Community > Posts By > Dict8

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:59 PM
Stable. This is rare......


Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:44 PM

Sports-type boxers and some cheesy shirt... why did you wanna know?
Cuz' I'm obviously fascinated with fashion......:tongue:

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:37 PM

I know that you're a lover, not a hater...
Was just instigating, haha. Peace.

It's a very good write Kev...
peeps that don't question kinda' scare me tho'...
just a pet peeve... so I was hesitant to respond.
You should hear this to the tune I wrote. My friend heard me play this once and he was like, "Dude.....give me this song!!!!! I WANT this song!!!!!"" I thought that was funny. I mean......I gave him permission to do it.....but I sure as hell wasn't gonna' just give him my song.....laugh I did, however show him how to play it and gave him the words cuz' I just wrote it for the hell of it and he was actually playing in a it made sense I guess. He never understood what it was about though and that is what bothered me..... Oh well.....smokin

(i'm trying to point out that I can't laugh enough about this very subject... it deserves it's own thread... I've literally discussed it for hours on end. Hell weekends even...)

An artist produces... puts it out there... then what?

Any answer is the right answer... who knows. Pffft.laugh :tongue:
I don't think that I've heard your sessions before...?
I'd love to hear the song though... and you are correct, we've known one another for some time now... so I should.
Ball... your court, haha.

laugh Ted, I totally remember when I wrote "Aftermath Of The New Math"....and it puzzled you and Bastette so much that you all actually wrote me and were, like....."What the f*** is this about!!????" That was.....the ULTIMATE compliment. :tongue:

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:16 PM

i believe i have seen a billion and one threads asking what you're wearing.
the answer is;

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:07 PM
I'm wearing jeans.....a black T-shirt....and a Santa hat. I'm in bare feet.

What are you wearing? :tongue:

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:02 PM

Hidin' mostly... the world's seemed a bit large lately.
So I been keepin to myself and hangin with a local friend sometimes...

How you been?

Doin' great. Spent the entire week-end with my girl. She just went back home an hour ago. It was a good time. Now....I'm listening to old school metal and Mozart alternating on the CD changer.......

Saw you posted on my poem "Punchline". Thanks. Those are actually lyrics to a song a wrote a few years back.......

Yeah... I just posted again.
'tis a scary subject for me... hard to explain.
If they don't question life... it scares the hell outta me.
But Ainjel's cute... blue too, haha.

So I was just bein' a smartazz... figured that you'd understand.

You've a smart mind, Kev.
When you write toward that aspect of humanity... hmmm,
well I just generally like it.
But you know that it goes over some peeps heads...
I hope that Ainjel "got it".... that's all.
She got it. She gets everything I write. I like the fact that she basically reads only the poetry threads....... If I only read the poetry threads here I'd get myself in less trouble.......:tongue:

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 12:00 PM

I know that you're a lover, not a hater...
Was just instigating, haha. Peace.

It's a very good write Kev...
peeps that don't question kinda' scare me tho'...
just a pet peeve... so I was hesitant to respond.
You should hear this to the tune I wrote. My friend heard me play this once and he was like, "Dude.....give me this song!!!!! I WANT this song!!!!!"" I thought that was funny. I mean......I gave him permission to do it.....but I sure as hell wasn't gonna' just give him my song.....laugh I did, however show him how to play it and gave him the words cuz' I just wrote it for the hell of it and he was actually playing in a it made sense I guess. He never understood what it was about though and that is what bothered me..... Oh well.....smokin

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 11:46 AM

Hidin' mostly... the world's seemed a bit large lately.
So I been keepin to myself and hangin with a local friend sometimes...

How you been?

Doin' great. Spent the entire week-end with my girl. She just went back home an hour ago. It was a good time. Now....I'm listening to old school metal and Mozart alternating on the CD changer.......

Saw you posted on my poem "Punchline". Thanks. Those are actually lyrics to a song a wrote a few years back.......

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 11:34 AM

Hi Ted!!!! drinker

How's Kentuck?... it's rainin' here.
Raining here too, brother. Where ya' been? :tongue:

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 11:30 AM
Hi Ted!!!! drinker

Dict8's photo
Mon 11/28/11 11:28 AM

Couldn't think of a punch line..

Your write made mucho senso though..Nicely done..smokin
Thank you.flowerforyou

Yr answer WAS the punchline, see? You get it!


She won't get it. She's a frail one, that.
Be sweet to her.
Gettin slapped at birth is one thing... get beat to **** throughout life quite another, see? Some just won't get it.... they're still wiser than we in other aspects.
She made sense of it all... get it?
Ted, what up man!!???drinker

Missed ya'.

Oh, no...I meant that she got it cuz' there IS no punchline.....cuz' it's no joke...... smokin

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:57 PM

I also realize that I am the proble. No doubt. I accept my disease 100%. No problem there...... Trout.....I love yr advice, for real..........

Thank you.:smile: Maybe this will make you smile. It is about two bookworms eating the bible.laugh

Breaktime For Bookworms

The Bible has some evil.
It does mentions a devil.
The Bible mentions a God.
They both chew and nod.

The Bible has many books.
It has so many crooks.
The Bible can compensate.
We don't want to be late.

The Bible has many pages.
Better if you take it in stages.
The Bible speaks of faults.
Hey, please pass the salt.

The Bible has big words.
It can seem very absurb.
The Bible is like a rock.
We better watch the clock.

The Bible is very unique.
I am glad we took a peek.
The Bible is so nutricious.
It was very delicious.
Amen, brother.

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:44 PM
Repercussions of this dork commandeering my pills will be bad. pitchfork He will return them.....then he will be reprimanded.....and sent on his way.....Miller Light jacket and all. Good riddance F*** face.......:tongue: AA gives power to low-life power freaks? God. That man is all screwed up........ I invited this guy. What was I thinking?

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:25 PM
I also realize that I am the proble. No doubt. I accept my disease 100%. No problem there...... Trout.....I love yr advice, for real..........

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:21 PM

I like that one. I couldn't first admit I was an alcoholic to myself but I had no problem admitting that the guy in the mirror was an alcoholic. I wanted restoration to sanity. I felt like I needed a rubber room it got so bad. But until I could admit the first step I had a problem with restoration to sanity. My sponsor tells me that I have to work the steps in order. My first meeting I felt so sorry for the people there and tried my best to save them. I was told to quit trying to save the world and concentrate on trying to save myself. I know it sounds strange but it is like recovery can work backwards from salvation. I had to make the 180 degree turn. God, I was so backasswards. One Atheist told me to quit trying to save the world because the world doesn't want to be saved. The world is fine. Its you that has the problem. I think I wanted to kill everyone there at that first meeting. They all pissed me off. But after I got past the denial it all started to making sense what they were telling me.
I get that, man. Dude....I really do. But this guy is an ignorant ****. I have meds I take cuz' I'm bi-polar.....and he took them cuz' he had no clue. All he saw was pills, dig? Now.....I'm ****ed. I'm not gonna' drink today.....but now mt problem is bad....cuz' I require anti-depressants., dig? This guy knew no difference....... Sponsors are not Dr's. That is why this guy is fired........... Still sober. And intend to stay so........

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:12 PM
My soon ti be ex-sponsor that bI met at a meeting weeks ago shows up at my house wearing a Miller Light jacket. Decides to searck my place. Next thing I know.....alll my RX bottles are gone. Now.....these were my legitimate prescription......anti-depressants and all. Nothin addictive or narcotic. Things I need to take daily. He left.....they were gone........

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:03 PM
Still....I get it. Still sober. Trudging forward one day at a time...... sponsor has to go however.... He is f***** up.......

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 01:01 PM
You can take the rum outta' the fruitcake......but yr still left with a fruitcake.......:tongue:

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 12:58 PM

God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.


Okay. I got to quit reading this guy. He has me in stitches.
No....seriously. I'm doing the work, the program. I know you think this is funny.....but it's not. You have recovery under yr belt. I have a sponsor.....and he sucks. I'm firing him cuz' I think he is using. I want good advice.......

Nope,we know it is serious business!

there is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem

God taught us to laugh again but god please don't let us forget that we once cried
Once cried? Dude....I cry all the time. I laugh too. It's just hard. It's a hard program. Confronting yrself is hard. I just got scared. I really wanted to drink today.........

Dict8's photo
Fri 11/25/11 12:52 PM
Edited by Dict8 on Fri 11/25/11 12:53 PM
For example. Today....I had laundry to do. I really wanteds to drink with that money......but I chose to spen $12 dollard on laundry. If it weren't for the fact that I absolutely had to do laundry....I woulda' gotten drunk. This was cuz' I woke up wanting to drink. Now.....If i had any other choice.... I SWEAR ia woulda gotten drunk. I'm glad I made that decision.....but scared that laundry was the deciding factor. Feel me? This is after 3 month being sober, dig. This was my thinking........

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