Community > Posts By > MainMan

MainMan's photo
Sun 02/24/08 10:14 AM
actually in some circles science IS deemed to be a religion! anyway you are all wrong! studies in quantum mechanics and partical physics definitely suggest the existence of an omnipresent being.

I think you are confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is the use of the concept of a God to foster intellectual control over humanity, spirituality is the pursuit for the accention to GOD

myself i believe in GOD in a sense....I believe the whole universe is the sentient being we call GOD,an organism, if u will, made of matter and space, and he lives vicariously through us. We are a part of him, so is everything, quantum mechanics shows us this. the world around us is; infinite possibilities, and without an observer it stays in this state, but once there is an observation made, the possibilities solidify and create physical substance. The world literally is what u think it is.

MainMan's photo
Sun 02/24/08 09:29 AM
Edited by MainMan on Sun 02/24/08 09:41 AM
Yup thats it! A few guys living in sand houses who hardly knew how to fly circumvented the US Air defense system NORAD, which the government spent trillions of dollars on, and spends trillions on every year (USA defense budget is more than our WHOLE countries' budget here in CANADA) so a "Pearl Harbor Event" like.....say 9/11 would never take place again! Stop drinking the tap water man its fluoridated and it causes brain damage! if u actually believe this you might as well walk over to los alamos and get a chip implant now!

lets look at probability:
here is an easy 1. No hi-rise building has ever collapsed from fire! how probable is it then that the trade centers, which were built to withstand hurricanes, tornadoes, and missile attacks both collapsed! the same way! from a small hole in the side caused by a plane?!?! oh the fires u say the fires burn't so hot it melted the superstructure and pancaked the building just exactly like a controlled building demolition, I say BS! dammit there are pictures showing people standing in the hole the plane made for GODS sake man get your heads out of your asses and demand accountability for your country men's lives!!!

MainMan's photo
Sun 02/24/08 09:17 AM
get a life...if you have no terrists have no reason to worry about getting listened tooo...i think people are so narrow mimded when it comes to 911 and 3,00 people getting killed...we did nothing to deserve that....(NOTHING)to me that was war declared on us..and we have every right to protect our people...and a viet nam vet...i got spit on and cursed...for that war...i was doing what i was told as a soldier...and if i was younger i would be in iraq..peace peaple...and people that are afraid of fighting to save us...and our country need to go find another country to live in...for you shre dont appreciate the freedom and people that gave up there lifes so you can sit on your ass and complain....
Good grief. With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?

U get a life man! you are the stupid one, almost dying for what u think is ideals to protect freedom, when all along it is all a big ruse to control people and gain power not for americans but a few elite select. 9/11 was an inside job there is plenty of proof on the internet a blind man can see! When u admit this u will understand the terrorist is the current administration and not al-keida....did u even watch "farenheight 9/11" did u see the soldiers kicking in peoples doors and dragging people off with no explanation or sympathy for the family who resided there. U American soldiers are the REAL terrorists! But I don't blame u, it's not your fault u don't have a mind of your own.

MainMan's photo
Sun 02/24/08 06:13 AM
well by the posts b4 me I guess this is not a room for intellectual discussion. wow this many yrs on earth and these are the meager thoughts in your minds? I figured by 30-40 something u people would have something extraordinary to share, or at least something interesting!Pathetic here check out this link it should get u talking.......

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:42 AM
ya man it was a total kraze back then i remember Mik J with long frizzy james heitfield

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:37 AM
Edited by MainMan on Tue 02/19/08 05:39 AM
i see in yer pic u still got "the hair" man!!! i cut mine off in 2000 but had it down to my azz for 20 yrs! yeah i had the BonJovi look did anyone mention him......"slipery when wet" 6th best selling album of all time!

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:35 AM
wow! dude...did u ever think about writing for like "rolling stone magazine" or something....that was brilliant!

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:28 AM
Edited by MainMan on Tue 02/19/08 05:29 AM
wow "halloween" totaly forgot about them...they had a few gooders.
didn't they do "ghostbusters"?

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:26 AM
tell me more.... i need ideas i gots like 10 new songs now in my collection

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:20 AM
YUP! rollin up a fatty and gonna listen too "Number of the Beast" iron maiden

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:17 AM
kewl .....the memmories i got "school daze" am listening to it now!!!! ROCK ON!

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:15 AM
" i wanna be somebody" was their biggest hit i think....

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:09 AM
Edited by MainMan on Tue 02/19/08 05:11 AM
how bout this...i'm not sure if they were metal but i member an old song "i want to **** u like an animal" who did that 1?

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:08 AM
kewl u guys gave me some good ideas dloading a shiet load of wasp right does anyone remember RATT?

MainMan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 04:58 AM
middle school?!?! wow u r young! My first rock song was Led Zep "whole lotta love" my dad bought it for me when the album came out in like '78 or '79 i think.i remember listening to "dirty deeds" when it first came out. I was like 14. best song ever...back then. I've been to every Judas Priest concert in Edmonton and every Motley Crue concert as well....only missed "Turbo" because my ride turned in the wrong way into the parking lot and hit a chain across that we listened to the concert from outside, while we waited for the tow truck!

MainMan's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:49 AM
thank you for proving my point

MainMan's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:41 AM
OMG! did u come up with that all by yourself or did ya google it!

MainMan's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:26 AM
don't worry manwich u are getting such rebellion because u put it on
here...if it was on a billbord outside by the beach where there are
women u might get a more positive response, here there are only the
trolls that hang out @ their computer all day, eat and drink alot of
coffee and sit ALONE!
Oh and ps joyce ...u r not all that as far as i can see.I really dont
think u have as many #'s as u say!

MainMan's photo
Thu 06/07/07 02:59 AM
are u people like 12, i see alot of maturity here.......oh btw thats