Topic: Cherrys???????? (Long)
LIlPImp's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:45 AM
Theres 3 guys walkin through a desterted plain when one of them spots a house the walk up and knock on the womans door and ask her if they can stay the night and the woman replys yes u can stay in the shed out back but dont eat my cherrys.So the men are siting in the shed when man one says u knw im gettin hungry and man 2 says me 2 lets go pick some cherrys from the garden but man 3 says no the woman said dont eat the cherrys but the two ignord him.The next day as they are leaveing the woman comes out with a shotgun and says i thought i told u not to eat my cherrys and takes them back to the garden and tells them to pick 100 of any fruit.Well man 1 comes back with 100 grapes and the woman says shove them all up ur ass the man says no and the woman chocks the shotgun and points it at him and he starts but evertime he gets 2 25 he laughs so hard they all fall out and it keeps happing well finaly he get them all up there and guy 2 shows up with oranges and the same thing happens expet everytime he gets to 50 they all fall out well he finaly gets them up there and there both on the ground laughing and the woman gets pissed and asks whats so funny and the both say guy 3s over there picking watermelons