Community > Posts By > SgtBilly

SgtBilly's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:56 PM
Right 79 million worth ill

SgtBilly's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:48 PM

I have the flu and feel like total crap!tears

im sorry u have flu hope u feel better soon

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 11:55 AM

Welcome to the sight!

I have dated a man in a wheel chair also a vet so it's not the wheelchair that makes the man it's who he is not how he gets around.

But whether it be size, height, hair color, skin color, etc there are always going to be people who will automatically judge or bias their opinion based of exterior qualities.

Not everyone is like that there are those who see the person for who they are and the other stuff is all just details

Good Luck

:heart: flowerforyou

Thank you for your post and i agree! smile
p.s. luv the flowers but what does the heart mean?

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 11:38 AM
My answer is God but its taken so i wil say; faithful

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:33 AM

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:07 AM
i like peacebiggrin

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:00 AM

Children. That is a subject in which stands to be a difficult one. Meaning only this, it is not the child you are dating. Children are meant to be considered with a full, protective heart for they are the innocent ones.

If you are having difficult in deciding on a date because they have children, then it may be that they are not ready for you, or you for them.

The real answer to this question is, "Are you ready"? If the sparks fly, you find yourself smiling and desiring to be with the mother/father who has raised the beat of your heart, then and only then shall the children be a matter to the both of you.

Children have to deal with their world in an upside down view when they see their world changing and one parent is not there for them, or a parent who is absent in their home. It is what they began with and what they believed to be right. And no longer is. What of their hearts pain?

I raised two beautiful daughters as a single dad and that was not an easy task. Many challenges are there for us as single parents, and they are not easy when you so deeply desire to have what is missing as the other half to share the joys, the anguish, the dreams and all the tears from the mending that becomes a part of going the next step.

There is so much more to consider when children are a major part of dreams desired by us as parents. We are the ones they look up to and it is we who they depend on in doing what is right. That leaves us in another issue. The protective shield we place over our hearts. I'm sure you all know what I mean on this one. (Hint) The ones who use our children and the love we have for them as a tool of deceit.

Many Blessings,

DIDO! i agree smile

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:44 AM

I could date a man in a wheelechair only if I didn't have to be his care giver.


SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:38 AM

Please give an honest opinion ive been in two wars you cant hurt my feelings just looking for answers smile! Thank you for your view how ever you may feel negative or positive smile!

Hi Sgt Billy,
If a girl cant see past your disability then she aint worth knowing, at the end of the day its your personality and how sweet of heart you are that attracts a person to another.
Sadly society judges us by how thin/fat capable/incapable white/black straight/gay we are and thats just shallow because there are some great people out there you guys with tunnel vision should look harder.
Good look in your search Billy and if you want to chat please feel free to do so and God bless you. Anna x


SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:36 AM

I've dated both a quad & a, the answer is yes...flowerforyou


SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:35 AM

At the risk of being called a shallow b!tch here I will give you honesty...
First if I were to fall in love with a man nothing would stop me from being with him..I don't care if he is purple and has no limbs at all...
As gyspy said sex is an important part of a relationship and I would not want to be in one where that is lacking.
Also I have raised 3 boys for many years alone in every sense of the word. They are grown young men now an I feel now is my time. I put my own needs, dreams and desires on hold to take care of them. I am not so sure if I would want to spend this part of my life having to continue to be a constant caregiver. It has been a huge bag of bricks of my back to have them come to an age where I can do more for me. Selfish..maybe. I have dedicated 25 years to them and now want to put some energy into me..
However, with limited information on your situation this is only a guideline for myself. I am an open minded person and would be open to all possibilities.


SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:34 AM

I actually did date a man in a wheelchair once. He left me for a stripper grumble

im so sorry!!! he must have been ungreatful of you.

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:32 AM

It's what is in the heart that matters. flowerforyou

AND THAT IS THE TRUTH! SMILE Thank for the flowers! smile

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:19 AM
A FRIEND MUST LOVE YOU (in all aspects)! a friend is real with you period! willing to tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly about situations in ones life and at the same time be there to share those happy special times.

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 12:49 AM

Thank you modela :banana: YES WE ARE smile

i had several uncles that served the war
i had one uncle that was in the korean war
im not sure about the other uncle
and i have a great cousin that is still in the miltary as well of his own son. and my other cousin is retired from the navy but he works full time in the kitchen as a chief

we had a family reunion last summer in 2008
and there were picture he had shown us the troops in iraq build a building in his name

wow how cool about the building! we need to keep all of my bothers in prayer

Or for that matter, could you men date a woman in a wheelchair? Open ended question. Time is running, and you're maturity and intelligence is on the clock. My self, I would say, doesn't matter. If she's in a wheelchair, black, white, asian, hispanic, arab, native american, doesn't matter, wow me with your personality. Please tell me that anger is not your fallback emotion. If you're a kinred spirit, I don't really care if you have no limbs, 2 or 4.

i agree with this person doesnt matter to me if the woman is the one in the chair smile its the connection that counts

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 12:05 AM

Thank you modela :banana: YES WE ARE smile

i had several uncles that served the war
i had one uncle that was in the korean war
im not sure about the other uncle
and i have a great cousin that is still in the miltary as well of his own son. and my other cousin is retired from the navy but he works full time in the kitchen as a chief

we had a family reunion last summer in 2008
and there were picture he had shown us the troops in iraq build a building in his name

wow how cool about the building! we need to keep all of my bothers in prayer

SgtBilly's photo
Wed 10/07/09 12:02 AM

Hell ya I would! Then I could get one also and be taught all those neat tricks. Maybe we couldn't go jogging or roller blading, but we could have wheelchair races. In a busy mall. That'd be fun! "Beatcha to (insert store name here). Winner buys for the loser! What're they gonna do -- throw us out?

Being in a wheelchair only prevents you from maybe doing some of the old things you used to do, but what about all the new stuff? Riding a horse or motorcycle is not impossible. Intimacy is not impossible.

A bad attitude disables able-bodied ppl in more ways than you can imagine.


rofl rofl rofl ooo you kill me milie my stomach hurts and i will beat you too so get ready to pay up lol, and so true bout bad attitudeill

No fair! You've had a lot more practise than me. Just gimme a couple of months and then we'll see who buys!drinker

ok lol no problem 90 days thats it lol

SgtBilly's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:57 PM

Please give an honest opinion ive been in two wars you cant hurt my feelings just looking for answers smile! Thank you for your view how ever you may feel negative or positive smile!
I had the opportunity to once and I had to decline.....I know it sounds mean but nope sorry. I got my reasons.

Please share your reasons if you can if not all just one or two please this well help me understand the thinking in some minds furthermore, thank you so much for your honesty!!! smile
I like sex too much.....

lol ME TOO!!!!
well the last guy in a wheelchair who wanted to date me couldnt soooooooooooo......

im so sorry to hear that! but im just saying although im in the chair with the right woman love can be made. is there any other reason gypsy41?

SgtBilly's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:33 PM

Please give an honest opinion ive been in two wars you cant hurt my feelings just looking for answers smile! Thank you for your view how ever you may feel negative or positive smile!
I had the opportunity to once and I had to decline.....I know it sounds mean but nope sorry. I got my reasons.

Please share your reasons if you can if not all just one or two please this well help me understand the thinking in some minds furthermore, thank you so much for your honesty!!! smile
I like sex too much.....

lol ME TOO!!!!

SgtBilly's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:28 PM

I think people should be looked at as people not "the man in the wheelchair" or "the blind girl"..I'd give a chance to any woman if she was my type even if she was deaf, I would learn sign language to talk to her..I feel if everyone had the same attitude and open mindness, the world would be a much better place.. Love always,
Your friend,
Thank you safina i agree you do what you have to do to be with the one you love smilehappy

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