Community > Posts By > Cridhe_fior

Cridhe_fior's photo
Sun 09/02/07 05:45 AM
I've done just this thing...It unfortunately didn't work out, but at least I tried. He was into drugs, and I didn't know that before going, in fact he actually loed about it to me. So it was a deal breaker for me.

Love IS possible no matter WHAT means you meet by, but you have to have TWO people who are honest, open, and WILLING to make it work. I've been very close to several people, bonded with them to only find out that maybe they were married, they weren't "ready" for anything deeper, or i didn't even have their correct NAME...So it really depends on who you are dealing with...Love is always possibe, but honesty is a hrader thing to come by. Sometimes I think folks lie to themselves more than they lie to others!

I hope your trip went well....take care AND BE CAREFUL....
Best of luck...FIND YOUR BLISS....

Cridhe_fior's photo
Sun 08/19/07 06:56 PM
Thanks, I was just curious....I've handled things like this before several different ways, I guess there just isn't a good way to have love so "requited" is there...

Still, life is short, we have to be happy, and that's a choice!

Cridhe_fior's photo
Fri 08/10/07 08:22 PM
Whado you do when you love someone,and they don't love you the same way????

Cridhe_fior's photo
Wed 08/08/07 08:08 PM
Rmember when one or more are gathered in his name, so he shall be THERE...YOU ARE NOT ALONE...We are all with you and so is the loving peace of Christ. Stay focused on that...Wrap yourself in the loving arms of him who love, protects and keeps us all.

You are forever and foremost in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I were there in person to give you a hug and let you just talk, vent, cry, whatever you need to get through this difficult time. Know that love is a sustaining fortress even for a beautiful strong knight such as yourself.

I am always with you in spirit....
Much love to you Daleray....

Cridhe_fior's photo
Wed 08/08/07 08:02 PM

You should be proud of what you have accomplished so far and remember the Universe does not give you ANYTHING so profound or LARGE that you can not overcome it....STAY STRONG...if you are a believer, pray with conviction and THANK GOD and the Universe for the healing you have ALREADY recieved and deserve as a child of this World. It is yours for the asking...

Keep us posted...You have many friends on here that are praying for your continued sobriety AND a healing. Where one or more are gathered, the healing love of Christ is with them...we are all gathered together WITH you. You ARE NOT ALONE....