Community > Posts By > lhyne36

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 10:03 PM
After reading every post here, I guess, my real advise, there is always Viagra.

thanks for ur time
I keep that n mind:smile:
but I think as we grow older our sexual appetite will be lower as well.
as we aged sex s not that important but just spending quality time together
doing things u both love and supporting each other and understanding both flaws
u may not understand it but thanks for ur sense of humor

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 08:15 PM

what r the advantages and disadvantages if ever u fall inlove to a married man who s 25 years older?????

One advantage would be that you experience what you believe to be love and possibly learn from the experience.

The disadvantages would be relative to the intricacies of the situation and there consequences.

If the age difference was part of the attraction the chances of outgrowing a parent child relationship are high for both participants

some questions I would ask

Is the wife aware of your relationship?

What are the consequences of adultery in the country you are in?

What do you expect to gain from pursuing the relationship?

What is stopping you from pursuing this relationship?
Its not clear to me whether you have actually reached the status of mistress yet and its easier to ask than sift through the thread to find out

thank u
I can answer ur questions here but if I go deeper it will not be a good thing and women will get offended on how my mind work
in general I may say im not into marriage anymore because once was enough and im not looking for a husband just want to live and enjoy life.
Happiness cant be bought no matter how many millions u have

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 11:27 AM

what r the advantages and disadvantages if ever u fall inlove to a married man who s 25 years older?????

I wouldn't know, sorry. I never fell in love with a married man who's 25 years older laugh

there's always a first time in everything

she never planned to fall for a married man it just happened

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 10:10 AM
Why not uncomplicate things and find someone single like me? :wink:

hahaahhahahha nice one
however I have this impression that good and responsible men r already taken. ..
just kidding:relaxed::yum:

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 10:07 AM

there was naive girl who believe single men r fun to be with until she find out lately that her partner was playing n her back. It happened 3 to 4 times the same scenario and she get tired.
he s single but he s fooling around.
for the last time she decided to try to a married man. U KNOW WHY? ???
Atleast she knew the only woman that man has s the wife. she knew where her place, no expectations , lesser disappointments. no promises a lot of surprises.
whereas a single man can promise u heaven but u end up n hell.
that my dear what we call LIFE-never been fair no matter what u do

Ummm, how can you be sure that the only other woman a married man is fooling around with is his wife? Aren't you fooling around with him? Who knows how many others there are? ohwell

oh well its a matter of how much time he spend with u after his work/at home.
seconds/minutes/hours right?

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 09:23 AM
there are no advantages ..

thank u for ur honesty

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 09:20 AM

Married man know how to ride very well. :)

A married man is also not a catfish. whoa

the moment a man decide to get married means he s ready for a lifetime change and bigger responsibilities.
they r also selfless ,
that makes them adorable n general

A married man who is doing YOU and also doing his Wife is NOT a man .. he is a boy.

Men give them selves to their woman ... no one else touches them.

Boys ... well, are sex addicts, greedy and stingy, make a mess, always wanting something from you, and argue quibble fight.

Men are generous, kind, want not and have nothing to prove.

there is more to the differences between boys and men.

However, a boy becomes a man ... by giving him self to his woman and thus stops f'ing around with every thing as a natural consequence of such a discipline.

sumbuddie wear blind sea

winking winking winking

cheers :beers: to that

I want u to analyze something:

there was naive girl who believe single men r fun to be with until she find out lately that her partner was playing n her back. It happened 3 to 4 times the same scenario and she get tired.
he s single but he s fooling around.
for the last time she decided to try to a married man. U KNOW WHY? ???
Atleast she knew the only woman that man has s the wife. she knew where her place, no expectations , lesser disappointments. no promises a lot of surprises.
whereas a single man can promise u heaven but u end up n hell.
that my dear what we call LIFE-never been fair no matter what u do

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 07:01 AM
Stop while u can! It took me 6mths to find out my man lol is married!
Does ur man take u out? Do u get sleep overs? Does he spoil u?

upon reading all ur opinions I think she s ready for a big change
in fairness above
mentioned r routines also
sleep overs on special ocassions(anniversaries/birthdays / holidays) dinning out f both of them r free and week ends get away
pda s not a problem btw.
and very generous financially speaking

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 06:54 AM

Married man know how to ride very well. :)

A married man is also not a catfish. whoa

the moment a man decide to get married means he s ready for a lifetime change and bigger responsibilities.
they r also selfless ,
that makes them adorable n general

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 06:49 AM
Just to say,I am a Married Man but I would leave My Wife in a Flash if I could find another lady who really wants to be with me. There will be No Fist Fight and The 25 years age gap all depends on each others Attitude and hat hey are looking for.

Thank You

for the first time someone has an understanding on her side.
it takes a lot of effort and courage to stay sane n her situation

lhyne36's photo
Wed 01/04/17 06:46 AM
It doesn't seem like you want to hear what other people think - only what you want to hear - so I'll just say...

The minute you (anyone) finds out, the person you are "involved with" is married - you should end it! Period.

It doesn't matter what you want or need - it's not the right thing to do!

It doesn't matter what other people do - it's still wrong. :)

all opinions r very much appreciated
big thanks:blush:

lhyne36's photo
Tue 01/03/17 06:21 AM
I do not understand why anyone in Lebanon would be asking people outside of Lebanon for their opinion about a subject pertaining to morality.

What people use as a moral compass isn't universal.

This single woman - who wants to be with a married man - is going to have to deal with the society that she is in, not a society that is elsewhere.

sir f u got annoyed on the topics that I posted ? U can simply ignored it .. right?

btw I never thought this forum is exclusive
I was under the impression its open to all as its a free app.
Im working n lebanon but im not lebanese

as u can recall my question s very simple
how we analyze it, that makes it complicated as each one of us has our own ideas
we r all matured,
enough to respect each ideas without discrimination

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 11:37 PM
we're not hiding. Just working to much.

take a break
have a kitkat:smile:

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 11:10 PM
FFS! Cheating is cheating and it's wrong, no matter how someone twists it! Your "friend" and the married man should be ashamed! You wouldn't like it if you were the wife, so stop justifying it

calm down
me, myself was once a devoted wife so believe me I knew the feelings being cheated
before I post this topic I already knew 99% of people reading this will not agree but im still holding the 1 % of the people as I knew she s not alone n her situation
the moment she s ready to take others opinion means she/herself has doubts n her current situation
that's why she was asking the advantages /disadvantages from someone she dont know.
that's all
end of story

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 10:52 PM
reality are greater than ideas

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 10:38 PM

what r the advantages and disadvantages if ever u fall inlove to a married man who s 25 years older?????

There aren't any. If you are happy to be part of his concubine sharing him with others, that is your choice. I don't believe many women would want or accept that kind of relationship. We are in the 21st Century, more likely women to want a concubine of men. They can wish. laugh (joke)

realistically speaking? ??
women doesnot need a title (paper to be a wife) to be happy we r n the 21st century
companionship matters most
beside divorce rate s higher now than 10-20 years ago
f u dont see a lot of women into this kind of relationship it only means u dont see or live a life out of ur backyards

Hey OP ... with Marriage Papers you get Divorce Papers to toss him or her out.

With just hooking up and living together under the same roof .. then you need to get Restraining Order Papers to toss them out of the house as most states do not recognize common law marriage. Still in the ones that do ... still need to cut papers to toss them out.

Just saying ....

sumbuddie wear blind sea

appreciate ur opinion
however u know nothing about the OP.


lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 10:33 PM
Sometimes it's just about intimacy and sexual needs that are not met by your partner.

Say you have a spouse who decided unilaterally that sex was over but in most every other sense is a loving wonderful partner. (edit out all the medical drama) Does that condemn the other spouse to a life without ever again experiencing real intimacy and sexual fullness of life?

Say this situation has gone on for twenty plus years. Do you condemn that other spouse for the years of putting up with that unilateral declaration? Do you apply labels to that or, better still, if they'd just like to feel appreciated and attractive and loved in a physical sense?

Sometimes it's just about intimacy and sexual needs that are not met by your partner.

u totally got the whole scenario.
they`re married for 30 years/2 children both r married. wife n her 50`s have a lot of medical dramas
b4 3 years doctor said. She s not allowed to have sexual contact anymore.
Wife asked for a divorce for this reason but he didnot leave her.
They r living together but there's a

until now

so to all of u who judged her (mistress)
aren't u giving her a benefit of the doubt
how important her rule s to make that marriage stay?
folks stop judging f u dont know the real story.
But thanks anyway.
Rest assured all ur opinions/advices r seriously taken by her
n pursuing her future steps(stop /go on)

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 10:17 PM
Sometimes it's just about intimacy and sexual needs that are not met by your partner.

Say you have a spouse who decided unilaterally that sex was over but in most every other sense is a loving wonderful partner. (edit out all the medical drama) Does that condemn the other spouse to a life without ever again experiencing real intimacy and sexual fullness of life?

Say this situation has gone on for twenty plus years. Do you condemn that other spouse for the years of putting up with that unilateral declaration? Do you apply labels to that or, better still, if they'd just like to feel appreciated and attractive and loved in a physical sense?

Sometimes it's just about intimacy and sexual needs that are not met by your partner.

u totally got the whole scenario.
they`re married for 30 years/2 children both r married. wife n her 50`s have a lot of medical dramas
b4 3 years doctor said. She s not allowed to have sexual contact anymore.
Wife asked for a divorce for this reason but he didnot leave her.
They r living together but there's a

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 06:32 AM
How can someone love you but doesn't care for you...that isn't love...coz love goes hand in hand with caring for one

believe me it happens maybe not often but its possible

lhyne36's photo
Mon 01/02/17 06:29 AM
whom u prefer


which s a better partner?
someone who love u but doesn't care for u?
someone who care for u but doesn't love u?

Depends on who I am in this scenario of choice.
Me as I am now, neither is better than being alone or finding another option.

If I was the type of person that was shopping for a relationship for my ego, my primary focus was on my career, my me space, my freedom, then the "better" partner out of those 2 choices would be someone who loves me but doesn't care for me.
If they loved me (but didn't care for me, whatever "care" means) they'd communicate it simply and clearly, if they didn't care for me their interference in my life and my priorities would be minimal, they wouldn't be all that motivated to insinuate themselves all that deeply demanding constant feedback and validation for their feelings.

If I was the type of person who was looking for like a sugar daddy, then it would be someone who cared for me but doesn't love me.
They would attempt to fill that missing "love" hole with gifts and behavior to make up for the lack of love, or to make the relationship seem more deep than it is, plus they wouldn't just rely on their "feelings" to make me happy enough to give them what they want.

very well said
thank u