Community > Posts By > LIlPImp

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:08 PM
i have a medum fear of hights but i still go on roller costers and stuff yea is fun i think im the only one that gets scaird like the want when the make them u knw wat i mean im not ever sure that made sence 2 me

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:04 PM

alright on a real note the people that couldnt read it it says that about 55% of people could read this and u guys r the first ppl that i knw that cant actuly read this it dont mean ur stupid or nothing

HEY ive got proof i can read i typed it all out apart from one word. why was i the only one noway noway noway

wait a min i wuznt pointing any one out i wuz just lettin the ppl that cant read it knw that only 55% of ppl can

sorry, i thought you were asking us to type it, me silly, sowwy flowerforyou flowerforyou blushing blushing

iz ok just a simple misunderstangin were human it happens

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:00 PM

Deep Water
Bees, hornets, wasps or just any flying insect.. including butterflies.
Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists
Public restrooms

Ok i got 2 agree on u with the dentist there evil with there drills and suckin tubes and ****

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:56 PM

alright on a real note the people that couldnt read it it says that about 55% of people could read this and u guys r the first ppl that i knw that cant actuly read this it dont mean ur stupid or nothing

HEY ive got proof i can read i typed it all out apart from one word. why was i the only one noway noway noway

wait a min i wuznt pointing any one out i wuz just lettin the ppl that cant read it knw that only 55% of ppl can

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:54 PM
Ok guys and gals wats ur Biggest Phobia mines spiders i hate those 8 legged freaks the give me the chills ever time i c 1

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:47 PM
alright on a real note the people that couldnt read it it says that about 55% of people could read this and u guys r the first ppl that i knw that cant actuly read this it dont mean ur stupid or nothing

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:40 PM
wait u guys could read this u guys r just wierd cuz on one i knw can

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:37 PM
if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

LIlPImp's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:06 PM
i all ways make the first move well there wuz this one time i got askd out it wuz kinda weird

LIlPImp's photo
Tue 07/29/08 11:02 PM
Biteing my neck biteing is soooo funbigsmile

LIlPImp's photo
Mon 07/28/08 05:11 AM
dont u just hate that i even when on a hike 2 day i thought i would sleep good but no i dont really have that full moon prob tho

LIlPImp's photo
Mon 07/28/08 05:09 AM
damn i havent had it that bad i like 2 months i feel ur pain

LIlPImp's photo
Mon 07/28/08 05:05 AM
cant sleep this sux im bored some one entertain me or talk 2 me something

LIlPImp's photo
Sun 07/27/08 11:28 PM
you knw iz no fun if everyone gets them right off the batsad

LIlPImp's photo
Sun 07/27/08 11:22 PM
thers 2 fathers and 2 sons and 3 cars how do u divide them up evenly so everyone gets there own car????

LIlPImp's photo
Sun 07/27/08 11:16 PM
godsmack time bomb

Heres one 4 u guys

I wish I was free of this
I see her in my dreams
Wish that she wasn't there
But she still haunts me and

LIlPImp's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:58 AM

Come on guys have a lil gamer pride i think we could take them

True dat!!!

We'll find out when the zombies start coming after us.

Just so you know....when they start to chase us...I am gonna trip you. LOL

well ill make sure ur the first persion i shoot when u become a zombie LOLlaugh

LMAO!!! Fair enough! drinker

We would sooooooo make a good team aginst the zombiesdrinker

LIlPImp's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:52 AM

Come on guys have a lil gamer pride i think we could take them

True dat!!!

We'll find out when the zombies start coming after us.

Just so you know....when they start to chase us...I am gonna trip you. LOL

well ill make sure ur the first persion i shoot when u become a zombie LOLlaugh

LIlPImp's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:48 AM
Come on guys have a lil gamer pride i think we could take them

LIlPImp's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:45 AM
Theres 3 guys walkin through a desterted plain when one of them spots a house the walk up and knock on the womans door and ask her if they can stay the night and the woman replys yes u can stay in the shed out back but dont eat my cherrys.So the men are siting in the shed when man one says u knw im gettin hungry and man 2 says me 2 lets go pick some cherrys from the garden but man 3 says no the woman said dont eat the cherrys but the two ignord him.The next day as they are leaveing the woman comes out with a shotgun and says i thought i told u not to eat my cherrys and takes them back to the garden and tells them to pick 100 of any fruit.Well man 1 comes back with 100 grapes and the woman says shove them all up ur ass the man says no and the woman chocks the shotgun and points it at him and he starts but evertime he gets 2 25 he laughs so hard they all fall out and it keeps happing well finaly he get them all up there and guy 2 shows up with oranges and the same thing happens expet everytime he gets to 50 they all fall out well he finaly gets them up there and there both on the ground laughing and the woman gets pissed and asks whats so funny and the both say guy 3s over there picking watermelons