Community > Posts By > DeeDee

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Sun 09/24/06 01:06 AM
Green Twinkies?....... oooouuuucccchhhh!

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Sat 09/23/06 08:39 PM
Maybe youre not the heavy metal god that she is looking for.
Or maybe she just doesnt want to deal with it.

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Thu 09/21/06 12:12 AM
COOL! I never knew that. I whipped right through it. There are some
people whose letters Ive read that would not realize that any of those
words were mispelled. LOL.

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Wed 09/20/06 10:42 PM
Just give me the cash please. I can think of a lot better things to do
with that much money than having surgery, YUCK!

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Wed 09/20/06 09:51 PM
Liljay, you just cleared up a long time mystery for me in one
sentence. Are you sure youre not a counselor? Good man! I
hope all the men arent mad at you for spilling the beans.

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Wed 09/20/06 09:41 PM
Oh my goodness. You are the worst adult speller I have ever seen. How
did you manage to get through engineering school?
I took the engineering inorganic chemistry for 2 years and would have
been lost from the beginning, Had I not been able to spell. Hope I didnt
blow your cover!
By the way I am a natural blond and have had more than my share
of fun in my life. Myself, I prefer tall dark and educated.
Good luck!

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Wed 09/20/06 09:33 PM

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Tue 09/19/06 07:57 PM
I think that there all lots of nice guys in the world. It all
depends on your definition of nice! I have known many "nice"
guys in my life, but it seems that they always have serious problems
sneaking in to ruin the nice. Such as child molesters,
alcoholics, drug addicts etc... Things that can easily be hidden
beneath the facade of a wonderful personality, good looks
money, security etc... By the time youve fallen for him you find out
all the other little disgusting secrets. I hate when
that happens! Not that Im so perfect, but I at least try to go by the

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Tue 09/19/06 01:49 AM
God has always been there for you. All you need to do is call
his name and mean it. You will know when the time is right.
God exists inside of each of us. He is very familiar with your
pain. His spirit is a part of our being and our consciousness.
God loves us unconditionally. We are here in our human form only to
learn lessons of light and love for our spiritual evolvement. God has
always been with you and will always be with you. There is nothing you
can do to get away from that.
Many people attempt to be angry and tough and hateful but sadly
our human form dies as it lives. Its called free choice.
I have sat holding the hand of many patients who are alone as
their body dies. It is a very sad thing to witness. Whereas
folks who have lived their lives with love, kindness and
generosity are surrounded by the people who love them. The only
thing that a person cares about on their death bed is who they
love and all the good that came out of that love, because ultimately
that is why we are here. As the spirit comes closer
to returning to where it came from it all becomes quite clear.
When you and I come to that point I want all the love of Gods'
spirit to be around us and within us. I know you do too. I will
pray for you.

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Mon 09/18/06 11:06 PM
You my dear, need to count your blessings! You obviously have many good
things in your life. There are sooooo many people in this world that
are worse off than you, much worse. Im not trying to discount your
feelings of hopelessness, but this life has so many wonderful things to
offer besides physical relationships with people. In your case, I think
that you will
find your special someone, if you can shake your negative attitude. I
once took care of an 800 lb lady who had a special boyfriend that loved
her very much. He cared for her lovingly
and without question as he washed her and kissed her gently.
This couple had been dating for only a couple of years. The woman had
been 800 lbs the entire time. I have had many heart
patients, including heart transplant patients (before and after surgery)
who have met and married and spent there lives with that person. Dont
ever think that there will never be anyone for you. There will be! You
are a cute girl. I know that you
have a lot to offer another human besides your health problems.
Turn to God with your woes, He will always be there for you.
Give it all to God, because it sounds like youre having trouble
handling it on your own. God will take your worries and give
you some very special things in return. Just believe with all
your heart and soul and ask the Lord to come into your life completely.
He will. I promise!

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Mon 09/18/06 08:34 PM
I think that Dave 2722 looks like a great match for you. He's a little
older, but has a lot of life experience and hopefully
knows how to treat a woman. He has raised his own children and
will have plenty of time for you and yours! Good luck cutie!

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Sun 09/10/06 01:44 AM
My neighbor has a 1942 Desoto sitting in his front yard for sale. I
have never seen a Desoto before. It looks like a huge
old fashioned PT Cruiser.

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Sat 09/09/06 12:32 PM
I think that all of you are hungry! Maybe you should eat some
yummy high protein for lunch. A big fat cheeseburger with a
chocolate milkshake to balance your blood sugar. Oh! This was
about candybars wasnt it? My favorite is Russell Stover Turtles

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Sat 09/09/06 12:16 PM
I think that all of you are hungry. You need to have some yummy
protein to balance your blood sugar. Maybe a big fat cheese burger with
lots of veggies on it with a chocolate milk shake.
oh! this was about candy bars wasnt it? My favorite is Russell
Stover Turtles with pecans. YYYYYUUUUUUUMMMMMMY!

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Sat 09/09/06 01:33 AM
I will never marry again. If I do I would lose a significant
amount retirement money. Isnt that the silliest thing you ever
heard. I know that some male CEO who was pissed off at his ex,
made that rule!

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Tue 09/05/06 01:25 AM
Henry Weinhard dark! Yuuuuuuummmmmmm!!!

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Mon 09/04/06 03:18 AM
I have a very large spider living outside on my front portch.
It looks rather like the small wooden face of a cat on its back
or a strange looking peanut in the shell. which is it? A Cat
face spider or a Peanut spider?

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Mon 09/04/06 03:05 AM
Jarvis thinks that he is not one. I havent known a man yet that
wasnt! Lol.........You have to let off steam somehow when youre
perfect. Hofefully no one will ever know.

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Sun 09/03/06 12:45 PM
I am wondering why you would be curious about this. Are you doing

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Sun 09/03/06 02:35 AM
I think that a lot of men shy away from a woman who is educated,
intelligent, independent and strong. Does a woman being in a
powerful position intimidate you?