Community > Posts By > Chad116pz

Chad116pz's photo
Sat 10/13/07 10:08 PM
The truth is, no matter what any of your close friends and family say, ( or whoever your confidant is ) you will make your own decisions, regardless if they are actually good for you in the long run or not. We can all throw opinions out there but how can any of us give you good advice? We don't know you or all of the intricacies of your relationship and there are two sides to every story.


Chad116pz's photo
Fri 10/12/07 08:13 PM
If you are into camping the AZ is a great state to live in as well. Warm in the valley but when you drive up North the heat drops off and you are fine. Cold nights, warm campfires and all that...I better knock it off, I can't have the women on here thinking I'm romantic and all that. I'm gonna go do sum offroadin, shoot sumthin, git all durty, use bad language, get drunk, do sum more off roadin, shoot cute little bunnies, eatem' hmmmm, did I say drink beer? whew, that was close.

Chad116pz's photo
Thu 10/11/07 06:13 PM
Cozumel...warm, crystal clear water, relaxing on the beach, taking the sub down to 300ft, snorkeling, the Mayan ruins ( take bug repellent, mosquitoes are fierce once you get inland ) dinners then back to the hotel....Yea, that one I would like to go back too.

Chad116pz's photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:10 PM
I just try to have patience with driving. It did get frustrating back when I used to have to drive through it. So, since it looks like the singles meeting is a bust, what else is there to talk about? What's everyone here do???ooops, maybe I shouldn't ask that in an open forum. What's everyone drive??? Na, too materialistic and highschoolish. I've got nothing right now, anyone else?

Chad116pz's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:24 PM
Do you work at the Marine Corp Air Station down there Ten? I'd like to get a Gov. contract to fly OPFOR there. Yea..I know, good luck with that. I'll have to agree with you being exiled from civilization. That's a town you pass through on your way to the beach in San Diego, basically, just gas and go.

Chad116pz's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:17 PM
Yea, gave it a shot, what can you do? Oh, well.

Chad116pz's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:47 AM

I'm starting to think that you may be right. It seemed like a simple enough idea. I'm gonna have to agree that people are simply not interested in a singles meeting. The other thing is that there probably isn't enough people in my area that are on this website.


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:30 PM

The little R-22 I trained in only cost about $200 per hour if you rent it. The one I got is bigger, eats more fuel. Yea, you got it right.


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:25 AM

I apologize if I made it sound like I was pressuring you or anyone to attend this singles meeting at Chili's. I think me and HotnSpicy were simply commenting on the difficulty of people here in the valley to get into what should be a safe and simple get together. Going to another state for meeting was not the idea, it was getting people here in the East Valley together for a simple fun way to meet new people. If no one feels the spark thing but they at least have a good time and make some new friends then it would have still been a success. If a couple of people get together and everything seems to be good at first and then one or the other turns out to be a complete psycho with stalking and restraining orders flying every which way, then I cannot be held responsible so let's get that disclaimer out right now...whew, glad we had this talk.


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:07 AM
I'm not doing this event unless there is around 4-6 per side so there's 6 more to go unless I can talk you into driving down here to Chandler Hot&spicy ( can I get a first name?) which would bring me down to 5 more people to find ( which is of course on the assumption that they don't flake out and actually show up ). people are difficult.

As far as the Helo goes, it carries 469 gallons at $3.11 per gallon of Jet A ( fuel type ) and it burns 240 gallons per hour.....I wish I could fill it for $300. O.K. I'm sounding too pathetic, it is fun and any price is a good price if you are willing to pay it.


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:00 AM
I'm not a fan of traffic but when you have good company its not so bad driving in it.

Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:45 AM
I love it here. Heat and all. You all have fun shoveling the snow out of your driveways during the winter. Yea, it gets hot but no big deal, jump in the chopper, fly up to Flagstaff, maybe put a few coolers in the back, fly up to Heber, land in a meadow, go camping for the weekend, fly back down feeling relaxed.


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:31 AM
Hey! That's one. Thanks ShagnaC!

Hot&Spicy Thanks for keeping a seat warm for me. I suppose a trip up to Prescott wouldn't be that bad. I'm not sure about promising dinners and free beer down here. If fact, I'm thinking no...well, maybe the McDonalds, it's all I can afford. As for the candle, one of those birthday cake sized candles and they only last about a minute so we have about that long for a romantic setting....


Chad116pz's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:47 AM
Yea, I forgot about the qualifications. Maybe when I said semi-formal/ business casual that cut out 90% of the people. No ex-cons either, that's gonna knock off a few more percentage points as well. I'll have to agree on that one. Maybe I'm setting the qualifications too high? Here's another one for you...No drug users either. Looks like I'll be sitting at the table by myself (haha).


Chad116pz's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:14 PM

I've gotten e-mails but no one has come out and said," Chad, give me a date and I'll see if I can make it". One can only guess as to why. Could be my cologne, who knows.....


Chad116pz's photo
Fri 10/05/07 05:43 PM
I have a helicopter to feed....maybe a number 1 at McDonalds, it's about all I can afford after buying fuel for it. I'll ask the manager to dim the lights and I'll bring a candle with me. Don't supersize it though because I can't afford that.


Chad116pz's photo
Fri 10/05/07 12:57 PM
BayAreaGal ( since you are not giving up your first name ) Car, clear skin and designer jeans? What are the requirements today? Hmmm...Now you have to be difficult and want the guy to have little things like financial security, owns home, car, clear skin and designer jeans? Just yoking with ya.


Chad116pz's photo
Fri 10/05/07 10:53 AM
Well....since we are on the philosophical part of dating. I have to see someone when they are at their worst before I can really make a decision ( and a big decision that is ) to go the distance with them ( and never mind all of the other variables mixed in with that ). You are right, we will all have our best foot forward on a first date. This was so much easier in high school when all you needed was a cool car.


Chad116pz's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:49 PM
You may be right but I did get a few private messages about people interested. I do understand how difficult dating can be. We've all had our less than pleasant dating experiences. I was thinking that this would be a good way to get past all the e-mails and long phone conversations. Spending a lot of time on those gives you one impression of a person, then you finally meet and it turns out they were nothing like what you expected. As BayAreaGal pointed out, if people are not enjoying themselves they can simply leave. At the very least, some new friends will be made and that has to be a good thing.


Chad116pz's photo
Thu 10/04/07 02:20 PM
Well, I'm thinking maybe calling a local Chili's and setting something up with them in their bar. The one on Gilbert Road and Pecos is the one I have in mind ( thanks for the idea BayAreaGal ). It's right off the loop 202 across from the Chandler Airport. Once there is enough interest I'll set it up, we'll get them to reserve some tables for us and there we go. Again, regardless of what other people are wearing, let's go semi-formal, business casual. We want nice people, no drug dealers, criminals, psychopaths and crazy stalking types. Just meet and have a good time. We all know what a pain in the rear dating can be, I hope this will put some fun back in it without the worries.

Hotandspicy, yea, it could be a little drive for spending a few hours at a Chili's but it could also be a lot of fun just meeting new people. Tell you what, I'll buy the appetizers for everyone.


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