Community > Posts By > madmax2588

madmax2588's photo
Mon 09/07/15 05:43 AM

Absolutely, physical human contact is extremely important for all people!

You took the words out of my mouth. Just because we are middle aged does not mean we do not wish to be desired, wanted, loved and admired. Age is only a number. Whether we are 50 or 30, we are still normal human beings with normal feelings. These days, women over 50 are still very sexually active and....
They said on a TV show I think it was the Drs. that sex was good for you and could help keep you young,the problem is finding someone to do it with either as friends or to start a relationship that may evolve into a long term relationship or marriage.I'm 63 and would love to have sex 2 or more times a week,wish a Dr. could write prescription for it and their was a place to fill it and was covered in your

madmax2588's photo
Thu 07/02/15 07:28 AM

All my friends :heart:
Wish you lived closer and was my friend,I'd kiss you but would you want to kiss me! :smile:

madmax2588's photo
Thu 07/02/15 07:24 AM
I don't know but sure there are a few,but who would want to kiss me? Open to offers!! lol

madmax2588's photo
Thu 07/02/15 07:10 AM
I go for a walk up the rail road tracks going out of town that follows the river and has lots of trees around and maybe some wild animals like bears and maybe a wild cat or other cats,no homes around close by that can see through the trees but I only go about a mile or so,I go because it's a nice walk on flat ground (tracks) and I never meet any one,I'm a nudist so it's also a great place for me to be nude out in the open with a little sun shinning on my body,it feels great! But do have to watch for trains even though they don't travel much on these tracks since the coal business has dropped but a passenger train goes by now and then and you can't always depend on hearing them coming but most of the time you can.Sometimes you can see people boating but they can't see me but it wouldn't mater to me if they did but I still try not to let them see me because of how some non-nudist see and treat nudist.If you've never tried it you should,maybe just in your home with the curtains closed.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:55 AM

And a few people I spoke to here on the phone but their names are my business.
I looked at your profile and you at lease have some info posted,some have profiles that match but diff. pictures and states.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:52 AM

I read a long thread on here not long ago about why people should not use Skype.
I don't have skype,don't think I need it.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:47 AM
Got to go so everyone have a great day and be careful!

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:46 AM

Don't forget the young prostitutes who tell you a fake profession...then it turns into Well..I also do contract work. "What do you mean?"

And this is after you tell them your interests, but they've told you none, and then they have requested a full name and address. Who knows? You'd have to be a moron! Prostitutes or are they thieves? laugh
lol that's for sure,I don't give out too much info,I was told that you shouldn't post you birthday or home on any sites.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:45 AM
They need a like or dislike button on here lol

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:43 AM

I just warn, be very, very careful. The pretty young girl may be no girl at all scared Personally only look for my age or older, my preference cuts down on a lot of stress smile2
Yes I know you have to be careful and thank you for warning me,I have young female friends but they are just friends and wouldn't pick any young girls for friends unless they can prove who they are or we meet,yes women near my age are great to be friends with and will even be friends with some older as friends,not a bad thing having more friends but I let them ask me to be friends

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:36 AM

So many scammers on here it's unreal. I thought I was pretty savvy but some are very good. Not just married guys or guys with old pics but real scammers pretending to be in love with you and coming up with sob stories resulting in the inevitable request for money. A lot of fake soldiers which really disgusts me. I wonder if there's any honest men left!
Yes there are good men out there,I believe I'm one maybe that's why I'm still single after two divorces,good divorces where we are still friend,and if anyone on here was my friend on FB they would know,I just don't ask anyone out because I don't have a lot of money to spend (and no I don't ask anyone for money lol) so I can't do much,if I meet someone and get to talking might try to get them to go for a ride on my motorcycle or go eat someplace or just get together to talk or play cards or do something,not cheap,just on a fixed income.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:28 AM

This place if over flowing with scammers, fakes, liars... you name it. Then to deal with being bothered by people who remove their photo, and still others that age that is stated much younger than the photo. I get so angry it's not funny. These things happen on all dating sites. You can also google their message to see it's a standard quote used by scammers already reported and documented on the internet. If that is not enough you can use google image search and see where else that photo is found.. often stolen from an honest person. I just continue to block, read the forums and go about my daily routine. Good luck, and stay safe. Back to my coffee now drinker
lol,thank you for your comments,the one girl is from a place near me in her 20's and one blew me a kiss,she is in her 30's but still might be fake and everytime I get on here they are online lol.I can be friends with any age and may even go out with some in their 30's but feel women in their 20's would be too young for anything more then just being friends.

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:20 AM
I have a couple friends that are friends with me on facebook but never met in person.How would be the best way to prove you're real? Post a picture with today's paper with the date showing?To get certified on truenudists you have to post a nude and clothed picture of your self,on here or any site I don't know?As for me I don't know if anyone would make up a fake profile looking like me lol.You wouldn't have any or much luck getting a woman! lol

madmax2588's photo
Wed 07/01/15 07:05 AM
I don't know if this is a new topic but I've seen where 3 younger women in their 20's and 30's have checked out my profile and I don't have any problems being friends with the younger women but when I checked their profiles out they were all the same,diff. pictures but info was the same,bald hair,no answer on most of their profile so what I'd like to know is is there a good way to see if they are fake or not? I'd hate to report anyone that was real and didn't want to put too much info out there but figure most will be fake.Is there a way to report them? thank you and have a wonderful day!

madmax2588's photo
Thu 09/27/12 05:46 PM

I have a great sex drive,just can't find a woman that likes sex as much as I do!Maybe I'm just not sexy enough!

Or maybe the women you are dating aren't smart enough to know a good thing when they have it. bigsmile
Thanks for your comment.

madmax2588's photo
Thu 09/27/12 05:43 PM
I'm not dating anyone right now,I guess no one wants me! Thanks for your comment!

madmax2588's photo
Tue 09/25/12 01:35 PM
I have a great sex drive,just can't find a woman that likes sex as much as I do!Maybe I'm just not sexy enough!

madmax2588's photo
Mon 08/27/12 06:09 AM
Sounds good to me!! But please practice safe sex!Wrap that rascal! LOL, Now I don't know if it's the way things are now but maybe it's like the college girl that didn't have time to date so she just had sex when she wanted it,like a friend with benefits.If you're looking for a LTR make it clear when you go out on that first but if you just want sex go for it,what ever makes you happy.I went out with a lady that smoked and told her I was looking for a non smoker but would have her as a friend and she was ok with that and on the second date we had sex and it was great,we're still friends but not having sex,she's dating someone else.So do what you want until the right person comes along.Have fun!

madmax2588's photo
Wed 02/01/12 01:49 PM

comic books, ive been collecting since i was 12.
I have lots of comic books that I'm thinking of selling in the next few months,what kind do you like,Superman,Spider-Man,I have DC and Marvel.

madmax2588's photo
Tue 09/13/11 09:53 AM

Dammit, it's not my age that's the problem. It's my height.grumble

Not those inches!
LOL,that's good!

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