then she'll thank you!

sick_of_games's photo
Tue 02/05/08 12:44 AM
Yeah... I'm pretty bored. I need a freaking DRINK!!!!

sick_of_games's photo
Mon 02/04/08 12:06 PM
Depends who's side you are on. If you are on the side he is screwing over, then yes, terrorist would suffice. However, if you are applauding his actions he would be considered a "Freedom Fighter". I think he is a dirty terrorist! I was waiting for him to say "Ahlalalalalalala" it never happened though.

sick_of_games's photo
Mon 02/04/08 02:44 AM
"Every time I use a microwave I piss my pants and forget who I am for a half an hour" Uncle Eddy... NATIONAL LAMPOONS VACATION

sick_of_games's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:36 PM
Sadly, I've done some of those...

sick_of_games's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:25 PM
I think I peed myself a little!
laugh laugh sad laugh laugh

sick_of_games's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:17 PM
I like rule number 1 and 1. 1 is my favorite though.
I got one, Just because your bathroom "visits" last under two minutes doesn't give you the right to ask..."What are you doing in there?" We are Men, when we do something we do it RIGHT!

sick_of_games's photo
Fri 02/01/08 07:34 PM

Man made God

As soon as man could read and write then God Always existed.

Prove it!

sick_of_games's photo
Fri 02/01/08 07:33 PM

I mean how can say this is the land of opportunity if there isn't a topic here?

Because it's called "The Natural State" now!