Community > Posts By > celticricket

celticricket's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:06 AM

celticricket's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:50 AM
I love anything and everything Celtic, and my real first name is a Celtic/Irish name....and my nickname since second grade is Cricket. :smile:

celticricket's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:09 AM
good morning, peeps! happy friday the 13th! :tongue:

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:22 PM
yup, i'm wearing my stilettos tonight, scotty....lick away :wink: laugh

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:20 PM
you got that backwards, scotty....i DO the whipping :wink: smooched

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:14 PM
I'm available....................just in case no one heard that.....

:heart: I'M AVAILABLE!!!!!! :heart:

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:32 PM
im not one to pose with or on my car...i think it's cheezy. i'd rather the work i've done to my car speak for itself.

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:17 PM
Do guys think a chick is hotter if she poses on cars or is she hotter if she works on cars? I'm on a car forum because I do some work on my own car (not a lot, but some modifications) and I was surprised to find out that the guys on the forum think that it's hot when a chick works on or is just into cars. Any thoughts?

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 11:30 AM
lol @ viva laugh

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 10:34 AM
maybe i need to listen to that old saying that goes something like "sometimes when you stop looking, love will find you."

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 07:41 AM
its ok, Sap.....seems like the same old song anyway, doesn't it? *sigh*

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 07:35 AM
Thanks for the pep talk, fingerpaint. flowerforyou It's good to know that being single may not be all that bad.

And no, Sappony, my other thread was about having a hot friend, remember? Maybe hanging out with her too much is part of the reason why I'm still single, lol....I kid, I kid. :wink:

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 06:28 AM
I'm 29 years old and I've never had a serious relationship with a guy. And it seems the older I get the harder it is to try to find someone. Maybe I'm picky, I don't know. I am shy, but only with strangers (at clubs and bars) and I'm getting too old for the club/bar scene anyway, I never wanted to meet a guy that way in the first place. Maybe I don't get out and meet new people enough. All I know is I've been single for a loooooong time and I don't want to be anymore. frown

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:20 AM
lol, sorry gypsy...i kinda just jumped into the convo without reading the "latest" topic. my bad, heehee.

celticricket's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:13 AM
im much more attracted to the "clean cut" guy, i.e. short hair, minimal to no facial hair, that kind of thing.

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/09/07 08:07 AM
Blue Eyes
People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are super sexy, pretty, or handsome, very good kissers and are really hot. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They are very funny, outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. Are straight up WARRIORS((aka NINJAS)) when necessary. If you repost this and you have blue eyes you will have the best kiss sometime in the next 5 days.

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/09/07 04:51 AM
im here today.....its been a looooooong weekend.

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/05/07 11:53 AM
ive been single forever! what a relationship again??? indifferent

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/05/07 11:48 AM
i think the person who started this thread is just starved for attention. a bully wanting to start a fight. you dont believe that the bible is truth, fine. but dont go throwing beliefs in the faces of people who do believe in miracles or taunting them with reasons why you dont believe the same thing. a debate is fine, but you cant really debate something that is based on faith and not fact. we'll all just be shouting in circles, and learning and understanding nothing. some things are unexplainable, it doesnt mean they arent true. thats something worth believing in.

celticricket's photo
Thu 07/05/07 11:18 AM
loving someone is never having to say you're sorry.................or some kinda crap like that, lol!