Community > Posts By > USmale47374

USmale47374's photo
Mon 12/20/10 01:04 PM
Lt. William Calley said pretty much the same about the attrocities he committed in Viet Nam. No excuse will suffice, not then and not now.

USmale47374's photo
Mon 12/20/10 06:56 AM
Have you ever considered that Microsoft has yet to offer an OS any better overall than XP? Sounds like an expected "fleecing of America" to me. I have no respect to Mr. Gates' monopolistic organization, nor for his products.

USmale47374's photo
Sat 12/18/10 09:31 AM
Till I'm done. laugh

USmale47374's photo
Wed 12/15/10 08:53 PM
Die, I suppose. what

USmale47374's photo
Tue 12/14/10 06:44 PM
If I don't use all five, it wasn't among my best dates. laugh

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:43 PM
The road that President Obams is attempting to travel is akin to England's attempt at "apeasment" toward Germany at the start of WW II. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. This situation requires real, immediate change, not lip service.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:03 PM
When I was a young man, one person with only a high school education could house, feed and clothe his or her family as well as provide them with necessary medical care. That's SO not the case anymore. Almost everyone is getting poorer while the wealthy continue to get richer. There's no longer any sense of parity, of fairness.

I much prefer cooperation to conflict, but it appears that the masses are being forced to adopt the latter in order to restore a working society. Our current situation represent a huge failure within out country.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:47 PM
All I know is that the needs of 99% of the population of the United States excxeed the "needs" of the top 1%. Watch the current news coming for the UK if you want a preview of what's in store for the US if it continues to ignore this basic premise.

USmale47374's photo
Wed 12/08/10 07:58 PM
Her loss will transform Motown in to Lesstown.

USmale47374's photo
Wed 12/08/10 07:57 PM
She's a musical pioneer. Unfortunately, the odds of surviving pancreatic cancer are extremely slim.

USmale47374's photo
Tue 12/07/10 05:56 AM
It bothers me, too. These are message boards, not texts. You don't have to make these messages "fit" in the same fashion as cell phone texts.

USmale47374's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:13 PM
Welcome. Hope you enjoy Mingle. You found your way here, but can you find your way back? laugh

USmale47374's photo
Mon 12/06/10 10:44 AM
Don't know. It's not turned on.

USmale47374's photo
Mon 12/06/10 10:43 AM
Cute girl. Best of luck you you.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/02/10 05:10 PM
Not to worry. It will soon have company. rofl

So, I bebopped through an easy day at work...jump in the shower to douche and yodel my favorite tunes then DISASTER!!!!!

I discovered a squiggly WHITE hair growing from my right nipple!

I KNOW!!!!!!!

Confusion and panic is setting in cause all my other nipple hairs are brown or dirty blonde...........but that one white hair juts out like the ramming prow on a roman war galley.

Since I live a few miles outside of town I am thinking a helicopter medivac flight makes the most sense due to the obvious seriousness of this emergency.

Oh lord, I hope they dont take the nipple!

Does anyone know if this is a malignant mellow Gnome ma or a two ma?

I googled , "Renegade nipple hair" and came up with a screwed up Styx video which didnt really help.

Please! Someone help meeeeeeeeee!

I need a hug

USmale47374's photo
Wed 12/01/10 06:55 PM
Everything I like is supposedly bad for you, so. . . no. :)

USmale47374's photo
Mon 11/22/10 11:33 PM
I took mine out before the rain started. Is Tuesday everyone's trash day? what

USmale47374's photo
Sun 11/21/10 07:01 PM
Welcome, and always remember: Wherever you go in life, that's where you are. waving

USmale47374's photo
Thu 11/18/10 07:37 PM
Scientists warned of this possibility years ago, pled with the governments of the world to make sure it didn't happen. If the Gulf Stream stops flowing, it's curtains for much of the world, the US included.

USmale47374's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:29 PM
Amen. Good to know that someone is paying attention.

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